
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why RM1000 and RM500 denominations declared not valid?

Struck one and two! Strike three you are out, Brother Anwar Bin Ibrahim (BABI)!

Because at least three banks in Singapore, one of them is the National Bank of Israel, deep in the vaults lie billions of ringgits, but alas they are all in RM1000 and RM500 notes in which our former prime minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad, when he was in power and in the midst of the currency crisis of the late 90's declared the two ringgit denominations to be not valid.
A smart move by Mahahtir when he found out BABI was trying to topple him when the later insisted that Malaysia should be enslaved by the Word Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by borrowing money from this two Israel and American controlled institutions.
Our simple minds sometime cannot think beyond the normal realms of thinking or to think outside the box, let me tell you now.
BABI wants to be the next prime minister so that he could rescue and change Malaysia's monetary regulations. He wants the RM1000 and RM500 denominations to be back in circulations.  So he can have his money back!
Bank Negara sources say Singapore banks have been in touch to inquire about what to do with the billions of ringgit stashed in Singapore in these two denominations, Bank Negara said no problem just ask the accounts holder to get in touch.
Thus far BABI dare not get in touch with Bank Negara.
The question that needs to be asked is: Why is BABI so desperate to become PM, well now you know the real answer! Read  here....

Simpanan di Bank Israel: Lebih 2 tahun Anwar tak jawab Wikileak

Mendiang MGG PIllai pernah menuduh Dr Mahathir dan beberapa ahli kebinetnya mempunyai wang berjuta dalam simpanan di Bank-Bank di Singapore yang mana salah satunya adalah Bank of Israel.

Kesilapan itu diperbetulkan oleh pihak pembangkang dan bank Israel sebenar di Singapura adalah National Bank of Israel. Baca blogger Cina bodoh tak ada otak di SINI

Secara lojiknya, Dr Mahathir tidak akan bukan akaun Bank di Singapura. Dia tak akan sedia dibedah oleh doktor Singapura yang dihantar kepadanya. Inikan pula membukan Bank di Singapura dna Bank itu Bank Israel.

Selepas khabar angin ini dibiarkan bertahun, akhirnya dr Mahathir menjawab dengan mudah beberapa tahun lepas di mana dia membenarkan secara terbukan Bank Israel tersebut mendedahkan akaunnya. No spiak ... habis cerita.  Baca di SINI

Baru sampai ke pengetahuan The Unspinners maklumat berikut yang mana ianya berkaitan akaun anwar dalam Israeli National Bank.

Wikileaks reveals Anwar's wealth derived from various sources. Among them are the FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI5, Israeli National Bank, Citibank and others.

1. Name : Mr. Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years
Account No : M-2074-6219-332 (E)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 05/06/97
Date of Maturity : 05/06/99

2. Name : Mr. Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years
Account No : DL-6074-3691-7785 (E)
Amount : USD 3,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 26/09/97
Date of Maturity : 26/09/00

3. Name : Mr. Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 3 years
Account No : CF-3711-5681-742 (G)
Amount : S $ 7,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/07/96
Date of Maturity : 06/07/99

4. Name : Mr. Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years
Account No : EX-6965-7718-396 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/11/97
Date of Maturity : 19/11/99

5. Name : Mr. Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit 2 years
Account No : FN-1799-6673-983 (M)
Amount : S $ 10,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/01/98
Date of Maturity : 21/01/00

6. Name : Mr Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years
Account No : BB-1792-5126-2197-14 (XD)
Amount : USD 6,600,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/12/96
Date of Maturity : 14/12/98

7. Name : Mr Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years
Account No : MG-3014-2132-5188-19 (NF)
Amount : USD 11,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 16/05/97
Date of Maturity : 16/05/00

8. Name : Mr Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 2 years
Account No : NE-5179-2212-6125-42 (CE)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 18/06/98
Date of Maturity : 18/06/00

9. Name : Mr Anwar bin Ibrahim

Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : American Express Bank
Type of Account : Current Account
Account No : E-7194-303-45-G
Amount : USD 7,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 22/12/95
Withdrawal : USD 2,500,000.00 on 10/01/96 Cheque No. F1742330
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 16/03/96 Cheque No. F1742331
Withdrawal : USD 1,000,000.00 on 01/07/96 Cheque No. F1742332
Withdrawal : USD 500,000.00 on 11/06/97 Cheque No. F1742333

10. Name : Mr Anwar bin Ibrahim
Post : Deputy Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 283767 (M)
Bank : Citibank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency) 3 years
Account No : J-321-3352-339-G
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 14/07/96
Date of Maturity : 14/07/99

Tak sangka, dia beri maklumat kepada MGG Pillai untuk hentam Dr Mahathir dengan sesuatu yang mungkin dia yang buat. 

Beranikah Anwar benarkan Bank-Bank tersebut dedahkan butiran akaun yang dikatan berkaitan dia?Nurul Izzah pun tak jawab cabaran.

Khabar sahih kata anak MGG Pillai bekerja dengan Khazanah Nasional. Tak ke bahaya tu ....

P/S Actually embattled Mahathir knew of the accounts but could not do anything until opportunity struck that was in the form of Currency Crisis.  Well, BABI you are not that smart a fella , when you think orang Melayu ni semua bodoh!

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