
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ridhuan Tee Abdullah’s article in Sinar Harian Daily – Sivarraajh

Referring to the sensitive article published in Sinar Harian Daily, page 40, on the 18th Februari 2013 (Monday) titled “Kesabaran Umat Islam ada had”.
First of all, Vishwaroopam is a Tamil movie by the famous actor Kamal Hassan produced in India and further promoted widely throughout the world. I agree that the movie has some sensitive scenes which may hurt the Muslims. When the movie brought down and distributed to Malaysia for local entertainment, it has gone through the usual process where FINAS has gone through the movie thoroughly and released Vishwaroobam in Malaysia.
The movie has been played by the local theatres before protested by Indian Muslim NGOs. Immediate response to it, Home Minister has instructed the movie to be banned. MIC of course has initiated support for the movie to be released after certain scenes being removed once again by FINAS. This was the actual true story.
Referring to Ridhuan Tee Abdullah’s article on the Sinar Harian, I feel he has insulted the Indian community. Without understanding the actual story or denying the actual story he has written an article with a hear say from his friend. The movie has nothing to do with the Malaysian Indians, it is part of an entertainment of our daily routine.
Furthermore, the movie has been released after FINAS given the green light. Ridhuan Tee Abdullah in his article has fail to comment on the FINAS’s action but pointed out that the Indian community in Malaysia is insensitive towards the Muslims’ feeling. Ridzuan Tee is famous for his sarcastic and creates hurt feelings among the multiracial readers of Sinar Harian.
Take a look at all his articles through Sinar Harian Online he blames the Indian community for being insensitive and insulted the Thaipusam, also Batu Caves Temple and statues through his other articles Di sebalik cerita Batu Caves. He repeatedly calls the Chinese as ultra kiasu through his article Permainan politik ultra kiasu. Ridhuan Tee is insensitive and am a coward who is hidden behind the articles of Sinar Harian and speaks as though he knows everything.
His current article in Sinar Harian quoted sensitive and hurting issues such as :
1. “Bayangkan selepas ini kita menerbitkan filem menghina agama lain. Tentu kita masih ingat isu peristiwa perarakan kepala lembu suatu masa dahulu. Begitu juga dengan anak muda Melayu yang masih meringkuk di dalam penjara akibat cubaan membakar gereja. Malangnya, apabila anak muda bukan Islam mencampak kepala babi ke dalam surau, maka tidak dikenakan tindakan.”
2. Hari ini pergilah ke mana sahaja. Jika dahulu, rumah ibadat dan patung-patung tidak banyak kelihatan meriah. Kalau adanya pun agak suram dan tidak Nampak tombolnya. Tetapi selepas PRU 12, keadaan jauh berubah. Mereka mendapat peruntukan sana sini, pusat dan negeri. Rumah ibadat kecil menjadi besar, tombol rendah menjadi tinggi dan berwarna-warni.
3. Mereka mendesak diberikan tambahan kerusi. Jika benar-benar ikhlas, pergilah menawarkan diri bertanding di kawasan majoriti ultra kiasu (Cina). Mintalah kerusi sebanyak mana pun. Tetapi beri laluan kepada orang Islam bertanding di kawasan majoriti Melayu.
4. Saya cadangkan agar PRU 13, jika kita mahukan sangat orang India bertanding di kawasan majoriti Melayu, carilah kalangan India Muslim seperti KIMMA dan MIM, tetapi bukan mereka yang tidak Islam. Orang Melayu tidak teragak untuk memangkah mereka, tetapi apakah mereka memangkah kita apabila laluan diberikan?
Does any of the above captions mentioned in his article got to do with the movie Vishwaroopam? What is the point of making an illogical statement by referring to political and religious matters in Malaysia?
I feel very upset with Sinar Harian Daily for being insensitive towards the feeling of the Indian community and also Chinese. We are living in a peaceful manner in Malaysia. This kind of irresponsible writer should be sacked for creating tense. Ridhuan Tee should know his limits! This is not the first time as I mentioned earlier. Everyone can write but not many can write responsibly. Ridhuan Tee is the real example of a person whom writes without responsibility. I pledge all Malaysians regardless of religion and race to boycott Ridhuan Tee and his article publishers in future.
Let us together teach a lesson for anyone who wish to play racial sentiments and religious matters as a key to gain popularity. Ridhuan Tee must apologize for his irresponsibility and tense caused. Sinar Harian Daily should also apologize openly for publishing the article. MIC Youth has lodged a police report at Balai Polis Sentul at 11.00am demanding the police to take a stern action against Ridhuan Tee and Sinar Harian.
MIC Youth also demands an open apology from Sinar Harian within 3 days.
The Home Ministry should come forward and take immediate and stern action against those responsible for the article. I sincerely hope that the quick response method from the Home Ministry in banning the Vishwaroobam movie immediately as soon as people protested can also be used in taking a quick and stern action against those involved in publishing and writing the article.
* Sivarraajh is the National MIC Youth Secretary

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