
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 1, 2013

Chaos at GE13? Watch out for Umno thugs

YOURSAY 'Is Hishammuddin laying the ground for the anticipated busloads of suspected 'instant' IC holders to vote without interference?'

Cops on lookout for attempts to create chaos at GE13

your sayFerdtan: Malaysian Seni Silat Gayong Organisation president Adiwijaya Abdullah reported that the opposition was found to have tried to create chaos during the 13th general election.

Following this, Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein, grateful for the information from the ‘silat' man, jumped in to warn of possible threats to sabotage GE13 from certain quarters (read: opposition).

Tell us minister, what has the ‘silat' man got to do with the internal security of the country? What is exactly the relationship between Adiwijaya and the police? Is the silat organisation now part of the police's intelligence?

Where are the police Special Branch officers? And Hishammuddin, who do you take advice from?

Mahashitla: Adiwijaya must have made our IGP (police chief) and the Special Branch look stupid and inefficient regarding his ‘information' that the opposition is planning chaos during GE13 in 10 constituencies.

The last thing Pakatan Rakyat want to see is chaos. They only want a clean and fair election. Is Hishammuddin laying the ground for the anticipated busloads of suspected 'instant' IC holders to vote without interference?

I also find it suspicious that Wanita Umno is setting up a special task force to protect 'voters', something which it has never done before.

Hmmmmmmmm: Pakatan should pay special attention to the 10 constituencies mentioned above. I suspect something fishy is going to happen and BN is trying to pre-empt this by pretending to warn us that the opposition is going to cause chaos in these places if they lose.

We should always analyse what BN says for hints of possible fraud. And Adiwijaya, the man with the Indonesian-sounding name, has just completed the opening scene of Tanda Putera 2.0.

Hang Babeuf: Those disorderly "quarters" notably include the ground on which Hishammuddin and his party are standing. If you don't clean up the mess in your own house, you have no standing to talk about anybody else.

Also why pay attention to this Adiwijaya guy and his fancy-dress warriors? He has waved around a pamphlet with an opposition party logo on it that was allegedly printed months ago.
More likely it was produced and "work-shopped" in some backstreet photocopying shop or multimedia studio a few days ago for this current purpose.

Anybody who pays any attention to this fabrication, and gives any credence to those who now brandish it, is simply an idiot.

Gods Messenger: It's very obvious and suspicious that certain quarters aligned to the ruling regime have prepared such pamphlets and are blaming the opposition.

The election fever and the spate of threats issued by the racist Perkasa group and the hooligans masquerading as opposition have created fear among the rakyat.

These days whenever the people see BN flags being hoisted, it sparks fear of gangsterism.

Perakian: As a normal citizen, I'm particularly afraid and feel threatened whenever I see a group of Umno people hanging around. Police, please make sure these people don't create trouble during the elections.

Black Mamba: Chaos has already been started by the pro-BN NGOs. See the PKR campaign bus being pelted with stones and splashed with red paint and its windscreen shattered time and again. See the stones thrown at PKR ceramah with injuries inflicted on opposition supporters.

See the flag-waving disturbances at the DAP ceramah in Teluk Intan, the throwing of eggs at PKR headquarters and pouring of red paint at Penang DAP office.

Need I need to carry on with the list and ask "whodunit"?

Onyourtoes: How low can we sink, Hishammuddin - you need to rely on a nincompoop from Seni Silat to advise you on security threat?

Look, just look at the counter/parallel ceramah being staged by your party each night is sufficient for you to know who is behind all these threats.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Hishammuddin, you represent a disgraced and expired regime. You are trying to divert attention from your party's misdemeanors by creating a diversion.

And as someone asked in this Malaysiakini forum, why would the opposition create trouble? Winners never do.

Absalom: Mr Minister, the only threats and chaos thus far have been carried out by Umno-BN supporters and goons at various Pakatan ceramahs across the country. All these are well-documented in Youtube.

Can you name a single incident where Pakatan supporters caused chaos at BN functions? The credit should go to the Malaysian public who have so far not reacted or responded to the uncivil, violent and rowdy hooligan supporters of Umno-BN, or to the seditious speeches of the likes of Kulim-Bandar Baharu MP Zulkifli Nordin and Perkasa.

Why have you not acted on any of these? Going by these past incidents, who do you think is most likely to cause chaos during GE13?

Chipmunk: Is the home minister aware that at every ceramah, it was the thugs from Umno and BN that have always interrupted the opposition ceramahs? Or is he blind?

Why are they blaming the opposition? Are they anticipating another May 13 so that Emergency can be declared with the current government holding on to power?

Thetruth: This is the home minister who kept quiet when the Umno crowd in Gombak wanted to 'chop off' Batu MP Tian Chua's head. I wonder whether he and his gang have any credibility left.

It is an open secret that they are anxious about steps that will be taken by Pakatan to ensure people with instant ICs do not vote.

Dood: Hishammuddin, try looking at your own backyard for once. - malaysiakini

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