
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The dilemma isn't that of Malays, but Mahathir's

YOURSAY ‘Looking at all the things he has done and the words he has spoken, he is as un-Malay as the British colonialists.'

Mahathir and his Malay dilemma redux

your sayTehachapi: Despite his exhortations and lamentations, former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is as disconnected with the reality of the everyday Malay life, psyche and values as the gap between the British colonists from the average Malay folk.

First, he projects himself as the spokesperson for the entire community without first seeking to really understand what these countrymen really hold dear to their hearts.

He wanted the people to conform to his view of the world, but we know better because we are living the real life and he is living in the ivory tower surrounded by his courtesans.

He is not a leader of our community and it is high time we recognise that. Just look at all the things he has done and the words he has spoken, he is as un-Malay as the British colonialists.

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim for all his faults is a genuine Malay with his ability to mix with the people and champion our values as one people.

Anonymous_5fb: The dilemma of the Malays in actuality isn't that of the Malays, but Mahathir's. What Mahathir wants is to create a supreme race, his brand of 'Melayu' through political power.

That's why we see the rhetoric over these years of Umno's rule, in particular during his era, followed by that of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah) and Najib Abdul Razak.

What we see are one slogan after another, which sound nice, but with no substance at all. So, to call this the Malay dilemma is not true. It makes more sense to say it's Mahathir's and/or Umno's dilemma.

To me, it's an insult to the Malays as this is brought up by the constitutional Malays in Umno.

RAW: It seems to me that Mahathir is still relying on a bag of old tricks that had worked well for him in the pre-Internet era, in the 1970s, 1980s and even 1990s.

Apparently more Malaysians, including the Malays, could see through him now - the effect of his tricks is increasingly like that of putting water on the back of a duck.

But never underestimate what he could, and would do, in the interest of maintaining power.

Onyourtoes: This is in response to the observation that the alternative front, too, would probably perpetuate racial discrimination under a multiracial cloak. Maybe it is timely to remind Pakatan Rakyat what ‘Ketuanan Rakyat' is all about.

We must realise that the government, through its policies and programmes, can only help to alleviate poverty and make the people less poor.

It is not the business of the government to make the people rich, to become entrepreneurs, industrialists, professors or top civil servants. To become rich, to climb the socio-economic ladder and to attain the good life, the people must learn and work for themselves with the opportunities and the environment provided by the government.

If the government provides specific programmes to make the people rich, discrimination and abuse will blatantly follow even within the so-called privileged community (just look at who among the Malays enjoy these privileges).

Put simply, a government can provide education opportunities to the bumiputera, but the government cannot help them to pass by lowering the standard or earmark them to become professors in university, top civil servants or chief executive officers (CEOs) in government-linked companies (GLCs).

It is impossible to do that because they will pick their own children, and incompetency and mediocrity will set in.

Similarly, the government can (and should) provide low-cost housing; the government cannot provide bungalows or shoplots at a discount. The former helps to make the people less poor, the latter help to make the people rich, which will naturally be abused.

Anonymous_3e86: One has to understand why Mahathir is making such venomous statements. Fear!

He now fears that Umno-BN will lose control of Putrajaya and the government come the 13th general election. Indeed, his ploy of instilling fear and racial hatred among the rakyat has failed.

Given the chance, he would have ordered another round of Ops Lalang to silence and put away the opposition and all those who opposed him. His statements show signs of desperation.

Doc: I wish Mahathir a long life. He should see Umno crumble and fall (thanks to him it is happening at this moment), his legacy ripped to bits, more exposes on his political malpractices and his heirs erased from Malaysia's political climate.

This should be a befitting end to an evil, evil man.

Swipenter: Medical professionals would tell us that our mouth is the dirtiest part of our body next to our rear end. However, Mahathir's mouth is far more filthy and dangerous than his rear end.

Every time he opens his mouth now, this racist and extremist pours out venom, filth, hatred and racism. - Malaysiakini

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