
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Debat - Sekapai dengan tuannya si Najib, Raja Nong Chik pun kecut teloq juga...

Ketua Umno bahagian Lembah Pantai, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin menolak cabaran untuk berdebat dengan Ahli Parlimen kawasan itu, Nurul Izzah Anwar kerana katanya,  tiada keperluan untuk berbuat demikian memandangkan pilihan raya umum semakin hampir. 

Selain itu, katanya, seorang ahli kabinet juga tidak digalakkan untuk berdebat.

"Kita ahli kabinet tak digalakkan untuk berdebat. Kalau dia kata dia buat kerja, cakaplah apa kerja dia. Senaraikan. Tak payah nak debat. Lepas tu biarkan pengundi yang putuskan. Apa nak debat lagi.

"Cakap apa kerja yang dia buat. Asyik nak tumpang selepas apa yang saya buat.

"Saya rasa tak perlu debat. Pilihan raya nak dekat dah. Kita putuskan masa pilihan raya sahajalah. Apa nak debat-debat lagi.

Rakyat akan menilailah apa yang dia dah buat," katanya dalam sidang media selepas menyerahkan surat kelulusan pemberimilikan tempoh pajakan tanah kepada penduduk Kampung Pasir, Kuala Lumpur hari ini.

Semalam, Nurul Izzah yang juga Naib Presiden PKR mencabar menteri wilayah dan kesejahteraan bandar itu untuk berdebat pada 24 Februari ini berhubung dakwaan Raja Nong Chik sebelum ini yang mengatakan beliau lebih suka mengkritik berbanding berkhidmat untuk rakyat.

Raja Nong Chik berkata demikian Khamis lalu sebagai mengulas mengenai pretasi yang ditunjukkan Nurul Izzah di kawasan Lembah Pantai.

Beliau juga yakin, skandal Pusat Fidlot Nasional (NFC) yang dikaitkan dengan keluarga Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil tidak akan menjejaskan peluangnya untuk merampas semula kerus parlimen tersebut daripada PKR.-malaysiakini -malaysiakini 

Basir Parto - Apa lah jantan ni,teloq tak ada ke? perhimpunan hingusan cabar berdebat pun taok berani,beri alasan bodo lak tu...

Mus Mashkadov - majoriti parlimen di wilayah persekutuan dimenangi PR.. yang sialnya org xbertanding pula jadi menteri wilayah.. si haprak nong chick dasar bacul muka xmalu.. ajak debat xberani.. kompang sana sini guna peruntukan duit rakyat.. so aku harap dia kalah teruk dalam PRU akan dtg.. KL bukan di ceruk hutan,pengundi nak dibodohkan dgn taburan duit..

Muhammad Hafidz Abdullah - Sejak dulu, kini dan selamanya pemimpin tak berani berdebat takut berbuih mulut nak jawab hujah pihak lawan. Mereka berani bercakap di TV dan akhbar mengampu saja dan mereka juga berani kerana ada kuasa tangan ajaib melindungi mereka.

 Debate - Nong Chik chicken out...

Lembah Pantai Umno chief Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin has declined MP Nurul Izzah Anwar’s debate offer to enable the constituents who has done more to help them.
NONE"I don't think we need to debate. The general election is near. Let us decide then. Why should we debate? The rakyat will evaluate what she has done," he said at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur today.

Other than that, Nong Chik (right) said, that as a BN cabinet member he is not given to debating. "We cabinet members are not encouraged to debate..."

He also said that if Nurul Izzah really had done good for her constituency, she need not worry.

"Just say what she had done, usually she just rides on my accomplishments," he added.
Yesterday, Nurul Izzah (left) had thrown down the gauntlet to the federal territories and urban well-being minister to debate his allegations that she spends more time criticising him than serving the people of Lembah Pantai.

Both are going head to head as Nurul is set to defend her seat with Nong Chik set on wresting back the former BN seat.-malaysiakini

Heavywater - Nong Chik is a chicken...dare to talk one side but dare not debate on any issues. That's UMNO for you. Talk and steal but will not speak!

Giudice - "We cabinet members are not encouraged to debate...". I don't know whether to laugh or cry. That's probably what happens during cabinet meetings .... everybody just nods and have kuih and then go off and think of how to rob the nation even more. What a farce of a government. And yet there are people hell-bent on supporting BN. The mind boggles.
traj - Raja Nong chick-en shit. Scared already of debating with a young lady......hahahaha....another balless BN crook.....if u have no guts to debate then don't criticize nurul in the main stream media. You morons in BN cabinet should drop your pants and use skirts for always hiding behind the msm. If the leaders are not brave enough to debate why be a leader. Just want fill up your pockets. Balless idiot ...debate if you are a man....if not better you remove your balls.
   Nurul Izzah cabar Raja Nong Chik berdebat...

