
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 7, 2013

1Moneyfest !

Welcome to 1Moneyfest !

Did you see the video till the end ? Okay ! Lets look at the many ways Najib is making a very bad start the second time around. 

Lets begin with the company he keeps. Everyone on stage has had a string of controversies surrounding him/her. Everyone has been accused of one thing or another. Its corruption, racism, prejudiced religious bigots, thieves, sex maniacs, wanted criminals and arrogant lying bastards. They are all up there somewhere and for you to figure out who's who. The most obvious and notorious being that plunderer from Sarawak Mohd Taib rolled in all the adjectives described above. I don't even want to go into that now as I'm sure you, my learned reader need no introduction to his putrid mega scandals. Can you trust Najib ( "nambikai" in Tamil and over-killed by Najib ) who has such vermin for company ?  

Then Najib does not even talk about an honest days "work" to put food on the table and build the nation. Instead he talks about something he knows best and expects every Malaysian to adopt. Accepting hand-outs or "crutches" every now and then will make us a nation of bleeding beggars, no ? It will make us nothing better if not worse then what some of  us are, right now. Laziness becomes our nature and thus proving what that old corrupt racist and irrelevant Mahathir who once wrote in his "Malay Delima" book as a prophesy come true. Now do we want that Mr.Najib ? Surely not, not from that father of all things fucked-up in our country, the MahaFiruan. (I want to digress a bit here, just wondering why did the Education ministry not use the "Malay Delima" as a school literature text book but choose that fictitious garbage "Interlok" instead ?) 

As usual, again Najib talks about his"transformation" program. He says we must change our ways and trust in him and fight corruption for a better Malaysia. Change from what, Mr.Najib Abdul Razak ? Corruption is a cancer deeply embedded in UMNO and BN. Bribery is corruption. Najib hands out BR1M, SR1M, FR1M and all that SH1T in exchange and a promise of a vote for his party. Brazen money politics, I say and its all okay and in compliance with your religious beliefs to form the next government ? Corruption"packaged" in the form of "crutches" to "trust"Najib and his gallery of rogues to form the next government for a better tomorrow is"transformation" for you Najib ?  And that's the best manifesto Najib could offer ?

What transformation are we talking about ? Same shit packed in a different jar before, now and forevermore ?? Sorry BN and UMNO, you're 55 years past your shelf-life and there's nothing new you can offer us that we've not seen or tasted before. The rakyat are fed up with your lies and are cashing-in their chips for good. 

We won't burn the whole house down to get rid of a few rats. We just get rid of the rats. Good luck Najib......at least one prophesy will finally come true....the RAHMAN prophesy.  
Good bye sir.     

Inikalilah !

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