
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 25, 2013

Awang Adek -"Pakcik, makcik, adik kakak, mungkin tersalah dengar soalan saya tadi"...

Lain lubuk lain ikan, lain Menteri lain ragam! Pagi itu tanggal 24 Februari 2013, langit Pengkalan Chepa redup, cuaca kurang panas, tapi khalayak yang memenuhi dewan Sekolah Menengah Beris Pancur dari jam delapan pagi sehingga lewat sore keluh kesah seperti orang kepanasan. 

Sebahagiannya bertindak bangun duduk, keluar masuk, mundar mandir seperti orang keresahan kerana menunggu keretapi yang tak kunjung tiba. Kalau tidak kerana sesuatu yang amat berharga bakal diterima pagi itu, pasti tiada siapa sanggup menunuggu sehingga lebih lima jam hari bekerja.

Tiga penceramah tampil silih berganti, diakhiri dengan seorang Menteri yang menjaga pitih negara - Awang Adek Hussin(kiri). Sebelum membahagi-bahagikan wang BR1M (RM500) kepada warga miskin dalam Dun Pancur, si Awang berceloteh panjang, terkadang terselit kelakar yang seperti cuba dibuat-buat.

Bertanya Awang Adek kepada warga miskin penerima BR1M dengan megah “Siapa mahu Datuk Seri Najib Razak kekal Perdana Menteri Malaysia, angkat tangan”. Tak sampai dua puluh orang daripada ratusan hadirin angkat tangan tanda bersetuju.

Awang Adek bertanya lagi “Siapa mahu Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim jadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia?” Ramai mengangkat tangan, antaranya yang duduk di saf paling depan dan paling hampir dengan Awang Adek sehingga menteri pitih itu terkejut, pucat lesi mukanya.

“Pakcik, makcik, adik kakak, mungkin tersalah dengar soalan saya tadi” kata Awang Adek dengan senyum kambing sehingga mendorongnya mengulangi lagi sekali soalan sama “Siapa mahu Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim jadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia?” Orang yang sama terus memberi reaksi dengan mengangkat tangan tanda bersetuju Anwar Ibrahim menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia jika PR menang PRU13 nanti. Si Awang terbungkam.

Sementara yang lain ketawa berdekeh-dekeh melihat esisod baru telah muncul di pentas penyampaian BR1M musim kedua di Dun Pancur yang disampaikan seorang bergelar menteri kabinet Malaysia.

Di dalam Dewan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) yang bertetangga dengan Pancur lain pula ceritanya. Setiap sampul surat yang yang berisi BR1M telah disertakan bersama selembar kertas “bodoh” bertulis Akur Janji.
“Dengan ini aku bersumpah dan berjanji, Wallahi, Wabillahi, Watallahi. Aku akan mengundi BN dalam pilihan raya akan datang, dan saya akan kerja dan membantu Umno untuk menyatukan umat Islam bersama Pertubuhan Kebangsaan Melayu Bersatu, bukan untuk berpecah sesama Islam sepertimana Hj. Abdul Hadi b. Awang supaya orang-orang Islam @ Melayu di Malaysia berpecah @hancur”.

Penerima BR1M dipaksa  ikrar sokong UMNO

Warkah Akur Janji itu ditemui di Dun Tawang pada 21 Februari, mengingatkan kita betapa hinanya orang-orang miskin di mata Umno. 

Pemberiannya bukan mengalir dari hati nurani yang ikhlas demi membantu warga miskin terutama orang Melayu, tetapi dari hati kotor yang sarat persangka buruk kepada bangsa ini, maka benarlah seperti kata Mursyidul Am PAS, Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat; Umno meletakkan taraf manusia itu seperti ayam, lembu.-harakahdaily

Which way will Johor voters go in GE13...

The 13th general election offers a window of opportunity for change after 55 years of BN federal rule.

This has been created mainly due to communications technology, which allows information to be uploaded within seconds anywhere, any time, via the Internet.

A second factor is the awakening of the people to the massive looting by those who walk the corridors of power.

NONEThe third relates to Anwar Ibrahim, who has been able to forge a working coalition among PAS, DAP and PKR within Pakatan Rakyat.

In the northern states during the 12th general election in 2008, DAP flags flew in Malay kampung and PAS flags in Chinese new villages.

For the first time too, Malays voted for DAP and Chinese for PAS, leading to the Umno-led BN losing five states. But the political tsunami did not reach Johor.

Let us look at the scorecard for Johor to see where the votes went and why this is deemed a BN ‘fixed deposit state’; why PKR has considered Johor a frontline state since early 2010; and why Anwar has been a frequent visitor.

