
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bishop: I was not pressured by SB

Catholic Bishop Dr Paul Tan Chee Ing said his withdrawal from a panel discussion to be held on church premises tomorrow on issues related to the general election was not due to pressure from the Special Branch.

The head of the Catholic Church in the Melaka-Johor diocese, who was scheduled to speak at a panel discussion on ‘Issues to consider in the run-up to the 13th general election’ at the Parish Hall of the Church of the Immaculate Conception in Johor Baru, toldMalaysiakini today that the Special Branch had rung him earlier in the week to ask about the presence of a PAS member among invited speakers.

NONE“I said that I was not aware that a PAS member was one of the invited speakers,” said the bishop.

The prelate disclosed that he had issued “explicit instructions” to the organisers of the panel discussion, Catholic Action Network (CAN), that invited speakers should be drawn from NGOs and lay activists conversant with issues related to GE13, and not from members of political parties.

“Only then would I take part in a panel discussion,” said the vocal Jesuit-trained prelate who has in recent years held forth publicly on issues related to Christians.  

“The instructions were in keeping with canon law (regulations drawn up by ecclesiastical authority) that the church and its clergy refrain from partisan participation in the political process,” explained Tan.

Besides the bishop, the invited speakers were Yeo Yang Poh, a former president of the Bar Council, RM Adrian, a CAN activist and Shazni Munir, a member of PAS.

A CAN source said that Shazni was an ordinary member of PAS and has attended sessions organised by Komas (Pusat Komunikasi Masyarakat). 

“In any case, he has withdrawn from the panel discussion because of a death in his family,” said the source.

However, it is unlikely that Shazmi’s withdrawal would alter the decision of Bishop Paul Tan to rescind his own withdrawal. The prelate is known for being unwavering once he has made up his mind.   

Vocal on many issues 

CAN is in the process of organising panel discussions in churches throughout the country to conscientise Catholics on the issues related to GE13.

Organisers had expected a large crowd at tomorrow’s discussion because of the bishop’s presence as speaker. 

In recent years, the Jesuit-trained prelate has been vocal on issues affecting the Christian community, a position that has gained him respect from lay Christians together with the odd lament from clerics apt to frown on what they see as breaching the boundaries between secular and ecclesiastical matters.      

A few weeks ago, in a parish in Malacca, Bishop Tan had held forth on the moral and civic responsibilities of Christian voters towards GE13.

The others speakers at the discussion at the parish of St Teresa were drawn from NGOs and lay activists. No one of overt political party affiliation was invited.

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