
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 11, 2013

Like EC, even poll observers are in BN's pocket

VOXPOP ‘Has EC been so one-sided and so beholden to BN for so long that it can no longer do its constitutional role of conducting clean and fair elections?'

Drop Sabah NGO as observer, Bersih urges EC

vox populi small thumbnailLittleGiant: It is outrageous on the part of the Federation of Chinese Associations of Sabah (FCAS), appointed as election observer for GE13, to campaign for the BN government and asking the Chinese in Sabah to support Chief Minister Musa Aman.

Election observers must have the integrity to be 100 percent neutral and be absolutely truthful in their opinion and reports.

If FCAS is biased in its analysis and observation and wants to support the BN government, then it should not have accepted its appointment as an election observer in Sabah. It should not stoop so low and 'play politics' through some uncouth means.

If FCAS has so much admiration for Musa Aman and wants the Chinese in Sabah to support him, then it should seriously consider becoming a political party and fielding its own candidates in the election.

It is imperative that the Election Commission (EC) immediately terminates the appointment of FCAS as its election observer.

Jbsuara: To urge the people to support a chief minister coming from a political party is obviously campaigning for him. It would be a joke for EC to turn a blind eye to that.

How can FCAS be a neutral observer when its chief is actively campaigning for Musa? It is shocking for EC to remain silent on the matter.

Lover Boy: Sabah politics is already in shambles, I do not think the EC even understands the role of election observers. A quick lesson - the observer's job is to oversee a clean and fair election and present a report stating that it has been so.

FCAS acting president TC Goh, by campaigning for Musa Aman and BN, clearly shows that he is biased and is not qualified to hold the post as observer.

Sabahans, stand up, fight for your rights. Regain your dignity by kicking out the corrupt BN government and do away with corruption, once and for all.

Lamborghini: Goh is deluded to think that he and the FCAS represent the whole Chinese community. They are a small elite group of Chinese businessmen who have to kowtow to the politicians to get their fat contracts and keep their business licences.

It is unethical and unprofessional of the EC to appoint a group that is obviously biased towards the government.

Does the EC chief even understand the meaning of neutrality, fairness and cleanness of an election? Or is it that EC has been so one-sided and so beholden to the ruling party for so long that it can no longer do its constitutional role of conducting clean and fair elections?

The honourable thing for Goh and FCAS to do is to reject the appointment. Or else the rakyat will always see you and FCAS as the "running dogs" that helped to run a dirty and unfair election in cahoots with an immoral, unethical EC to win an election by foul means.

Mushiro: The integrity, ethics and everything about the EC is suspect. For the EC to pick the biased FCAS as an election observer is akin to picking Umno, MCA or MIC as an election observer. And do not be surprised if the EC actually does this.

Vgeorgemy: As far as the EC is concerned, the election regulations are only applicable to Bersih and Pakatan Rakyat. Others have free hand on what they want to do. - Malaysiakini

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