Naib Presiden PKR Nurul Izzah Anwar mencabar Menteri Wilayah dan Kesejahteraan Bandar, Datuk Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin untuk berdebat berhubung dakwaan menteri itu sebelum ini yang mengatakan Ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai itu lebih suka mengkritik berbanding berkhidmat untuk rakyat.

NONE"Saya pun mahu tahu lebih lanjut secara terperinci apakah kritikan yang telah saya lakukan sehingga dia rasa tidak puas hati.

"Pada saya, yang terbaik adalah supaya beliau dapat bersama saya berdebat khas bersama penduduk Lembah Pantai untuk mereka mendengar sendiri tawaran dan kritikan secara bersama oleh kedua dua parti.

"Yang amat mengecewakan bila seluruh jentera media arus perdana memberikan liputan khas buat menteri wilayah tetapi tidak beri ruang liputan kepada aktiviti parlimen pembangkang yang menang 10 daripada 11 kerusi di Wilayah Persekutuan," katanya dalam sidang media di ibu pejabat PKR petang ini.

Semalam, Raja Nong Chik berkata, mengulas prestasi yang ditunjukkan ahli Parlimen Lembah Pantai itu, beliau merasakan Nurul Izzah lebih suka mengkritik serta tidak menyelesaikan beberapa isu di kawasan berkenaan.

NONESehubungan itu, Nurul Izzah berkata lagi, beliau juga mengharapkan agar suasana politik di negara ini akan menjadi lebih sihat dengan memberikan ruang sama rata untuk bersuara.

"Pada saya bila padang sama rata, wujud suasana untuk debat, Insya-Allah kita boleh atasi dan sasarkan isu-isu tertentu yang memberi manfaat kepada masyarakat Lembah Pantai untuk memilih dengan baik.

"Lebih baik kita adakan debat tersebut kerana saya pasti beliau tak sabar untuk bersama-sama untuk debat bersama saya.

"Kita kalau mahu suasana yang lebih sihat, perlu politik baru yang boleh beri ruang kepada semua untuk bersuara apatah lagi ahli parlimen yg dipilih pada pilihan raya yang lepas," katanya lagi.-malaysiakini

Nong's cheek up against Nurul's charm...

You got to hand it to Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing Minister Raja Nong Cik - the Umno man is one tenacious campaigner in his bid to unseat incumbent Nurul Izzah Anwar of PKR for the prized parliamentary seat of Lembah Pantai.

In some ways, this is the cynosure contest of the 13th general election, a conflict between spruced-up remnants of the Old Politics, represented by Nong Chik, against the New Politics, symbolised by Nurul Izzah.

Everything Nurul Izzah can do, Nong Chik wants to do - and do it better. Except perhaps at debating. We'll come to that in a while.

Things that she can't do, like get City Hall's low-cost flats in Kampong Kerichi repainted, the multi-millionaire politician-cum-federal minister not only gets City Hall to do that and if they can't, he gets the private sector to help out.

NONENurul cannot hope to match him in Chinese New Year largesse: the other day, Nong Chikdistributed a humongous 900 boxes of Mandarin oranges at Lucky Gardens in Bangsar.

Nurul had better not even try to distribute that ubiquitous emblem of CNY cheer: the inevitable shortfall would place her in unenviable straits.

Nurul would rather try the reverse tack in her campaign to keep the seat she won in the 2008 election when she beat Wanita Umno bigwig Shahrizat Abdul Jalil which can be summarised as: with me as incumbent and with our coalition not in power at the federal level, you can get more out of government by retaining me as MP.

It's a message that is not too subtle to get across to nearly 73,000 voters of a mainly middle and upper-middle class constituency in Kuala Lumpur.

Nurul's New Politics

The educated denizens of this mixed-race parliamentary ward have made their inclinations known by their support for several fundraising dinners that PKR had organised over the last few years for Nurul, in Bangsar and at the Thean Hou Temple, off neighbouring Klang Road.

The relative youth, multiracial composition and education of the diners at these affairs attested to the popularity of their MP.

NONEPart of this popularity is attributable to her status as the daughter of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim, the Pied Piper of political change in Malaysia.

Additionally, Nurul is seen as a representative of the New Politics in Malaysia, the politics that de-emphasises sectarian considerations in favour of nation-building ones, privileges the needs of the people over vested interests, and prioritises merit and excellence over mediocrity.

Though Nurul comes from a politically-connected family, she is not seen as having benefitted from inherited privilege.

