
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, February 22, 2013

Sinar Harian apologises over 'racist' article

Malay-language daily Sinar Harian has apologised over an allegedly inflammatory article written by one of its columnists, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah.

This came after representatives of several NGOs arrived at the headquarters of the daily’s publisher, Karangkraf, in Shah Alam to demand an explanation and an apology for the Feb 18  article.

NONEThey were met at the gates by Karangkraf’s editorial executive adviser Abdul Jalil Ali, who expressed his regret over the  publication of the article after the representatives explained their grouses.

“I admit I have made a mistake, I apologise. In our daily work, sometimes we overlook things, and in this case, it is my oversight. I am the editor. 

“On behalf of all Sinar Harian writers, I apologise for this mistake,” he said.
Jalil pledged that Sinar Harian daily would publish the apology tomorrow, and apologise again personally when he writes his column on Thursday next week. In addition, he would ask Ridhuan to apologise as well.

However, when speaking to reporters later, he declined to say whether any further action would be taken against Ridhuan, who is a lecturer with the Universiti Pertahanan Nasional.

NONEOne of the NGO representatives, Ramesh Rao (right), later told reporters that he was satisfied with the apology, but threatened to mobilise some 3,000 protesters if Jalil’s promises were not kept.

Ramesh is president of Pertubuhan Minda dan Sosial Prihatin. The other protesters present were from Malaysia Padmasri Dr Kamalhassan Fan Club and Pertubuhan Prihatin Nadi Rakyat Malaysia.

They claimed that one paragraph in Ridhuan’s article was meant to incite the hatred of Malays against Malaysian Indians by pointing out that the roads around Batu Caves are clogged during Thaipusam, while places of worship have become more lavish since the last general election.

“From what I see, we have given everything to gain sympathy and votes. This country has lost its identity. Who knows where the Islam and Malay agenda have gone to,” Ridhuan says in the article titled The patience of Muslims has its limits.

The article begins with Ridhuan stating that the Malaysian Indian Muslim Missionary Council informed him that the film Vishwaroopamcontains scenes that belittle Islam.
Compromises Muslims supposedly have to make

It then goes on to lament on compromises that Muslims supposedly have to make to accommodate non-Muslims.

The NGOs also wanted Sinar Harian to explain whether the article was Ridhuan’s in verbatim or edited, whether anyone had masterminded the article to “inflame racial sentiments”, and whether it was true that those who watched Vishwaroopam were unhappy with the film, especially the Indian Muslims.

NONEThe situation was initially tense as the group of seven at the gates to the building carried placards saying “Don’t stroke racial sentiments”, while Ramesh shouted “Sinar Harian is racist!” as they waited for an editor to see them.

They were later met by Jalil, who saw the commotion as he drove past the gates and came out after parking his vehicle.

“I didn’t know they were coming and I had other work outside. When I came back, I saw this and thought something must be happening. I am responsible for this paper, so I came and explained what happened. No problem,” Jalil said when met by reporters afterwards.

Tensions rose when Jalil admitted to the protesters that although the article came from Ridhuan, the newspaper editorial team had made several amendments.

Ramesh: So you know he wrote this, you have made amendments. That means you deliberately let this happen, correct?

Jalil: Yes, let me explain...

Ramesh: (Turns to reporters) You press put this on record: Sinar Harian is racist!

An argument then broke out between the protesters and Jalil, with Ramesh turning to reporters again and urging them to put it on record that Sinar Harian is racist, with Jalil interjecting to try to explain.

NONEThe argument lasted until the reporters present asked Ramesh to allow Jalil to explain.

A police patrol car was also stopped about 15 metres away, monitoring the situation, but the police did not intervene.

Fortunately, the mood changed after Jalil explained the corrective measures he would take, and the NGO representatives told him that the issue had resulted in more sales for Sinar Harian among the Indian Muslim community.

They were later seen shaking hands with one another other, while Malaysia Padmasri Dr Kamalhassan Fan Club president Indran Sagaran (right in picture above) exchanged hugs with Jalil before the group dispersed peacefully.

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