
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Bernama can no longer take readers for fools

YOURSAY ‘If you want to be favourable only to BN, then change your tagline to ‘official news agency of Barisan Nasional'.'

Bernama report on EIU lifted from pro-BN website

your sayLittleGiant: Bernama, please remember you are Malaysia's national news agency. You are not the mouthpiece of the BN government.

If you want to be favourable only to BN, then change your tagline to "official news agency of Barisan Nasional". That way the foreign news media and their correspondents will know how much trust they can put on your reports.

If it is true that "Bernama strives to maintain high standards of professionalism and takes a serious view of workplace integrity" as claimed, then Bernama should do the right thing without any hesitation, ie, retract the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) report that it had "modified" and publish the original version as given by the EIU.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: The Umno-BN regime has done a thorough job of destroying the credibility of the entire spectrum of mainstream and official media in Malaysia, so much so that almost no one believes those channels any more.

This latest farce is just one more nail in an already-buried coffin.

Amused Malaysian: Bernama editor-in-chief Yong Soo Heong, you have been caught once. Isn't it a bit stupid to try the same thing again?

Gunner: Bernama is under the close supervision of Information Ministry Rais Yatim. I am not really surprised by its unethical reporting, similar to what Utusan Malaysia has been doing all these while. RTM and TV3 are the other culprits. Disgusting!

Wak Kanto: In 1985, when the Berjaya-BN government was about to be toppled by PBS in the Sabah election that year, they did the same thing by reporting in the media that the crowd at the Kota Kinabalu ‘padang' was record size when the fourth PM landed by helicopter and gave a speech of "sink or swim with Berjaya".

This time, it looks like history is repeating itself for the good of all Malaysians.

Bender: Anything linked to Umno is not worth discussing. We all know what they're made of and what they're for. This is just one of the numerous examples. When reading Malaysiakini, whenever I come across Bernama as the source, I treat the piece as a 'not worth reading'.

That brings me to the all-important question: Malaysiakini, why do you still quote Bernama and risk tainting your own reputation with their sub-par and often slanderous news content?

G Annamalai: Yong, so what is the follow-up on your statementon Sept 20, 2012? Any action taken against your errant staff? It is already six months now. Probably you will repeat the same statement again for this write-up, too.

Peacemaker: Bernama has long been known merely as a BN mouthpiece. At all levels, they talk like a government department, not like professional journalists. Shame on you, Bernama. You try to appear impartial but you just not skilled enough to hide your real stripes.

Black Panthar: Yong, we are not complaining about you. Bernamais a tool of Umno-BN. You are just an employee, there to follow instructions from your boss, Umno-BN. You need to survive. You cannot go against your employer. We understand.

We, the rakyat, will know what to do at GE13. You will get a better future under the Pakatan Rakyat government.

TehTarik: Shame on Bernama and its editor-in-chief. Bernama is no different from the North Korean news agency KCNA, which is well-known to spin and fabricate news.

Bernama, together with Utusan, are at the forefront of spins, lies and half truths. It's a disgrace to journalism.

Ipohcrite: For the mainstream media - Bernama, Utusan, The Starand New Straits Times included - journalistic integrity is a dirty word, while spinning, for the exclusive benefit of BN, is their virtue.

Apa nama: Bernama, do you need to stoop so low in order to please your political master? Please look around, follow the example set by Bangkok Post, The HinduSouth China Morning Post and so on.

Prove that you can be independent in your reporting and not merely be a mouthpiece of government of the day.

The mainstream media usually waits for your version of story prior to publishing it in their respective papers. They take whatever you report as the gospel truth. Time has come to stop this type of reporting.

Changeagent: Who are The Choice anyway? Are they bona fide and if so, how come not many have heard of them up until this embarrassing debacle?

Journalism 101 dictates that any self-respecting national news agency that aims for high standards of professionalism should check and validate that their information are accurate before reporting, rather than ripping off second-hand or third-hand anonymous sources.

Bernama clearly doesn't need to abide by this standard as they are unprofessional and lack integrity.

Not Confused: Bernama is the national news agency. In other words, it is controlled by the federal government. Since when have any of the BN-controlled media ever demonstrated any integrity or professionalism?

The journalists who populate these rags continuously plagiarise or create so-called "news" to lick the boots of the BN.
There will never be any international awards for professional journalism coming Malaysia's way any time soon, that's for sure. - Malaysiakini

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