
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 24, 2013


The Late M.G.G. Pillai - Dead man tell no lies

The Scribe has constantly maintained that the Evil BN/Umno regime's so-called 'concern' for the plight of the Palestinians has been nothing more than hypocrisy. Even the Arabs are telling The Scribe for a long time that they are really sick of Malaysian politicians especially from Umno hiding behind the veil of Islam to champion the rights of the Palestinian people. One Arab Christian The Scribe met said that Malaysians seem to have the impression that all Arabs are Muslims as they assume all Malays are Muslims. What a fallacy!

HARCHARAN SINGH contributed this very relevant article by M.G.G. Pillai on The Bank of Israel and Malaysian ministerial deposits.


The New Straits Times, in a front page banner headline today, screams: BANK OF ISRAEL DOESN'T ACCEPT DEPOSITS FROM INDIVIDUALS; a strapline above it reads: Embassy official dismisses claims that our ministers have accounts with it. Two NST reporters commendably telephoned the Israeli Embassy in Singapore to check on alleged bank deposits maintained with the BoI; the first secretary of economic affairs, Mr Oren Tamari, very correctly pointed out that as a central bank, it does not accept deposits from individuals. "The Bank of Israel is like Bank Negara in Malaysia, which supervises and regulated financial institutions," he said. "So, it is impossible for any one to keep accounts there. There is no way the bank will accept such deposits." Yes, the Bank of Israel had representative offices in several cities of the world, with one in Hong Kong, not Singapore.

The NST story comes as Internet rumours identified the Prime Minister, his family, his cabinet ministers, a handful of mentris besar and others as having millions of US dollars in deposits in the Israel National Bank. Suddenly, ministers at whom fingers are pointed, deny they have these deposit accounts. The Malaysian domestic trade and consumer affairs minister, Dato' Seri Megat Junid Megat Ayub threatens to sue the opposition Parti Keadilan Negara (PKN) leader, Mr Ruslan Kassim, for RM10 million if he does not retract his speech at Chenderong Balai in Teluk Intan on April 4; the NST says Ruslan allegedly said the minister had "two accounts at the Bank of Israel with deposits of RM20 million and RM25 million." The UMNO's "Sue the Opposition" Committee, chaired by Senator Dato' Ibrahim Ali, who is also the non-lawyer deputy minister in charge of legal matters in the government, has received, the NST reported, "more than 100 tapes of speeches at ceramah organised by the Opposition" which the committee would "study ... thoroughly to determine whether we can take similar action against the speakers."

I have seen this list of alleged accounts in an Israeli bank, but the bank mentioned is not the Bank of Israel but the Israel National Bank. The NST should get back to the Israel Embassy to get further and better particulars of the Israel National Bank, whether such a bank exists, whether there is a branch in Singapore. They should ask those on the alleged list of subscribers whether they have accounts with the bank. They should clarify, if an Israel National Bank indeed exists, that one is not the other. As those from South Asia knows, the Indian Bank is not the Bank of India, with neither, nor the Central Bank of India, the Central Bank. An urgent correction is necessary, if only to prevent the damage caused by the NST report to take a life of its own.
For while the original story was a talking point, the NST story and the ministerial nervousness suggests there is no smoke without fire. So, while the NST is checking on the Israel National Bank, it should also check on the Malaysians mentioned in the list with deposit accounts in Singapore should also attempt the clear the air. After all, our ministers are men of absolute integrity, whose porcelain reputation would be safeguarded by UMNO to the hilt, and they should not be subject to such rumours. It is also good journalism.

M.G.G. Pillai

While Mahathir and his band of cheerleader goons from Umno were busy spewing venom on anything Israeli or Jewish as they are doing now under the Abdullah Badawi regime, Mahathir seems set to continue his policy of tacitly pursuing greater engagement with Israel. Only two weeks before the arrival of the Israeli cricket team, and without the attendant publicity, the Malaysian Government sponsored the visit of a group of 17 year-old Israeli students accompanied by senior officials from the Israeli Education Ministry. 

Malaysian authorities reportedly insisted that the Israeli teenagers be Jewish, because they wanted to show their guests that Islam in Malaysia was moderate and tolerant, rather than extremist. The group received a warm welcome, got along well with Malaysian teenagers and also met the then Education Minister Najib Razak (now Deputy Prime Minister), who, when he assumes the Prime Ministership in March will certainly pursue Mahathir's policy of tacily engaging Israel. Mahathir is also believed to favor improved economic relations with Israel, in order to attract investment and acquire technology. 

