
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Hindraf, what have you become?

YOURSAY ‘Hindraf has definitely lost the theme and plot, this is something that any kindergarten student can point out.’

Burying the hatchet BN uses to hack Indian community
your say
Aries46: It appears that Hindraf leader P Waythamoorthy did strike a deal with Umno when he walked in freely from the UK and his activities then on up to his outlandish demand for electoral seats from Pakatan Rakyat that would invariably pave the way to opt for the memorandum of understanding (MOU) with BN chief Najib Abdul Razak, which appears to have been in furtherance of his initial deal with Umno. 

Nevertheless, it is a hollow victory riddled with outright injustice and betrayal of its waning supporters among the Indian poor. 

Waytha’s Hindraf today is a pale shadow of what it was in its heyday in 2007 as almost all the original Hindraf leaders and movers and supporters have moved out, thus leaving the remnant that constitutes Waytha's faction. 

The current GE13 charade is seen by many as merely a personal victory for Waytha and his hangers-on for whatever personal concessions gained. Najib is no fool. 

In his slew of promises to so many for their votes, he views hunger-stricken Waytha and his clique as yet another desperate partner waiting to be taken for mutual gains.

6th Generation Immigrant: Hindraf has definitely lost the theme and plot, this is something that any kindergarten student can point out. Hindraf was conjured, all because MIC failed to deliver for over 50 years, the good citizenry that Indians should enjoy as Malaysians. 

By asking the Indian community to support BN, is Hindraf asking for the return of MIC, Umno and MCA to get BN the two-thirds to fail another few years? Where is the logic? 

One last hope is that these are only the words and feelings of false prophets (Hindraf leaders), the true believers shall vote with conscience, and false preachers shall be stoned to death. 

Even Umno stooges would know where their political votes come from, why can't these Hindraf leaders see that? Hindraf is being used in this wayang kulit.

Abasir: Those who know MOUs will also know that they mean absolutely nothing. But I suppose that is so appropriate in the case of Hindraf which, by this act of colossal (albeit self-serving) stupidity, has reduced itself to nothing. And so the pathetic saga of Indians in the hands of Umno continues. 

The only bright side to this is that there are tens of thousands of Indians who are not swayed by the shenanigans of Waytha and his co-conspirators, and who will do what is needed to bring down this regime of rascals.

Blackknight: Readers have said most of what has to be said. I would just like to add that we need not worry too much, for I believe that the great majority of Indians would not be following the direction of Waytha's index finger when deciding who to vote for. Waytha and his cronies would bite the dust just like RS Thanenthiran of Makkal Sakthi. 

I predicted this outcome - like many others - aeons ago. I warned my good friend M Manoharan, the incumbent assemblyperson of Kota Alam Shah, not to be too trusting of these guys. 

He did not listen and has paid a huge price. DAP has dropped him as a candidate - one major reason - for championing the issues that these two brothers wanted him to, especially in the state assembly.

Both P Uthayakumar and Waytha will walk off with millions, but sadly, the people who genuinely believed in them and staked their lives on them are left to rue the wasteland.

Myop101: Hindraf, Hindraf. What have you become? I hope the disenfranchised Indians realise that their hopes definitely do not rest in BN. 

If BN didn't do much after 2008, do you think they will do more post-May 5? Let's be wise and make a bet for Pakatan Rakyat.

Apolitical Observer: The question is why can’t Pakatan do what BN has done? If the writer indicated that the MOU will not be kept, what assurance is there that the Gelang Patah Declaration will be kept? 

I do agree with Waytha that whether Rama or Ravana rules there is no difference to the poor if they are neglected. Here, at least, Najib has come forward, admitted the mistakes and shortcoming of the past, apologised and promised that the poor will be taken care. I take this as a reconciliatory approach by BN, the enemy of Hindraf. 

BN was not their choice and they were forced to go to court because Pakatan not only refused to negotiate further and endorse the blueprint but mocked, insulted and belittled the Hindraf leaders and condemned the movement. Hindraf felt that Pakatan, as their natural ally and friend, has betrayed them. 

There is a wise saying in Tamil: You can forgive an enemy who come for reconciliation but never forgive a friend who has betrayed you. So, stop all these acts of unfair and unjustifiable condemnation of Hindraf and its leaders.

Ksn: All right-thinking Malaysian Indians are with you, commander, on your views about Hindraf, Waytha. Both are disgusting, to say the least, losers too.
I hope, so is Umno Baru, who is the biggest bidder for Waytha, his group of traitors for all its grand strategies to save the Indian community from bastardisation, into the lions den to be eaten raw.
But the Indians are not falling for it. The lions will have to go hungry and die.

Fair Play: S Thayaparan, excuse me if this sounds harsh. These so-called Indian Malaysian leaders who lead their community have no self-respect. Now, the rakyat have a glimpse of their self-inflicted marginalisation for the past 50+ years. God helps those who help themselves.

P Dev Anand Pillai: Well commander, it would be best that we allow the crabs who are happy to be in the basket, to be there.
Those who manage to climb out must always be reminded that in event you want to return to the basket to help other crabs out, there is a very high probability that your helping hand may be bitten off. 

So it’s best to leave the crabs in their baskets and allow the crab catchers to do what they do best, that is to catch crabs, cook them and eat them. No decent cab catcher will ever give respect to the crabs that he catches.
He either consumes them or sells them to the highest bidder, who then keeps them in aquariums and cooks them for guests who order them. It is a pitiful life for the crabs. - Malaysiakini

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