
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, February 25, 2013

Pakatan if voted in will vet gov't deals for cheating

Pakatan Rakyat will not interfere with agreements the present government signed with private companies, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said today.
However, he said, Pakatan would review them for signs of cheating in their approvals if it forms the federal government after the coming general election. 
NONEThis was one matter that could not compromised, because the such deals were not fair to the people and they were being burdened, Anwar said.

"For example, the people pay a huge amount for the deal with the independent power producers and this deal may be restructured. 

"Similarly the privatisation of Bernas, which benefits a certain few but is to the detriment of the padi farmers. It too may be reviewed," Anwar said at the day-long Pakatan Rakyat Congress in Shah Alam.
For example, he said, in the National Feedlot Corporation case, a sum of RM250 million was given to the benefit of a select few to the detriment of those who rear cattle.
Pakatan, if in charge, would take steps to ensure that such funds were properly distributed.
Anwar also gave his pledge that the Pakatan government would not steal logs, would not abuse taxi permits and would not take money meant for rearing cows, in an obvious reference to tainted BN politicians, and said Pakatan policies would be for the benefit of the people.

He admitted that Pakatan had gone through a winding road since its good performance in the 2008 general election, but that the coalition has managed to resolve major issues through proper understanding, despite the attacks from Umno and BN.

Pays tribute to Nik Aziz

The Pakatan de facto leader said good governance was what was important in any government.

NONEHe said a leader should possess good character and that it would be difficult to find one like Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat, who has led his state for 22 years without stealing from the government, not even one cow.

“Nik Aziz has high morals and integrity and gives a good example to Pakatan Rakyat.

“Similarly with the Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng, who highlights the importance of transparency, cleanliness and anti-corruption. Being from Penang, I am proud that that we have a chief minister like him.”

Similarly in Selangor, Anwar added, the people have a corporate leader in Abdul Khalid Ibrahim who in the five years that he led the state had recorded a RM2.6 billion surplus in funds. 

The PKR de-facto leader also pledged Pakatan would not be vengeful when it takes over Putrajaya. It would instead concentrate on returning the rights of the people.
Smooth and peaceful transition of government 

“We will fulfil the people's aspirations and ensure there will be a smooth and peaceful transition of government when we win.

“We will not exact revenge, but continue with programmes for the rakyat. Whatever has been stolen should be returned back to the people,” he said.

Speaking to reporters later, Anwar promised a smooth transition of power should there be a change in the federal government and said he appreciated the assurance of retired army deputy commander Abdul Ghafir Abdul Hamid that the army only answers to the King and country. 

He said that while some people may be angry and get a bit carried away, he would uphold the rule of law. 

mca chinese new year open house 100213 mahathir“Our agenda is to move on, to run the government and reduce whatever excesses there are. But this does not mean they (the BN) can get away with it, like former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad awarding contracts to his son or the cow condo scandal with the Wanita Umno leader's family taking RM250 million,

“What I am saying we won't do are witch hunts and threatening people with actions that cannot be allowed. I  have forgiven... as far as I am concerned, I will not take anyone to court for causing me the physical harm. 

“But I cannot speak on behalf of everybody. However, our understanding in Pakatan is that there should not be retributive justice,” Anwar emphasised. 

He also stressed the need for the government to take actions transparently in  order to reduce wastage and leakages. 

Throughout history, the reason a country goes bankrupt is because of massive corruption, enriching the cronies and stealing billions in cash and parking it in Switzerland or other foreign accounts.

“This are the reasons. No where in the world does a country go bankrupt by helping the poor,” Anwar said. 

NONEAsked about admitting Parti Sosialis Malaysia into Pakatan, he said the problem was with the clenched fist PSM logo.

PSM secretary general S Arutchelvan (left), who was outside the convention hall, said the party was yet to get reply from both Pakatan and Anwar, who had said that he would meet with PSM for discussion.

The party had applied to join Pakatan in the middle of last year and Arutchelvan said, “We leave it to them to decide on that. On our part, we will just move on.”

He said Pakatan needed to unite all forces under its alliance, including green groups and Bersih even, for the struggle for change was much, much larger and not just a struggle of the opposition coalition.

PSM was still negotiating with Pakatan on the four seats it contested in the last general election that it wished to contest again this time. So far, Arutchelvan said, there was no indication of three-cornered fights in the four seats.

"Even if there are three-cornered fights in the four seats, we will still support Pakatan in the other seats, except in the four seats, so they have nothing to lose," he said.

Arutchelvan was referring to the Sungai Siput parliamentary seat and the three state seats of Kota Damansara, Semenyih and Jelapang.

He also commended Pakatan for preparing a very good manifesto that addressed the fundamental problems faced by the society.

However, Arutchelvan suggested that the manifesto includes elections to local councils and village committees, as well as solutions to tackle the difficulties of people in the lower income group in purchasing affordable houses.

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