
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Boston Bombers Influenced By Wahabi Who Stayed In Malaysia

Well it appears that one of the two Chechen brothers who was responsible for the Boston bombings was influenced by a firebrand Wahabi militant preacher on You Tube. The Wahabi preacher's name is Feiz Muhammad, an Australian of Lebanese origins.  The scary thing is this Feiz Muhammad is believed to have spent some time here in Malaysia. I have blogged about this Feiz Muhammad before. 

First here is some news:
  • Tamerlan Tsarnaev increasingly radical in last three or four years
  • Imarat Kavkaz - most potent militant group in Chechnya and Dagestan.
  • known in English as Caucasus Emirate. 
  • Imarat Kavkaz founded in 2007 to create an Islamic state 
  • Caucasus Emirate's integration into global Jihad 
  • 2012  Tsarnaev created YouTube channel with links to videos
  • Tsarnaev's YouTube features militant preacher Feiz Muhammad
  • Feiz Muhammad - firebrand Australian preacher 
  • sympathize with al Qaeda's worldview.
  • he urged young Muslims to become martyrs
  • Feiz Muhammad keeps his sermons within legal "red lines" in Australia
Here is more news :

"The sense of bland unknowingness—“He seemed so nice!”—began to evaporate the closer we got to the Tsarnaev brothers. Tamerlan’s YouTube channel features a series of videos in support of fundamentalism and violent jihad, including a rant by Feiz Muhammad, an Australian cleric and ex-boxer based in Malaysia; in one video, the cleric goes on about the evil “paganism” in the Harry Potter movies. Another video provides a dramatization of the Armageddon prophecy of the Black Banners of Khurasan, an all-powerful Islamic military force that will rise up from Central Asia and defeat the infidels; it is a martial-religious prophecy favored by Al Qaeda."

So there goes our good name again. It is very sad that these jihadis have found welcome and hospitality in Malaysia. 
  • Jihadis who were implicated in the 9-11 attacks had been in Malaysia. 
  • Abu Bakar Bashir the Indonesian terror mastermind had PR status in Malaysia when Anwar Ibrahim was Deputy PM and master of the ABIM   
  • embarrasingly Malaysians were arrested in Lebanon for plotting suicide attacks
  • In Philippines & Indonesia, Malaysians have been shot dead for suicide bomb attacks
  • Now the Boston Bombers were inspired by an Australian jihadi who has lived in Malaysia
It looks like our security boys close one eye and just dont know what type of jihadi psychos come into or leave the country.  And they are all influenced by the militant preachers of global jihad.   Here is a YouTube video of Feiz Muhammad ranting like a mad man. 

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