
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, April 21, 2013

Strange happenings (1)

Last week strange things happened, though one could argue that a few, though predictable, were still considered strange or, a better word, bizarre.

Firstly, there seems to be a toning down of the Altantuyaa case to a level now almost inaudible.

As I had lamented in my other blog Ktemoc Komposes about the repetitive 'murder' of slain Mongolian, Altantuyaa Shabiibuu, for political benefits, though mind you, a few were sincere but in general the rest were for exploitative political gains.

PKR mourners for Altantuyaa prior to a by-election
would they be mourning for a neighbour down the street?

In my amateurish wannabe-poem Murdering Altantuyaa Shaariibuu Again I wrote as if in the shoes of the late Altantuyaa, an Altantuyaa who would have been highly cynical of many who claimed to moan for her (extracts only):

But the loudest noises are they calling for ‘justice’
Though, I smile cynically, ‘twas not meant for me
Their shrill proclamations & belated outrage (sigh)
Startled even great Gujir Tngri and the 77 siqar

Grandstanding acrobatics, their excuse to dispense
With all norms, purportedly all for me (wry smile)
I must confess I view with scepticism and distaste
As I would professional chest-pounding mourners

Gnashing Colgate mint-flavoured peroxide-d teeth
Wretchedly wringing manicured Ulan oiled hands
Shedding date-expired plastic bags of lo-salt tears
Proclaiming to be 11th hour paragons of ‘justice’

Even Ataya Tngri rolled his ancient eyes upwards
While Emegelji Eji cackled with caustic laughter
The ancient pair could see abacus shaped hearts
Clicking furiously and shaming Casio calculators

By sheer speed of their computation of advantage
What to extract, exploit, extricate from my name
Squeezing the very last speck of desiccated blood
From my hyper cold shattered fragments of bones

Eager hands raided the ossuary for me to be laid
As stepping stones for the progress of a demigod

'murdered' not once but several times over
by various Malaysians

Maybe those 'abacus shaped hearts ... clicking furiously and shaming Casio calculators' have assessed that now there are enough of other issues to do away with 'extracting and squeezing the very last speck of desiccated blood from Altantuyaa's hyper cold shattered fragments of bones'.

Secondly, one that was predictable but yet bizarre has been the so-called MoU between Waythamoorty and Najib.

For a shocking start, Waytha forgo the issue of Indian deaths in police custody when this topic has been one of the three important grievances that brought out (the original) Hindraf on 25 November 2007 - see another of my wannabe-poem 25 November 2007.

Remembering Francis Udayappan
whose death in police custody has not been satisfactorily explained
but alas, in photo only his mum but no PKR mourner

maybe Waythamoorthy & N Ganesan will take it up? the mourning I mean, not the issue as the MoU with UMNO doesn't include this

In a previous post The Tragedy of Hindraf I wrote: This leads us uncomfortably to the suspicion that the DAP has been an unwanted suitor, when Hindraf probably desires someone else. I hope I am wrong but when I read in Malaysiakini’s Tough issues in store for second PM-Hindraf meet I see a totally different Hindraf reaction to its meeting with Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak. Dare I say it has been coquettishly coy complete with fluttering eyelashes?

Sadly I was proven correct when Hindraf's adviser N Ganesan sneered at DAP for adopting 11 of Hindraf's points in its so-called blueprint as an act of plagiarism, where the accusation of plagiarism was so outlandishly ridiculous because Hindraf issued its blueprint with a demand that Pakatan or BN picked it up.

As I had written in a piece which Malaysiakini published as a 'Comment' article Plagiarism cries, and the tragedy of Hindraf instead as just a reader's letter:

Plagiarism is an academic abomination, a commercial crime in some intellectual rights cases, and an indictment of policy bankruptcy and incompetency in politics if, say, Party A were to steal policy ideas from Party B.

Waythamoorthy, hope you know what 'pembelot' means
If you don't, read the story of Mir Jafar, another Indian pembelot

But Hindraf is neither Party A nor Party B in the current scheme of things. Hindraf drew up its blueprint not as an academic or commercial item, but to demand that either side of Malaysian politics adopt same if they wish to have Hindraf’s support in the coming general election.

