
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Dong Zong's open house and a mail the Special Branch must read

We have been tipped-off that some quarters are planning to embarrass the Prime Minister when he attends the Chinese educationalist movement’s, Dong Jiao Zong (DJZ), Chinese new year gathering tomorrow (Sunday 17 Feb). According to a reliable source, some supporters of a certain political party are planning to embarrass the Prime Minister by putting up "a show of support" for opposition leaders when they turn up about the same time as the Prime Minister’s scheduled arrival at the event. - Another Political "Stunt" to embarrass the PM?
The last time a BN rep attended a DJZ event
The lion's den. I was not surprised when Najib Razak agreed to accept the invitation of Dong Jiao Zong, the Chinese education pressure group, to their Chinese New Year Open House [tomorrow, Sunday, in Kajang, Selangor]. 

The PM knows that he's worked hard enough to win back a lot of the Malay-Bumiputera and Indian support lost by his BN coalition in March 2008 and the Chinese voters, especially the young ones, have begun to warm up to him. But there are still plenty of skeptics and  hardliners out there. So, if the mountain won't come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain. I think even the DJZ fellows, educated as they are, can appreciate this. [Event signals better ties between Govt and Chinese community, says chairman, Malay Mail, Feb 14]. Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim definitely sees it, too, hence the last-minute announcement on his blog yesterday about joining in the DJZ's celebrations.

Like most Malaysians who have witnessed the rise of the current politics or madness before their  very eyes, I am happy to see those responsible (for the madness) coming to their senses and unite for a celebration like this, no matter how briefly. 

This is how things should be. The Malaysian way. 

However, in view of some disturbing recent events - from the Yes/No and rockets flying at the Psy Concert/BN Open House in Penang to the intrusion of armed foreigners allegedly at the "invitation" of a Malaysian Opposition politician and talk of racial/religious riots post-PRU13 by a maverick ex-IGP and more recently even the increasingly outspoken Bishop Paul Tan, all of which are part of the mad politics - I hope the security and well-being of the Prime Minister take precedence tomorrow. We can't assume everybody is keen to see better ties between Najib's government and the Chinese community ...


During this Chinese Lunar New Year celebration, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has been making his rounds and attending to the various invitations of open house. 
In fact, he spent the first two days of the Chinese New Year in Kuala Lumpur and Penang, fulfilling the various invitations for Chinese New Year gathering.

Off course, we still remember the Penang BN Chinese New Year open house where the Korean hip hop singer Park Jae-sang or "Psy" performed his trademark "Gangnam style" song and dance under the scorching Malaysian heat at Han Jiang's College field.

However, there was an unpleasant incident prior to the Psy show when an object was thrown toward the stage while the Prime Minister and other state BN leaders were tossing "Yee Sang". 
Luckily it did not hit the Prime Minister or any one else on stage.

This incident did give rise to a concern and raised an alarm on the security of the Prime Minister, forcing him and his wife to leave the stage immediately on the advice of the police. We thought it was just an isolated incident but the latest tip-off makes one ponder whether the whole episode was pre-planned to embarrass the Prime Minister and to score political points.

We have been tipped-off that some quarters are planning to embarrass the Prime Minister when he attends the Chinese educationalist movement’s, Dong Jiao Zong (DJZ), Chinese new year gathering tomorrow (Sunday 17 Feb). 

According to a reliable source, some supporters of a certain political party are planning to embarrass the Prime Minister by putting up "a show of support" for opposition leaders when they turn up about the same time as the Prime Minister’s scheduled arrival at the event.

Following the confirmation of the Prime Minister’s attendance and reports in the media today, the opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced in his blog 
www.anwaribrahimblog.com that Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) leaders will attend the gathering at 11am on Sunday at Era College in Jalan Bukit, Kajang. He's hoping to score political points. This is because should the Prime Minister not be able to make it after confirming his attendance, they can claim that he is not sincere in accepting the invitation or "chickening out".

While there is nothing wrong for anyone, including opposition leaders to attend such an event, we should be mindful that such events are not politicized especially when they are not organised by any political party.

Moreover this is the first time in the 58 year history of the organization that a Malaysian Prime Minister has accepted an invitation to attend their Chinese New Year open house despite the fact that DJZ has all this while adopted a confrontational and an uncompromising stance in their dealings with the government on the Chinese school education issues.

All kinds of allegations have been hurled against the government by DJZ so much so that it is being perceived as an opposition friendly organisation. Nevertheless, Najib demonstrated his sincerity by accepting the invitation even though it comes from an unfriendly party.

Perhaps, we should take the cue from the Penang Chinese Assembly Hall Chinese New Year Open house, held on the second day of Chinese New Year.

Both Najib and Penang Chief Minister and DAP Secretary-general Lim Guan Eng attended the event which went on without any untoward incident. Nothing but smiles and everyone celebrated in the true Malaysian Chinese New Year spirit.

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