
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Have you gone senile Karpal? APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY TO JUI MENG!

Have you gone senile Karpal? APOLOGIZE IMMEDIATELY TO JUI MENG!
It looks like DAP chairman Karpal Singh has crossed the line again - this time by siding with his party junior Boo Cheng Hau in attacking PKR Johor chief Chua Jui Meng - deliberately in the media and contrary to coalition guidelines and spirit.
To cast doubt on Jui Meng's loyalty because of his MCA roots is hypocrisy of the greatest degree especially when the DAP is still the object of jokes each time that Tunku Abdul Aziz, its former deputy chairman and now Umno champion, chooses to throw a spear at ex-colleagues, Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang, who rolled out the red carpet for him.
Seats gangsterism
In the latest fight-for-seats gangsterism displayed by the DAP, although it is Karpal who has issued the statement, it is highly unlikely he would not have the blessings of party supremos Lim Guan Eng and Lim Kit Siang. This is the samemodus operandi that DAP uses against PAS when it comes to sticky issues such as Islamic state or Kalimah Allah. When Guan Eng and Kit Siang 'hide' behind Karpal in these matters, they consider it 'savvy'. Actually, it is just cowardly and cunning. And they are trying to do the same number now on PKR.
It is obvious DAP has not been able to shake off its Chinese-dominated background. Perhaps, it fears competition from a more multiracial and inclusive party. Young Malay and even Chinese professionals do look at PKR seriously these days. The party has been able to stand up to enormous pressure, it is set to rise and grow even much faster.
In Johor, the stakes are high but one must not abandon fair play in the pursuit of power and accuse and slander without proof. "Black hands" are strong words indeed. So far, the sabotage that we see have come from the DAP, in the form of the numerous shots fired by Boo at Jui Meng in the Chinese dailies. If that is not clear-cut undermining and back-stabbing, what is?
Then, who can forget how in 2011, Wong Ho Leng in his thirst for glory had used the media to leverage for seats in the Sarawak state election. Is this what Karpal and DAP consider to be honor and the right way to fight for seats? If so, they must be gangster-masters, capable of ousting any of the best triad chiefs from Hong Kong, Shanghai or China!
Is DAP so desperate, why gang up on Jui Meng?
If there should be any investigation, Boo should be one to be probed. Karpal should also be put on the stand. Loose cannons like these two must learn to understand what discipline means. Otherwise, they should be sacked immediately - both Boo and Karpal.
Finding proof of Boo's sabotage is easy. Just gather the newspaper clippings. As for Karpal, he should not delude himself that he is so beloved. Isn't it true, Karpal has always basically been just the 'hired bigmouth' for the DAP, doing the dirty work for the Lims, without much real political capital or acumen of his own?
Boo should do well to note that Bakri - which is a hot seat won by the DAP by only a narrow 722-vote margin in 2008 - would be far safer if contested by Jui Meng. Bakri is Jui Meng's stronghold, a seat he held for 5 terms.
Yet, in the great spirit of 'generosity', Guan Eng refused to swap it back - again rudely and through the press in a deliberate snub to Jui Meng. Who is behaving like a Chinese Emperor now?
So if DAP wants to risk Pakatan's chances by contesting Bakri, why should Jui Meng or any of his PKR colleagues not insist on Gelang Patah?
After all, Gelang Patah (104,496 registered voters, 33.9% Malays, 52.9% Chinese, 12.4% Indians 0.8% others) is a seat traditionally contested by PKR in 2004 and 2008. Who is being selfish and arrogant now? Not to mention greedy ad grasping too.
Not the only party in PR to have Chinese talent
DAP would do well to remember it is not the only party with Chinese talent in the Pakatan Rakyat coalition. They should not demand all the seats with Chinese majority.
What happened to a Malaysian Malaysia? Are we going to see the same MO used in the 2011 Sarawak seat allocations where Wong & Co. insisted on swiping the Chinese seats, and then had the deplorable duplicity to turn around and laugh at PKR's Baru Bian for taking on the interior seats that are mostly controlled by Taib Mahmud & his billions, but must nevertheless still be contested by the Opposition as a matter of principle and accountability to the Sarawakian people.
It sure looks like boorishness, calculative-ness and selfishness are starting to take dominance in the DAP, a party that has been accused of attracting what the Chinese themselves call the 'Ah Bengs' or rough diamonds.
That Boo would live true to his name and go crying like a baby to his party chiefs is to be expected. He is not well-respected, disdained in private by many of his own team-mates who accuse him of mood swings and bad temper.
For Karpal to issue a press statement practically accusing Jui Meng of being a BN Trojan, saying Jui Meng's loyalty is suspect, shows that this so-called living legend is himself no longer deserving of the title. Unless Karpal has gone senile like Dr Mahathir Mohamad, then really, he is not much of a man to respect any more.
Firstly, being a top PR leader, Karpal should know the ropes and procedures. They are simple and unless he is plain stupid with a capital 'S', he should know to refer any complaints to the leadership council.  Why didn't he? Why did Karpal - a PR elder - gang up with Boo to use the press to tarnish Jui Meng? Is the DAP so desperate?
Why not stop the hypocrisy and just admit it. Some people are greedy for seats and willing to bully their way through just to get these, even if it means rocking the coalition and giving the advantage to BN! Is this not the height of political selfishness? No wonder, few Malays want to join the party. They would be eaten alive by such tricky operators, and this selfishness is evident when delegates recently refused to elect any Malays to the central council.
Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim must act swiftly and decisively in this matter. Karpal must apologize. Such behavior is not funny. Not only when GE13 is so close by but at any time, such political gangsterism is unacceptable.
Finally, before the ever-boastful Guan Eng, his dad and Karpal think of themselves as being the soul of the Pakatan Rakyat, the only ones who are incorruptible and start accusing others who disagree with them of harboring intention to defect or help the BN, they themselves should clear up the buzz in the market that they have had talks with Umno!
Malaysia Chronicle

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