
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

BN's overkill on PR (as in Public Relations or Pakatan Rakyat)

Last Sunday happened to be the first day of the Lunar Chinese New Year. Every newspaper had the front page of PM's or BN's greetings. While listening to the car radio on Light FM, we can even hear a recording of PM and his son explaining the meanings of their names in Chinese, followed by their best wishes to the Chinese on this auspicious day.

My wife's mobile phone received a CNY message from Perak's Menteri Besar! Soon after, mine received a CNY message in Chinese characters from Barisan Nasional! Then my mobile received one too from Perak's MB. Before this, as a newly registered voter, my daughter who resides abroad, received a message from PM too! Wow! Everyone of us felt important and certainly not left behind, as claimed by one of PM's slogans.

With the benefit of hindsight, Najib must have regretted he went along with PSY concert in Penang and made a fool of himself when the crowd gave his a resounding 'No' to his question, 'Are you ready for BN?'. He must have been jolted from the false sense of popularity which the mainstream media had been playing up for him. He was further humiliated when PSY refused to join him for 'Yee Sang' (for reasons which we can only speculate, and presumed to be 'not in the contract'!) To try and win over the Chinese, there is even a video of him playing the Chinese drums (well, not really him playing, just like other things which are false and insincere).

Najib must be going all out to ensure victory at the next GE. We are by now familiar with so many 1Malaysia this and that, distributing of public funds to all and sundry for his own popularity. BR1M was meant to be a sweetener for the GE, but it was too early for effect because of his own procrastination on the date. So BR1M 2.0 followed (never mind the inconsistencies of who are entitled; some by deception which was not properly checked intentionally; which proves how desperate BN is in trying to buy votes).

DPM sensed the people's wish for goodies, promised BR1M will be continued indefinitely so long as BN is voted back in power. This message has been confirmed by PM, with his usual smirk on his face, which seems like telling himself, 'after all it's your money I'm distributing'. But what about those who did not apply for one reason or other, mainly being honest that they are ineligible unlike some who deceived?

Our leaders should realize that dealing with public funds, fairness is paramount. Once the needs of the people are identified, only those who are eligible should be paid. Otherwise, those who paid taxes will feel their monies are being mishandled. A good example is the NSE toll. With the lop-sided contract in favour of the concessionaire (connected to Umno), any delay in increasing toll has to be compensated by extension of the period. Discounts during festive seasons are being exploited politically to appear generosity of the concessionaire, never mind they had already made their pile, with years more to make. Why can't our government be for the people instead of for themselves? Many people do not realize that tolls affect only motorists and they should not be equated with the public or taxpayers.

The following picture has been going viral in the internet to depict BN's perceived condition in the face of the coming GE (BN 2013). But I do not take it seriously because of the ease in digital manipulation like the car or the number plate could have been super-imposed. If this car is really going round, I am sure JPJ would be the first to stop it not only because of its rickety condition but it is bad for BN's image.


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