Thus, we would have expected the organisation to be happy with the DAP for adopting most of its blueprint. But bizarrely, it has now accused DAP of plagiarism of its policy when in the first place it had wanted political acceptance of it.

It appears Hindraf is either confused over what it wants or it has been the wrong side of politics which has adopted its blueprint, hence its chagrin and rather absurd accusation of plagiarism against DAP.

No, Hindraf wasn't confused.

DAP's Gelang Patah Declaration embracing 11 of Hindraf's blueprint points was those of an unwanted suitor.

Waythamoorthy and his adviser N Ganesan wanted and was waiting for Mapillai Najib to pick it up. And Najib did, but on only 4 of those points which pointedly omitted the issue of Indian deaths in police custody.

Mapillai Najib a.k.a Aneh Nambikei

Yet Waythamoorthy and Ganesan would rather have a lesser and more diluted BN MoU than DAP's Gelang Patah Declaration.

As S Thayaparan, who has been noted to be fairly disdainful of and acerbic with DAP and the party's policies, wrote in his Malaysiakini article Burying the hatchet BN uses to hack Indian community:

So not only did Hindraf sign a practically useless (because it is not only not legally binding but also made by parties unknown) memorandum of understanding with an alliance they claim are the perpetrators of all the injustices the Indian community faced all these decades and continue to face, this so-called memorandum does not even include elements from their own blueprint that would benefit not only the Indian community but all Malaysians.

The Gelang Patah declaration, which was a rip-off
* from the Hindraf blueprint, had more teeth in it than this useless document. Therefore, the question is, why did Hindraf even bother to be a party to it.

* the term 'rip-off' is hardly appropriate because the aim of Hindraf's blueprint was for it to be adopted, hence it would be ludicrously absurd to say it was plagiarized or ripped-off, but as I remarked, S Thayaparan has been noted to be disdainful of and acerbic with DAP and its policies.

I believe we may safely assume why Waythamoorthy and his adviser N Ganesan prefer to be in the UMNO bed with Najib.

Hindraf's new lover boy

Kugan died in police custody
now abandoned and forgotten by Hindraf?

You know, one could argue for them that they assessed the reality of the political situation and chose BN as the better suitor despite it being responsible for the woes of Indians directly or indirectly, including Indian deaths in police custody for the past 40 plus years, because the UMNO-led government is likely to be (again) the next government.

But what took our breath away was what Waythamoorthy did next, something that was beyond the agenda of Hindraf.

Waythamoorthy called on Indians to return to BN to ensure the coalition wins with a two-thirds majority!!!!

poster from Zorro unmasked

S Thayaparan's MKINI article seems to be appropriately titled
'Burying the hatchet BN uses to hack Indian community'

Why? Was that necessary for Hindraf's interests?

By that call, Waythamoorthy went from being a Hindraf negotiator to being an UMNO campaign supporter. Thus it would not be wrong for us to assume Waythamoorthy and N Ganesan will campaign for UMNO's Zulkifli Noordin, Ibrahim Ali and Hishamuddin Hussein, three politicians who have been particularly nasty or unsympathetic to the rights of Hindus, to ensure BN wins with a 2/3 majority.

Waytha and Ganesan, you guys are supporting a bloke who insulted me?

And it's not as if Waythamoorthy doesn't know what sort of people BN has. He stated quite unabashedly that it doesn't matter whether Rama or Ravana rules the country, a very direct expression of his knowledge that BN is evil but he doesn't care. Ambiga Sreenevasan was furious by Waythamoorthy's arrogant acceptance of evil to justify his personal political preference.

Before we leave Waythamoorthy and his bed mate UMNO, let's reflect on what S Thayaparan, who was until Waytha's bizarre action highly sympathetic with Hindraf, said in his final paragraph:

“According to the agreement, should BN retain federal power, it would set up a new unit under the Prime Minister's Office to implement the details of the MOU.”

"Let me guess, this unit would be a kennel next to the PM’s Office, right? All I can say is, to whichever Hindraf lackey appointed to this unit, remember when you are walking down the corridors of Putrajaya, when you meet an Ibrahim Ali or a Zulkifi Noordin, keep your eyes to the floor and never bite the hand that feeds you."

"Always remember your place. You earned it."

new section in PM's Department

It's been a fairly long post so I'll continue with the other strange points in my next posting.

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