
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, February 1, 2013


MANY shop operators in Kota Kinabalu City had approached the KK MP Office on the issue that they are puzzled over whether that they need to apply for a special license to sell CNY goods in front of their shops.

KK MP Hiew King Cheu had made enquiry to the DBKK who is in charge of the licensing and permits for this extended special CNY booths, and the answer given, it is not necessary. The shop operators have only need to apply and pay for the car parking spaces required for the extra booths that is in front of their shops. No extra license is required because it is already included in the original license of the shop concerned.
Hiew hopes DBKK can assist the people in what ever way to make the CNY happy and prosperous. The small businesses are hoping to use this festive period to make some money especially during this bad economy outlook.

The sales of the CNY goods have not pick up, and the sale of goods has not pick up. “It is hard time for many people”, the shoppers told the KK MP Hiew during his CNY walkabout in the City.

They hope after the PRU13, with a new government setting in, the situation will improve. Hiew replied that it is the will of many people to see a new government, and from the way how the people using the common saying “INI KALI LAH” everyway, we can tell it is not long to go now.

KK MP Hiew said it is CNY time and he hope every one can enjoy the festive joy and the holiday. It is not only the Chinese people but it is for every one irrespective of race and religion. He is happy to see that the people in the country can share the occasion in harmony and respect, especially in Sabah.

MP Hiew advices all those who have to drive long distances back to their home towns, be very careful on the road because the bad road condition is not safe and very dangerous especially at night. A pot hole can cause disaster to the car and drivers, drive carefully and safely, no need to rush.

The government did not bother to maintain our road properly therefore the people suffer the most. They pay the contract “handsomely”, but yet the people suffered. This is bad management on the part of the government, it is time in the PRU13 to change the bad BN managers and replace them with better PR managers.

MP Hiew said this CNY will not be celebrated by him as usual, because this CNY period will be fully used for the election campaign run. On the 1st day of the CNY (10th February), he will be in Ranau and Keningau with Datuk Seri Anwar and coming back at night to KK to attend the PKR CNY dinner in the Putra Theatre.

The campaign run will continue through out the CNY period, with the DAP CNY open house set on the 12th February at SM Kian Kok and the open house on the 17th February at the KKIP shops (Salut Commercial Centre), both function starts from 10am to 2pm. All are welcome.

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