
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, April 7, 2013

Vote BN if You Believe in Santa Claus

Finally 1Malaysia got the permission to have the election. No choice really. Given the guessing game for that long, one wonders if the BN fellows want to cling on to power till thy kingdom come.
It is likely the dirtiest of campaign period. Already we got a taste of the kind of behaviour exhibited by both sides even before the dissolution.

One suspected the election fever is one when you see all those blue flags and billboards extolling the wonderful great deeds of the BN planted all over the city and towns and villages. With no regard for safety at all. You have flags here, planted on road shoulders, nailed or tied to trees and lampposts, jutting out rather dangerously. No one safety is taken into consideration and were such party paraphernalia allowed even before election is announced?

But then, our politicians have been disregarding the law for so long and the way they are going about disregarding town bylaws in erecting their party phallic symbols is not surprising.

So the talk around coffee shops is about whether BolehLand folks have the guts and maturity to change the government and not believe all those doomsday scenario that the caretaker government and their pro supporters are painting.

If they all say things will go bad if there is a change, goes to show their programs aren't worth the salt the billions or trillions of ringgit they spent on it... plus the God knows how much millions corruptly siphoned away due to the abuses of powers - and of course their use of the law of privileges and rights to rape the country coffers including that of the land.

Will BolehLand folks retain the status quo or change to tell any government the people mean business in wanting a country that is fair, just and not treated like slaves?

One thing is certain that if the same government is voted in it will be PAYBACK TIME. Which means we are going to be taxed with introduction of GST...Where is the Santa Claus going to get money to Br1m annually? And the DEBT is climbing and we are going to be taxed like hell believe me....

If not for the strong opposition, we would have to pay high tolls, and we should blame the opposition for the high debt really. Simply because if there was not a strong opposition, 1Malaysia would not have become a Santa Claus right? Or try to show BN is fair to all, though we know they fail miserably.

But then the rural folks believe their politician leaders as Gods. Hey were they not told that in their Friday sermons hah! Wonder why no mention of opposition leaders that also must be worshipped like Gods!

It will be the day when the rural folks wake up to know that the money that BN and UMNO dishes out is NOT BN OR UMNO but the taxpayers like me who pays maximum income tax and still not repaid for a mere about RM200 of overpaid taxes last year and this year about RM300. And they whack us for declaring our statement late!

Let us hope taxpayers who are angry and angered by the way their hard earned money is being spent GIVING FREE MONEY to citizens included those instant citizens we now know from Sabah - express their anger in the ballot box.

As a Christian our leaders ask us to vote wisely. Been sharing with Christians when they go and vote just vote against those hypocrites who defile our religion, belittle our God and even dictate what we should call our God hah! No need to listen to all the manifestos and all those millions of taxpayers money spend on their feel good billboards!

Looking at all the outward bribery to vote me and I give you more cash handouts is akin to saying Vote BN if You Believe in Santa Claus! 

Vote with your conscience. Ensure we have a strong opposition. Unless we have all had our crown jewels squeezed the past over 50 years to become eunuchs to the government of the day, dare to be bold. Governments have come and gone unless we want to believe that BN is akin to what Caesar, the Pharaohs, Napoleon and Hitler believe that their Reich has the right to last a 1,000 years!

The time is right now to tell and teach the government of the day they cannot continue to treat their people like pawns in their divide and rule policy, their race base policies, the religious bigotry and arrogance and abuses namely corruption, justice and law.

It is a fact that when the party gets 2/3 majority they are drunk with power and for the 5 years will belittle and humiliate those who sought to expose excesses, abuses and corrpution.
The tale of two brothers!

Spotted at anti GLC banks picket on Apr 6, 2013
Even after 55 years they are all appealing to colour, religion and blind obedience plus this time sanctioned bribery to win votes. Vote me I take care of your race, vote me i take care of your religion, vote me i allow you to use your mother tongue and what have you. Bolehland politicians adopts the 3Rs to gain power...RACE, RELIGION AND RECRIMINATION.. when they win they will use all three... IT'S PAYBACK TIME! 

And we tell ourselves we are matured, religious, world best democracy, nation of moderates, 1st class infrastructure and what have you...underneath we are even more racist, bigots, arrogant and an ever more having a handouts crutch mentality by waiting for cash handouts... Not sure what economics 1Malaysia learnt that cash handouts resolve poverty?

On all those millions being spent by BN, it's really a waste to those who have made up their minds long ago...they ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE THEIR WAYS that is a fact. If they win they will still play the majority rules and you minority oh shut up... Better to say I TOLD YOU SO NOW that wait for post GE13 right?

This is an opportunity for us to tell any government we are more matured than all your sloganeering, posturing and we don't believe Santa Claus is real hah! - YAHMEH!!!

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