Malaysian companies are no longer banned from dealing with Israel, though official policy discourages Malaysians buying from Israel if the goods or technologies are available elsewhere. Late in 1996, Israel's Bank Hapoalim signed an agreement with Kuala Lumpur's Public Bank which allows for direct financial transactions between the two countries for the first time.

The Scribe believes that the Late M.G.G. Pillai was talking about the following bank accounts in the Israeli national Bank. This may well explain why Mahathir together with Najib and the Evil BN/Umno regime had in place a policy of 'tacitly pursuing greater engagement with Israel'. Perhaps this could be the RM1Bil missing from UMNO's account which YB Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim brought up before he was dismissed from UMNO.

1. Name : Mr. Mohammad Najib Bin Abdul Razak Post : Minister of Education Passport No. : D 371981 (M) Bank : American Express Bank Type of Account : Current Account Account No : E-7194-303-45- G Amount : USD 7,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 22/12/95 Withdrawal : USD 2,500,000.00 on 10/01/96 Cheque No. F1742330 Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 16/03/96 Cheque No. F1742331 Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 01/07/96 Cheque No. F1742332 Withdrawal : USD 500,000.00 on 11/06/97 Cheque No. F1742333

2. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar Post : Minister of Defence Passport No. : D 691245 (M) Bank : Citibank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : J-321-3352-339- G Amount : USD 8,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 14/07/96 Date of Maturity : 14/07/99

3. Name : Mr. Syed Hamid Bin Syed Albar Post : Minister of Defence Passport No. : D 691245 (M) Bank : American Express Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : AC- 4192-443-54- E Amount : USD 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 27/11/96 Date of Maturity : 27/11/99

4. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry Passport No. : D 391274 (M) Bank : Bank Of Nova Scotia Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : LA- 7211-3647-341 G Amount : USD 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 10/06/96 Date of Maturity : 10/06/99

5. Name : Ms. Rafidah Bte Aziz Post : Minister of International Trade And Industry Passport No. : D 391274 (M) Bank : Bank Of China Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years Account No : CL 4223-6162-47 M Amount : USD 2,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 21/09/96 Date of Maturity : 21/09/96

6. Name : Mr. Muhyuddin Bin Yassin Post : Minister of Youth and Sports Passport No. : D 512717 (M) Bank : American Express Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 5 years Account No : AF- 3712-229-33- Y Amount : USD 7,700,000.00 Date of opening account : 15/06/96 Date of Maturity : 15/06/01

7. Name : Mr. Megat Junid Bin Megat Ayob Post : Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Passport No. : D 299671 (M) Bank : Israeli National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : F-3091-9211- 39 (O) Amount : USD 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 19/08/96 Date of Maturity : 19/08/99

8. Name : Mr. Megat Junid Bin Megat Ayob Post : Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Passport No. : D 299671 (M) Bank : Israeli National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 3 years Account No : M-5244-6052- 69 (D) Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 07/05/97 Date of Maturity : 07/05/00

9. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat Post : Minister of Information Passport No. : D 423717 (M) Bank : Development Bank of Singapore Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : C-2965-173-384- F Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 29/11/96 Date of Maturity : 29/11/98

10. Name : Mr. Mohammad Bin Rahmat Post : Minister of Information Passport No. : D 423717 (M) Bank : Development Bank of Singapore Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : CA-3129-662- 919-G Amount : S $ 2,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 06/03/97 Date of Maturity : 06/03/99

11. Name : Mr. Sabbarudin Bin Chik Post : Minister of Culture, Arts and Tourism Passport No. : D 196432 (M) Bank : Bank of China Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : E-699-3172-982 (B) Amount : USD 8,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 02/09/96 Date of Maturity : 02/09/99

12. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed Post : Minister of Entrepreneur Second Finance Minister Passport No. : D 862411 (M) Bank : American Express Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 3 years Account No : CA-5098-344- 66-D Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 12/06/96 Date of Maturity : 12/06/99

13. Name : Mr. Mustapa Bin Mohamed Post : Minister of Entrepreneur Second Finance Minister Passport No. : D 862411 (M) Bank : Citibank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years Account No : DD-2141-7922- 549-F Amount : USD $ 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 21/04/97 Date of Maturity : 21/04/99