The column ‘PAS/DAP’ and ‘DAP/PAS’ in the table below indicates the percentage of votes obtained by PAS against DAP and vice-versa in the five parliamentary seats contested in 2008.


The first four parliamentary seats were contested by a Chinese in the DAP seats and by a Malay in the PAS seats.

A similar trend was seen in all four constituencies - a large number of Chinese who voted for a DAP candidate did not vote for a PAS candidate; and a large number of Malays who voted for PAS did not vote for DAP.

So, despite the fact that DAP contested predominantly Chinese seats, it could not win more than five seats due to a large number of Malays who voted for PAS and not DAP.

This was equally true for PAS - a large number of Chinese who voted for DAP did not vote for the Islamic party. This reveals why the political tsunami failed to reach Johor.

NONEThe fifth parliamentary seat was contested by a Malay candidate from DAP. A large number of voters who voted for a Malay from DAP did not vote for a Malay from PAS.

The question is: has this trend changed in February 2013? If it has, which way has it changed?

Will all the Chinese in Johor who will vote for DAP also vote for PAS? Will all the Malays in Johor who will vote for PAS also vote for DAP? Or they have not changed?

Would it be wise to believe that voters in Johor have changed and hence, just work on one race and then rely on the other party be it PAS or DAP to deliver the votes of the other races?

Or, would it simply be wiser to work on all races with top priority given to swing by Malays voters?


How did Johor voters vote in the 12th general election when faced with a Chinese candidate in both a parliamentary and state seat?

Two parliamentary seats were contested by PKR, while the DAP contested a state seat under these. The ‘PKR/DAP’ and ‘DAP/PKR’ columns in the table indicate the percentage of votes obtained by PKR against DAP and vice versa.


It is noted that PKR’s Chinese candidate secured slightly more votes from all races in Tangkak and slightly fewer votes in Paloh, compared to DAP’s Chinese candidates.

Overall, if Chinese sentiments in the 12th general election is still applicable today, there is no basis to the DAP’s claim that it can secure higher (at least 5 percent or more) Chinese votes than a PKR Chinese candidate.

In general, more Chinese dumped BN, but not as many as in the northern states.


How did Johor voters vote in the 12th general election when faced with a Malay candidate in both a parliamentary and a state seat?

PKR contested three parliamentary seats, while Pas contested a state seat under these. The ‘PKR/PAS’ and ‘PAS/PKR’ columns in the table indicate the percentage of votes obtained by PKR against PAS and vice versa.

In general, the Chinese prefer a Malay candidate from PKR. However, there were mixed results (as in Batu Pahat and Tanjung Piai) when it came to a situation of Malays voting for Malay candidates from PKR, PAS or DAP.

If the sentiment and behaviour of voters in the 12th general election continues, then DAP will not be able to help PAS secure more Chinese votes, while PAS cannot help DAP to get more Malay votes in Johor.

PAS will therefore have to work harder in the Chinese-majority areas and DAP will have to work harder in the Malay-dominated areas in Johor.

If the Johor Chinese prefer a Malay candidate from PKR, it is difficult to predict how Malays in Johor will choose. Hence, the political choice of Johor Malays will be critical to both BN and Pakatan Rakyat in the 13th general election.

NONEThese facts have stimulated PKR to take Anwar frequently into the Malay heartland since the middle of 2010. Johor PKR chief and PKR vice-president Chua Jui Meng was appointed to assist him to make inroads.

Although the police did not give Anwar a chance to speak in the initial period in Bukit Batu, Kulai and Rengit, Batu Pahat, his persistence bore fruit later.

Ceramahs featuring him began to draw larger and larger crowds after PKR threatened to take legal action against the local authorities and the police for abuse of power.

In this way, Chua and Anwar have chiselled away at BN’s fortress in Johor.

PKR wishes to seal the support of the Malays in Johor before the 13th general election by taking Anwar to Rengit. Are Malays in Johor ready for him?-Steven Choong Shiau Yoon,Malaysiakini

Siri Jelajah Merdeka Rakyat Anwar Ibrahim Ke Hulu Selangor

25 Februari 2013 (Isnin)

1) 8.00 – 11.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Demi Rakyat
Lokasi: Taman Wawasan, Batang Kali, Hulu Selangor

2) 9.00 – 12.00 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Merdeka Rakyat
Lokasi: Taman Tanjak, Ampang Pecah, Kuala Kubu Baru

3) Barisan Penceramah:

a. YB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim
b. YB Tian Chua
c. YB Dr Dzulkifly Ahmad
d. YBhg Khalid Jaafar
e. YB Law Weng Sang
f. YB Kesavan
g. YBhg Nazar Hakim

h. YBhg Dato’ Ramachandran 

TARIKH : 27 FEB 2013 (RABU) 0840 MALAM


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