
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 24, 2013

End the information blackout on Lahad Datu

MP SPEAKS The Lahad Datu standoff between the government and some 150 armed intruders from Sulu in the Philippines is getting more and more curious.

Yesterday, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein announced the Home Ministry was leaving it to the Foreign Affairs Ministry (Wisma Putra) to decide on the Philippine government's request for an extension on the deportation of the intruders.

However, Hishammuddin said, such an extension "should not be too long, as the ministry will not compromise on matters which could potentially threaten the sovereignty of the nation".

NONEClearly, the home minister is not on the same wavelength as the overwhelming majority of Sabahans and Malaysians, who are one in feeling that the sovereignty and security of the nation had been compromised, right from the beginning of the intrusion into Sabah territory at Kampung Tanduo in Felda Sahabat, Lahad Datu, on Feb 9.

Just on the issue of whether the nation's sovereignty and security have been threatened by the intrusion and standoff with the so-called Royal Sulu Sultanate Army, the overwhelming majority of Malaysians have proven that they are more patriotic and nationalistic than the home minister himself.

In fact, the question that more and more Malaysians are asking is, why has Hishammuddin passed the buck to Wisma Putra, and not to the Defence Ministry?
We're all in the dark about security lapse

Can Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak explain why he is insisting that Hishammuddin and the police should be handling the standoff with the Sulu intruders when it should be Defence Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and the Armed Forces?

Up to now, Sabahans and Peninsular Malaysians have been kept in the dark as to how there could have been such a serious security lapse on the part of our navy, army, maritime forces and the police in the first place, resulting in the intrusion and standoff with the Sulu militants.

Who is prepared to step forward to assume responsibility for this security lapse and standoff, which is entering its third week and threatening not only the nation's sovereignty and security but giving Malaysia such a poor international image?

And this situation despite the government leaders having repeatedly boasted that Malaysia is the safest country in Southeast Asia!

NONEWho will be made to take the rap? The defence minister, the home minister or the prime minister himself? Or some lowly officers down the line, whether in the police or the Armed Forces?

All that Sabahans and Malaysians have learned about the intrusion is the fizzling out of a series of vague deadlines, over the past two weeks, for the Sulu militants return to the Philippines.

It is sad and shameful that Sabahans and Malaysians have to search the Internet to read about what is happening with the Lahad Datu standoff from the Philippines media, since there is a serious information blackout on the issue in the Malaysian media. Yet another international black-eye for Malaysia!

I call on Prime Minister Najib to lift the information blackout on the Kampung Tanduo standoff in the Malaysia media.

The Malaysian government should start telling Sabahans and Malaysians what is actually happening in Kampung Tanduo, starting with a personal visit by the prime minister himself to "Listen, Listen, Listen" to the people of Lahad Datu.

LIM KIT SIANG is DAP national adviser and MP for Ipoh Timor.

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