
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 11, 2013


A YOUNG and very talented aspiring musician, just turn 21, by the name Corealia Laurel Melvin was recently kidnapped by a group of Islamic ulamas and taken to an undisclosed location. According to a frantic and grieving family who recently made a police report about their missing daughter.

Follow this link to read the missing person report in The Borneo Post dated February 9, 2013(http://www.theborneopost.com/2013/02/09/do-you-know-where-she-is/ )
Corealia had gone to further her music studies at the Universiti Sultan Idris in Perak, but barely four months at that institution, she purportedly change and became a different person; like someone who had been brainwashed to a certain cult ideology.

She had suddenly become a Muslim. Hearing the news the family were devastated. Knowing what a sweet and kind person their daughter was, they just couldn't believe something so drastic could have happened to their daughter. She was always active in church and played the piano so beautifully every Sabbath.

The family is so angry about what had happened to their lovely daughter. They could not believe that their daughter would just in the span of four months completely change her perspective on life; especially simply abandoning her faith in such a drastic manner. They felt something sinister had cross her path.

Their fears turned to nightmare when Corealia was kidnapped. (According to witnesses she was taken away by several men) It happened when she “was having a drink with her mother, Gladys Lechi Lugan, at a coffee shop here (Serian) around 10.30am when she told her mother she had to go to the toilet.” After that she was no where to be found.

Reliable sources said that she was snatch off by Islamic Ulamas to an undisclosed location or safe house for re-indoctrination. Apparently, she had decided to return to her church when the so called religious army of God (Ulamas) pursued her to force her to remain in her new found religion.

She had thought that she can be free to express her will, but unfortunately, she had not been aware that the Islamic faith practises a form of eternal captivity dogma. So they kidnapped her and send her to an institution for re-education and re-indoctrination.

Knowing what had happened to their naive and innocent daughter, the family is now asking for answers.They could not believe that such evil practices still occur today in this modern day and age.

They just could not understand and accept what has happened to their daughter. Sure, it may be conceivable if a person decides to join a certain religion on their own free will, but to be forced and manipulated, that is another story, which is totally against all 21st century humanitarian standard of religious decorum.

Even a Muslim would be ashamed of such practice today. No one has the right to manipulate the will of another by forceful methods. This begs the question: Is this the Malaysia we want?

Just when Indonesia and Thailand are surpassing us economically by leaps and bounce, Malaysia is apparently still grasping with theocratic rule. No wonder we are no where close to achieving a developed nation status. Islam should not be in the business of forceful manipulation against the will of an individual.

This is wrong and this must be abolished. Religion should never be used in such a manner as captive inculcation and indoctrination of an individual into blind submission to join a particular religious entity.When are we going to respect the humans in all of us?

When are we going to stop playing God? “If all men are created equal,” why do we still have men who see other mankind as lesser beings that must be forced?

Today, Corealia's family just want her back home. They want to spent time together in the comfort of the family love that they once had as a family. We often hear this UMNO government talk about 1Malaysia, but can they ever and will they ever stop such bigoted medieval theocratic practice. Can we ever trust such government?

Apparently, there are many similar stories experienced by other families. Their target is the non-Muslim natives of Sabah and Sarawak. Beware Sabahans and Sarawakians, do not send your precious child to Malaya for they have been targeted for indoctrination and conversion to Islam.

I think most people would have no problem for an adult person to choose his or her religion of choice, but when power and forceful manipulation is being used then it no longer becomes a choice, but rather an abuse of power and a criminal act akin to rape. Rape is about power and force. It’s captivity, its depravity; it’s holding someone against their will. It is against the law! (Wiki Sabah)

(NOTE : Wilfred Gaban, President of Kadu Foundation - A non-governmental organization for the health and welfare of the Momogun people.)

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