
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, February 14, 2013

There's only one punishment for treason

YOURSAY 'There is no statue of limitation for treason and if found guilty, there is only one penalty and that is death by hanging.'

Anwar and Pak Lah not in on Project IC, says ex-honcho

your sayLover Boy: Former Bank Pertanian Malaysia manager Mat Swadi Awi, what is the point of accusing ex-PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Nothing is going to happen.

It is like carpet trader Deepak Jaikishan who openly proclaim that PM Najib Razak was involved in the cover-up of the Altantuya Shaariibuu affair. Let the Sabah RCI (royal commission of inquiry) call Mat Swadi and let him testify and place on record that the mastermind of Project IC was Mahathir.

The terms of reference did not empower the RCI to find out who was behind this clandestine project, but let his evidence stand that Mahathir was the one behind it all.

The RCI can, in its power, make recommendations to the Agong that a police investigation be conducted on a possible charge of treason against Mahathir.

After the GE13, when a new government has been installed, we shall let due process of law to take place. There is no statue of limitation for treason and if found guilty there is only one penalty and that is death by hanging.

So Mahathir, it's time to scoot off to one of the African countries. Your friend Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe will most certainly welcome you.

Anonymous_40c3: Wow, what a revelation. Some of the names that keep coming up have a common denominator. This is where the RCI should focus its enquiry, albeit with its limited term of reference.

Restless_Native: This is yet another piece of damning testimony implicating Mahathir as the mastermind of Project IC. Instead of owning up and accepting full responsibility of the enterprise, he choose to deflect blame, further demonstrating his slimy leadership traits.

Any self-respecting leader would state that the buck stops with him/her. He was the architect, the planner and the executer of this sham. He must be held accountable for this treasonous act, and soon.

Starr: See, who's the devil? Even federal officers who were engaged in such a devious scheme to change the demographic of the state are now coming out to testify against him in broad daylight.

No doubt, the state of Sabah has been grievously harmed by Mahathir's administration just because he didn't like the sights of Joseph Pairin Kitigan following Parti Bersatu Sabah's (PBS) pullout of the coalition to side with Semangat 46.

He resorted to such a treacherous scheme against the state without any regard to its people and future. That sums up the character of the man.

It's nothing more sickening to see the very people and their parties against whom Mahathir had acted with such impunity, are now sleeping with the 'devils'.

Let's it be reminded of the parting words of the person on his dead bed about his disappointment with Mahathir and Umno-BN. Former Sabah CM Mustapha Harun may have had many regrets in his illustrious career but the greatest of them all was to have facilitated Umno's entry into Sabah.

Black Panthar: I do not know what to say now. The RCI should now focus on the whole of Malaysia rather than confining its probe on Sabah alone.

Furthermore, the Election Commission (EC), Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM) and the Armed Forces are also involved. It looks like these people are not faithful to the king, but instead are faithful to Umno.

Civil servants, too, assume Umno will rule the country forever.

I can recall the Perak state assembly after the 2008 election whereby the state secretary and the civil servants did not give their cooperation to the newly and legally elected government.

Just imagine what will happen when Pakatan Rakyat were to capture Putrajaya.

P Dev Anand Pillai: It all boils down to how dumb and stupid the people of this country were - to continuously allow a person like the revered leader of Umno to rule without interruption for 22 years.

Now is the time for Sabahans to act and vote out the regime. In that way, Sabahans can decide their own future.

Freemsia: "Threats were also made that if the (Indonesians) do not vote for Umno-BN, the EC would detect their votes and then their citizenship would be revoked. What is surprising is that while the Indonesian votes are sought, at the same time they are being sidelined with actions being taken against them," said Mat Swadi.

Didn't Mahathir said that in giving ICs (identity cards) and citizenship to these foreigners, it was not necessary that the new citizens would vote for BN? Well, so much for that.

Mushiro: When Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim said that former PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was involved, it was not that Abdullah was directly involved in Project IC that took place in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

The project continued when Abdullah was the PM. The project did not end. It continues today under Najib.

Dark Archon: If Najib do the right thing right now by undoing what Mahathir did and have the old fox charged for treason, I'll be the first to vote for BN. - Malaysiakini

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