
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Psy has come and gone, but what's changed?

YOURSAY 'Has MCA achieved its objective to swing voters? Was Najib's trip to the function rewarding? Was this an appropriate example of Chinese culture?'

Thousands come for Psy, not so much for PM

your sayMushiro: I am not sad, not happy, but relieved that the PSYchology is over. Now the number games will be debated for a while - so let us agree - 60,000 people attended.

Has MCA achieved its objective to swing voters? Was Premier Najib Abdul Razak's trip to the function rewarding? Was this an appropriate example of Chinese culture for a Chinese New Year open house?

Bluemountains: The huge turnout should make Najib confident enough to dissolve Parliament immediately.

Najib should do it while it is still hot even though the crowd may not be as large as the one at Merdeka Stadium on Jan 12 for the Himpunan Kebangkitan Rakyat rally.

Clever Voter: There are clear differences between 'being entertained' and 'being governed'.

Obviously BN is confused, and clearly underestimated the needs and feelings of its constituents.

Spending RM2 million will not cleanse the records of this rotten and incorrigible BN government. It's time to get serious after the CNY celebration.

Ruben: A huge waste of money and worse still, people were forced to wear ‘I love PM' stickers. Well, I am sure the rakyat of Penang would have enjoyed the show but still vote Pakatan in Penang come GE13.

RAW: The apparent craze over this pop singer is perhaps a sign of how frivolous the world we live in has become in seeking for ‘new things'.

Some have said the Gangnam song is an attempt to ridicule the upper class in South Korea. But I doubt so, considering that Psy has accumulated a mass of wealth out of it and seems to be lacking in compunction in asking for more money to perform.

As for the Malaysian fans who had posted in his Facebook asking him not to perform in Penang, it was no use. Well, what could one expect from a singer who had recently did a topless performance in front of his Korean fans.

If he was willing to strip himself, there would be nothing stopping him from performing for just anyone for money. I am writing this from an apolitical point of view.

Whatsup: Money talks in Umno culture. Who can refuse it? Not even Psy. Any guess whose money was spent hosting this South Korean singer?

Being so spendthrift just to win votes shows that this government is not credible and knows nothing about running the country competently.

After GE13, if Umno is still the government, heaven helps the rakyat as we are going to pay for PM Najib Razak's incompetence.

YF: I won't be surprised BN will win in GE13. Malaysians are mostly an unprincipled lot who are easily bought with goodies and Umno-BN know this.

If these people have principles, why attend an Umno-BN event? Is Psy more important than the fate of our country?

No wonder, Pakatan actually encouraged the people to attend it because they know that by telling the rakyat not to attend, the rakyat will not respond to their plea because watching Psy is more important to them. We never learn.

Caripasal: Psy is a reminder of substandard achievement of Malaysia under the BN administration.

When James Wong scored the winning goal in a pre-Olympic football match against South Korea in Stadium Merdeka in 1980, we had our dreams.

But sadly, we remain as a ‘jaguh kampung' (village champion) after 33 long years, and South Korea has achieved tremendous success since then.

Our Proton Saga remains a Proton Saga but Hyundai has achieved a warm welcome worldwide.

Samsung has done so well that they will overtake Apple very soon. The South Korea soccer team has qualified for the World Cup numerous times while we could not even beat Singapore in the recent AFF Suzuki Cup.

Instead, we top Korean in terms of corruption, illicit capital outflow, free citizenship and shameless politicians. Our Election Commission, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and judges are nothing to shout about either.

Dear PM, please wake up. Stop trying to ‘syok sendiri' (self indulgent).

Amir H: I saw the video of Psy's arrival at Penang airport. Pretty sure that's a Malaysian government jet he came on. Who's footing the bill?

Anak JB: This whole thing was just a waste of money. Cronies sponsored the event and there will be expectations to be paid in kind.

Psy does not represent Chinese culture and he is one YouTube craze that will die with time. I just fail to see the hype and what has this got to do with gaining support for the general election.

iVote: Money well wasted by Umno-BN, as we could see the expected crowd was well below target. And on top on it to hear loud responses of "No" each time Najib asked "Are you ready for BN?".

Anomnim: You have to give credit to BN. How many of you will actually spend millions to embarrass yourselves? - Malaysiakini

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