
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"No! no! no!' untuk BN musnah jutaan ringgit buat Najib...

Apa yang akan selamanya dikenang tentang Tahun Baru Cina Najib di Pulau Pinang adalah video satu minit yang sudah tersebar luas lebih hangat berbanding Psy dan Gangnam Style – ketika Najib bertanya kepada hadirin di Sekolah Han Chiang sama ada mereka bersedia untuk Psy dan bersedia untuk BN.

Penasihat DAP Kebangsaan, Lim Kit Siang berkata sebenarnya gema tiga kali “Ya” untuk soalan Najib sama ada orang ramai telah bersedia untuk Psy diikuti dengan gema yang sama kuat dan spontan tiga kali. 

“Tidak” ketika Najib bertanya sama ada mereka bersedia untuk BN telah memusnahkan keyakinan tinggi untuk menang besar dalam PRU13 yang dibina Najib.

Katanya, kejadian itu lebih memusnahkan peluang pilihan raya Umno BN dalam PRU13 berbanding Bersih 2.0, Bersih 3.0 atau Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat KL112 – lebih-lebih lagi apa ia adalah kemusnahan yang ditimpakan ke atas diri.

Ahli Parlimen Ipoh Timur itu menambah, kejadian itu telah mencalarkan gambaran indah yang dicipta pemimpin dan propagandis Umno BN akan menang besar dalam PRU13, bukan sahaja dengan majoriti dua pertiga parlimen malah untuk memenangi semula negeri-negeri yang kini ditadbir Pakatan Rakyat termasuklah Pulau Pinang.

Menurutnya, melihat kembali kelak, apabila sejarah PRU13 dicatat, kemunculan Psy dan Gangnam Style dengan tiga “Ya” untuk Psy dan tiga “Tidak” untuk BN, akan meninggalkan kesan di dalam sejarah politik Malaysia menandakan bermulanya pengakhiran buat Najib dan penguasaan penuh Umno di dalam politik Malaysia.

Walaupun Najib dan Umno BN telah mengalami tamparan dalam pusingan akhir ke PRU13, pemimpin, ahli dan penyokong Pakatan Rakyat hendaklah tidak terlebih yakin dan menganggap perlawanan ke Putrajaya sudah pun dimenangi.

“Saya sentiasa berpandangan bahawa hasil PRU13 sukar ditentukan siapa pemenangnya walaupun Umno BN mempunyai kelebihan juga kerana penyalahgunaan kuasa,” ujarnya.

Katanya, PR masih boleh memenangi PRU13 untuk membentuk Kerajaan Persekutuan memandangkan tempoh kempen pilihan raya adalah kunci penting dan terakhir menentukan siapa akan menjadi pemenang.-harakahdaily

Konsert Gangnam: Gesa Najib bentang penyata kos tajaan Psy

'No!' episode at Psy concert missing from news, Malaysia-style...

It was classic news blackout Malaysia-style, when the BN-controlled print and electronic media omitted an incident at the much-publicised Chinese New Year concert featuring South Korean singing sensation Psy.

MCA mouthpiece The Star, for example, which had been building up the momentum to Psy's arrival, front-paged the report today, carefully skipping any mention of the incident which has gone viral on the Internet.

Just hours after Psy performed, dozens of video clips appeared on YouTube, showing prime minister Najib Razak being greeted with shouts of 'No!' by the huge crowd who had gathered at the grounds of the Han Chiang High School in Penang to watch live the YouTube record-setting hit 'Gangnam Style'.

"Are you ready for Psy?" Najib, who took the role of the emcee to welcome the Korean star, asked thrice, and the eagerly-waiting crowd replied "Yes!"

However, in what could likely indicate the voting trend at the next general election, the crowd shouted "No!" when he asked "Are you ready for BN?"

The clip was soon copied and re-uploaded under different titles, clearly a case of users hoping to cash in on its impending popularity to attract hits on their respective YouTube channels. Even as the BN open house was underway at noon, the clips had collectively generated more than 100,000 hits.

Viral factsheet

Despite the video evidence, pro-UMNO bloggers wasted no time coming to Najib's defence, and claimed that the shouts of "No!" were by a minority who stood at the back rows.

This led to another clip showing the incident from a different angle, much closer to the stage where Najib stood. This time, it was clear that the crowd's response to his question was indeed an emphatic 'no' (see video here).

Alongside the clip, a 7-point 'factsheet' about Psy's concert is also being eagerly shared on Facebook and other social media.

"Highlights of the day! Like and share this before Utusan or NST spread their lies!" runs the heading.

Among others, it claims that Najib was snubbed by silence from the crowd when he attempted to get them to participate in shouts of "Satu Malaysia".

The posting takes a jibe at Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor, who belted out a song in Chinese, and regards that another attempt to woo the audience with the Chinese-speaking skills of the prime minister's son Nor Ashman as having "failed miserably".

It also notes that Psy did not appear on stage together with Najib despite the former's show being highlight of the Barisan Nasional event.

"No group photos, no handshakes. As soon as PSY shouted, 'Thank you very much!', and while Najib was still trembling in his seat, people left theirs, leaving behind piles of uneaten food. The Emcee was as quiet as a clam, knowing that it would be impossible to call the crowd back," it recalls.

It then concludes: "Psy came for the money. The people came for the free food and performances. 

Who cares about BN and its bid for power?"-harakahdaily

Tiga ‘No’ Konsert ‘Gangnam Stail’ Lebih Dashyat Dari Dua Bersih, Satu HKR 112 (video).



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