
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, February 22, 2013

55 Years experience of Living under UMNO Tyranny is the only qualfication we need to oust UMNO!

Rekod Um-Noooooooooo

Mahathir said PR will not make for a good government, because it is not qualified. 

Just what kind of qualification does anyone need to run a government the way UMNO does? a puny brain that isnt used much? I say this once again. If Najib can become PM, anyone else can.

It looks like Dr Mahathir will be lying till the day he goes to the grave. When he says the video clip that showed the crowd responding with a No when Najib asked the stupid question thrice is a fake- that confirms Mahathir is a natural when it comes to lying. He does it poker face.

The final arbiter of what is right or wrong is Mahathir. The video showing VK Linggam repeating correct, correct, correct, must be a fake because Mahathir can’t remember any part of the episode. Because its not registered in his brain, it must be by definition, a fake. It is not true then Linggam has a hand in persuading chief justices in promoting and demoting judges. 

But then, here is a poser. It follows therefore, if the first video clip where more people said no was a fake, a second video clip fabricated by UMNO owned media establishments, in response to a fake video, must also be a fake. Do two fakes make a genuine article? Only God and Mahathir know.

Since everything UMNO does must now be sanctioned, screened and sanitized by Mahathir, Dr Mahathir now serves as UMNO’s spiritual adviser. Mahathir’s primary function is to serve as chief spin doctor for UMNO nowadays.While Nik Aziz functions to set his party on the straight and narrow, Mahathir serves to place UMNO on the road to perdition.

He advises Deepak to seek justice through our judicial system only to encourage Deepak to write an open letter. The letter sets out in detail the money trail that leads to the number one. Here is a trader accusing the PM and his family of corruption. The PM does not respond in anyway. So how do we wage against corruption when the money has gone up to number one? That was the question posed by Daim 2 years ago.

In Singapore the whole weight of the legal complex will come crushing down on Deepak if he were to do what he did here over there in Singapore. By staying silent, Najib thinks that is an honourable stance. It only serves to reinforce people’s assumption of guilt on the part of Najib.  Because this is no ordinary accusation. The accusations clearly imply Najib is a corrupt person. His honour has been stained and dirtied in public.

Why does Mahathir come out in support for Najib? His motives can only originate from a reservoir of fear and dread. Mahathir does what he does because it’s a matter of self-preservation. Mahathir’s survival instincts have overtaken all sense of rationality. Mahathir fears for himself and more so for the future of his children who got rich not entirely through merits. We shall show later, Mahathir’s children and those of other UMNO leaders got rich precisely because of the inherently wrong policies which Mahathir and UMNO implement. The policies of which our accumulated experience spontaneously reject. 

What qualification do we need to oust and replace UMNO? For now, our accumulated experience of living under 55 years of UMNO rule is sufficient to qualify us to take over UMNO and BN. the rest are just technical,  easily learnt and applied.

Deepak’s rejection of our judicial system represents our collective revolt against a judiciary made wimpy by Mahathir himself.  So Mahathir is the last person on earth to advise people to seek redress from an emasculated judiciary. Why should Deepak place his trust on a rotten system where judges get elevated by a drunkard lawyer doing the bidding of a former bank clerk turned into billionaire? The same billionaire was created by Mahathir. In any case, why should anyone listen to someone who advises people to be friends with the devil they know than angels they don’t. Would any parents advise their children to be friends with bad hats?

When Mahathir stated that he didn’t think Pakatan can rule as he does not think they have the experience- just what kind of experience does he mean? Certainly PR has not got the experience of plundering and pillaging the country’s coffers.

Sila komen ... Samada Yesssssssssss atau Nooooooooooooo
Indeed our accumulated experience formed as a result of UMNO’s misrule over 55 years has sharpened our revulsion to any kind of tyranny. Our accumulated experience is the only qualification  we need to overthrow UMNO by democratic means. We, the people must now speak out!

Posted by sakmongkol AK47

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