Instead, she is seen as having paid a high psychic price for helping in part to shoulder the travails her father has had to endure since he was sacked from Umno and the government 15 years ago.

More than most, she is indeed what her boosters call her - ‘Puteri Reformasi' (Daughter of the Malaysian Spring).

Do-or-die mission

Raja Nong Chik is, in effect, the opposite of Nurul. His father was a top flight civil servant. Nong Chik lived in Bangsar from the time of his upper secondary school days in Victoria Institution and trained as an accountant in London before beginning his career in the corporate world and then in business in Kuala Lumpur.

He joined Umno and has been trying to win the Lembah Pantai division leadership several times but in vain because of the suzerainty exercised over it by Shahrizat whose hold over the division stemmed from her grip on the MP's slot for Lembah Pantai which she held since 1995 and had lubricated her entrée into the cabinet.

NONEIn spite of the odds, Nong Chik has been tenacious in his campaign to win the Lembah Pantai Umno division leadership; Shahrizat's defeat at the hands of Nurul in the 2008 election gave him the chance to ghost through the gap availed by the Wanita leader's toppling as MP.

Now, at the end of his second and final term as senator, he has to win the Lembah Pantai parliamentary seat to solidify his hold on a cabinet position. In the process, the prized scalp of a PKR icon would be the icing on his cake.

Despite the aura of climbing unassisted up the divisional ranks in Umno, Nong Chik cannot shed the image that he is a scion of privilege and a beneficiary of the old way of doing business in this country.

A company belonging to his daughter was directly awarded a RM30 million contract by the Youth and Sports Ministry. Nong Cik claims that the contract was awarded in 2006 before he joined the cabinet.

The old ways

There are other aspects to his deportment or that of his campaign assistants that are indicative of the old way of doing things.

Banners and flags of PKR put up by Nurul's workers in Lembah Pantai have been removed or torn down by assorted toughs, even when these have been put up in the wee hours before dawn.

When surprised by PKR workers, the lads have reportedly let on that they have been paid to remove the stuff. ‘Cari Makan' (earning some bread), some sheepishly own up to their motives.

Nong Chik would give his case for election to the MP-ship of Lembah Pantai a big assist if he accepts Nurul's challenge to debate her.

That would be an instance in which a thing she can do, if he should prove better at, he would go a solid distance in shedding the aura of being a holdover, albeit spruced-up, of the old way of doing things.

It would be a surprise if he does accept the challenge to debate; he's too pre-packaged a remnant of the Old Politics to risk his mettle in the spontaneous cut-and-thrust of the New Politics.-malaysiakini


  Nurul Izzah challenges Raja Nong Chik to debate...

PKR Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar has challenged Federal Territories and Urban Well-being Minister Raja Nong Chik Zainal Abidin to debate her alleged failure to solve the constituency's livelihood problems on Feb 24.

NONE"I believe that, since he is confident of his chances in Lembah Pantai, this debate challenge will be easily and willingly accepted by him."

"Let us give the people an opportunity to listen to what both of us have to say," Nurul Izzah toldMalaysiakini today.

Yesterday, Raja Nong Chik slammed Nurul Izzah, saying she only "knew how to criticise" and challenged her to solve the voters' livelihood problems. 

For example, he added, he had managed to find people to repaint apartments in the locality.

Asked whether he feared facing the first-time MP in the coming election, the Lembah Pantai Umno chief brushed aside the question. 

"Whoever Nurul Izzah or Anwar Ibrahim are, I am not worried!" Raja Nong Chik laughed, adding that the BN machinery was ready for the election.

NONERaja Nong Chik also said that his winning chance would not be affected by former minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (right) family members’ National Feedlot Cooperation (NFC) scandal.

Shahrizat was a three-term MP for Lembah Pantai before he had been defeated by Nurul Izzah in the 2008 election.

Although he had distanced himself from Shahrizat, Nurul Izzah said that Raja Nong Chik did not explain the culture of Umno’s patronage and cronyism.

“He (Raja Nong Chik) did not even explain about his daughter’s company, Istijuara Sdn Bhd, who received a direct tender award worth RM 30 million (from the Youth and Sports Ministry).”

However, Raja Nong Chik said that there is no conflict of interest which would occur in the project without further elaborating on whether he was abusing his power to help the company.

The deal for project, he added, had been done before he became a minister.

"I (have) no need (to talk about it). It happened in 2006. At that time, I was a businessman for 25 years. Can’t I do business during that time?" he asked.

“The contract was sealed in 2010 at the same time as the building was completed. That’s it. If (you) don’t (like it), close down all of my family business. But I think it’s not appropriate right? There is no conflict of interest,” he added.-malaysiakini


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