
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Stop Dreaming and Bullshitting Kee Thuan Chye!

booklaunchIn another Barisan Nasional bashing article in Malaysiakini, self-professed professional and neutral journalist Kee Thuan Chye has launched a fresh round of attack against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
Like many Chinese, who has been brain washed by the DAP, Kee Thuan Chye, believes that Pakatan Rakyat will win in the coming general election.
The idealistic Kee has always been a naïve journalist. After all, he has spent his entire career writing entertainment and drama.
He has never written a single political piece during his time in the New Straits Times and The Star.
Well known for his pompous and arrogant personality, he has accused his fellow colleagues and employers of being pro-BN but continued to accept the terms and conditions of his employers until his retirement!
Here is what he has written in the pro-Pakatan news portal, Malaysiakini:
“However, this is going to be a crucial general election. It is the one time when real change for the country can come about with a change of government.
“The Chinese need to consider carefully about giving their vote to BN. They need to consider the long-term effects of another BN victory. They need to weigh the possibility of real reforms in the event of BN being booted out and a new coalition taking over that could bring positive change.
“They need to be wary of Najib’s sweet talk and his gifts. If he gives them government recognition of the UEC, more independent Chinese schools, whatever, they might want to just accept these politely, say thank you and think of voting according to what they think is right.
“Dong Zong, on its part, should remain neutral and not take a stand by endorsing BN. For if it does and Pakatan Rakyat wins the general election, it would find itself in an awkward position.
“The Chinese have a big role to play now in this coming general election. Najib can say anything till he is blue in the face, but they have to weigh the truth or lack of it in what he says.”
Obviously, Kee Thuan Chye does not know that there are only 45 Chinese majority seats in the 222 parliamentary seats.  The Chinese can only hope to kick out the MCA candidates and vote in more PKR and PAS Malay candidates!
By increasing the Taliban PAS candidates,  Kee Thuan Chye thinks that the Chinese are doing themselves a favour. He is even more naïve to think that the special rights of the Malays would be removed under the Pakatan Rakyat government.
Kee Thuan Chye, it looks like you are beginning to believe in your own bullshit.  There will be no changes even if Pakatan Rakyat wins but we are sorry for you that PR is NOT going to win.
We hope you will travel to the villages and not just spend time with your chauvinist friends in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. Do not talk to just like minded people.
Kee Thuan Chye, a failed actor, is just like Patrick Teoh – heaping praises on PAS until the Taliban monster turns around and bit him.
Patrick Teoh, we hope, has grown wiser, can’t say the same about Kee Thuan Chye.
Our advice to him is to read up the statistics, do some serious analysis, talk to the majority Malay voters on why Umno will win back the seats and why assholes like him are killing the MCA by voting them out of the new BN federal government.
- Stop The Lies

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