
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

YB Liow Tiong Lai assisted in deceiving the rakyat

The chair thrower
Datuk Yew Teong Look (Yew), aka as “The Chair Thrower”
On 23-2-3013, YB Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai (Liow), the Minister of Health and Deputy President of MCA, has officially announced that Datuk Yew Teong Look (Yew) is the “winnable candidate” for Wangsa Maju. Liow had also announced amongst other things that Yew has won the support of the coalition of 120 NGOs in Wangsa Maju. Please read in HERE.
It would appear that the above statement was made by Liow to re-enforce what Yew has been trying so hard to impress the rakyat that he has the support of all the 120 NGOs in Wangsa Maju. It was just another spin by Yew with the predominant purpose to deceive the rakyat. Yours truly will produce the evidence in the later part of this posting of how Yew had deceived the rakyat.
It was typical of Yew, who will do anything to deceive the rakyat that he was the man behind most, if not all, of the important developments in Wangsa Maju when in actual fact he was merely thriving on publicity stances to the extend of claiming credits for things that he didn’t even lift a finger to do. Solving problems for Yew were by way of press conferences and thereafter, the problems were considered as solved with little or no follow up thereafter. More often than not that the problems were never solved and yours truly was left to pick up the pieces.  
The Danau Kota Uptown nightly Pasar Malam was a clear example where it was allowed by Yew when he was the MP of Wangsa Maju.  The residents have sought Yew’s assistance, when he was the MP, to relocate the pasar malam traders to a another location far from residential area. But Yew did not take any step to resolve this matter.  After yours truly was elected MP, yours truly took it up and DBKL and the Minister of WP, YB Raja Nong Chik, have kindly agreed with yours truly to reduce the trading period to 5 night weekly until it is finally re-located in the foreseeable future. 
There were too many  incidents of claiming for credit to list. For a few glaring examples please read HEREHEREHERE HERE.
By the way, Yew has been credited with playing a key role in the throwing of chairs and creating chaos during the AGM of MCA. In fact, Yew rose to stardom in the MCA during YB Datuk Ong Ka Ting was the President of MCA.
Dr Liow Tiong Lai was helping Yew to deceive the rakyat
Yew & YB Datuk Seri Liow are the "winnable candidates"!
Yew & YB Datuk Seri Liow are both the “winnable candidates” of all times! The “abang-adik” smiling away thinking that they have succeeded in their pursuit of their hidden agenda to deceive the rakyat.
On 13-12-2012 Yew and his “budak-budak suruhan” were happily distributing Booklets to a group of selected participants. In the said  Booklet  Yew was declared as the “Penaung” of the coalition of the 120 NGOs.  The meaning of the word  “Penaung” in Bahasa Malaysia dictionary is: “Orang Yang memberi lindungan (bantuan, galakan), pelindung.” (A person giving protection [help, encouragement], protector). It was a very impressive title in deed for Yew! 
Of course, the Booklet contained Yew’s “Kata-Kata Alaun” as its “Penaung”.  The said Booklet was very impressive with beautiful photographs highlighting Yew as the star rather than the coalition of the so-called 120 NGOs. The said Booklet also contained a full list of the 120 NGO, three of which were duplicated. Therefore, the total number should be 118 NGOs only and not 120 as claimed in the said Booklet.

Official search from ROS showed 73 out of 118 were unregistered societies

An official search from Registrar of Societies (ROS) showed that out of the 118 NGOs in the said Booklet, only 45 were registered with ROS and the remaining 73 were not registered.
Below are the extracts from the beautiful and expensive Booklet:

The launching of the so-called coalition of 120 NGOs. The official address of this coalition sharing the same address as Yew's office.
The launching of the so-called coalition of 120 NGOs. The official address of this coalition of NGO is sharing the same address as Yew’s office.

Yew's "Kata-Kata Alaun"
Yew’s “Kata-Kata Alaun”. Yew, the “Penaung” (Protector).  

List of Yew's so-called coalition of NGOs
List of Yew’s so-called coalition of NGOs. Those marked with BLACK underlined are the duplicate andRED the unregistered societies. 

List of Yew's so-called coalition of NGOs. Marked in RED were the unregistered societies.
List of Yew’s so-called coalition of NGOs. Marked in RED are the unregistered societies.

Below was the “Senarai Pengesahan Pertubuhan” from  ROS:

Search results from ROS. Registered society marked a tick and unregistered with X
Search result from ROS. Registered society marked tick and unregistered with X. Page 1

Search result from ROS.
Search result from ROS Page 2.

Search result from ROS
Search result from ROS Page 3

Search from ROS Page 4
Search result from ROS Page 4

It was crystal clear that as a minister, Liow, knew or ought to have known of the above facts (i.e. out of the 118 so-called coalition of NGOs which Yew is the “Penaung”, 73 were unregistered societies) and yet he saw it fit to assist Yew in deceiving the Rakyat by giving a false impression that Yew has enjoyed the full support from all the 118 NGOs when 73 were non-existence and the majority of the remaining 45 NGOs may not have held meeting to decide on the issue of joining the coalition or endorsing Yew as the “winnable” candidate.
Regrettably this was the standard of the “winnable candidate” in the eyes of Liow and Liow himself.  Both Yew or Liow have all the rights to believe or dream that they are the “winnable candidates” but definitely not by using such method to deceive the rakyat.
Well, since Liow took great pain in declaring a member of his faction as a “winnable candidate”, let us all agree with Liow for he knows better in the furtherance of his own political agenda.
However, yours truly feels that Liow is more “winnable” especially with his ministerial status and vast capabilities including the above deceptive acts, he should seriously consider coming to Wangsa Maju to join in the fray soon.

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