14. Name : Ms. Siti Zaharah Binti Sulaiman Post : Deputy Minister of Health Passport No. : D 594071 (M) Bank : United Overseas Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : M-3914-7179- 212-D Amount : S $ 5,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 28/05/97 Date of Maturity : 28/05/99

15. Name : Mr. Tajol Rosli Bin Mohammad Ghazali Post : Deputy Home Affairs Minister Passport No. : D 691872 (M) Bank : Development Bank of Singapore Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : B 1712-341-619- C Amount : S $ 2,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 29/06/97 Date of Maturity : 29/06/99

16. Name : Mr. Abdul Kadir Bin Sheikh Fadzir Post : Deputy Minister Human Resources Passport No. : D 541781 (M) Bank : Bank of China Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : D 319-2218-512- J Amount : USD 3,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 28/02/98 Date of Maturity : 28/02/01

17. Name : Mr. Ibrahim Saad Post : Deputy Minister PM Department Passport No. : D 891741 (M) Bank : Citibank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years Account No : M 374-6593-88 D Amount : USD 4,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 08/06/97 Date of Maturity : 08/06/99

18. Name : Mr. Mohamed Nazri Bin Aziz Post : Deputy Minister PM Department Passport No. : D 871945 (M) Bank : Israeli National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years Account No : BD 5211-7925-8716- 51 MA Amount : USD 6,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 08/06/97 Date of Maturity : 08/06/99

19. Name : Mr. Mohamad Isa Bin Abdul Samad Post : Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan Passport No. : D 831569 (M) Bank : American Express Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : E- 6654-662-719- M Amount : USD 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 09/07/96 Date of Maturity : 09/07/99

20. Name : Mr. Mohamad Isa Bin Abdul Samad Post : Chief Minister of Negeri Sembilan Passport No. : D 831569 (M) Bank : American Express Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : J-5152-6161- 311-D Amount : USD 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 24/01/97 Date of Maturity : 24/01/00

21. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid Post : Chief Minister of Kedah Passport No. : D 659711 (M) Bank : Israel National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years Account No : FG 3469-4462-9172 (DE) Amount : USD 10,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 21/09/96 Date of Maturity : 21/09/99

22. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid Post : Chief Minister of Kedah Passport No. : D 659711 (M) Bank : Israel National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : H 7639-1722-5243 (MG) Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 09/06/97 Date of Maturity : 09/06/99

23. Name : Mr. Sanusi Bin Junid Post : Chief Minister of Kedah Passport No. : D 659711 (M) Bank : Israel National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 1 years Account No : DC 7943-7716-2713 33 NB Amount : S $ 3,500,000.00 Date of opening account : 10/12/97 Date of Maturity : 10/12/98

24. Name : Mr. Abdul Ghani Bin Othmman Post : Chief Minister of Johore Passport No. : D 615791 (M) Bank : Israel National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : GH 1299-4166-339 A Amount : S $ 5,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 11/06/97 Date of Maturity : 11/06/99

25. Name : Mr. Abdul Ghani Bin Othmman Post : Chief Minister of Johore Passport No. : D 615791 (M) Bank : Israel National Bank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : D 1471-3134-22 F Amount : S $ 3,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 03/04/97 Date of Maturity : 03/04/99

26. Name : Mr. Ramli Bin Ngah Talib Post : Chief Minister of Perak Passport No. : D 774511 (M) Bank : Citibank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years Account No : AB 7193-4111-331 (A) Amount : S $ 6,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 20/12/96 Date of Maturity : 20/12/98

27. Name : Mr. Abu Zahar Bin Isnin Post : Chief Minister of Malacca Passport No. : R 515341 (M) Bank : Citibank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency 3 years Account No : FA 9132-3156-212 E Amount : USD 2,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 11/04/96 Date of Maturity : 11/04/99

28. Name : Mr. Abu Hassan Bin Omar Post : Chief Minister of Selangor Passport No. : D 493718 (M) Bank : Citibank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years Account No : M 819-5512-71 D Amount : USD 3,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 06/05/97 Date of Maturity : 06/05/99

29. Name : Mr. Abu Hassan Bin Omar Post : Chief Minister of Selangor Passport No. : D 493718 (M) Bank : Citibank Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years Account No : M 819-5512-71 D Amount : USD 3,000,000.00 Date of opening account : 06/05/97 Date of Maturity : 06/05/99

The Scribe is of the opinion that the persons whose names are listed above, should come clean and clear their names.

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