
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 20, 2013

Is there any decency left in the BN?

YOURSAY ‘Having seen how dirty Najib and company can be in light of their many abuses, do you still want to support this wretched party on May 5?’

Crossing the lines - BN's early strategic mistakes

your sayTehachapi: Bridget Welsh is absolutely correct. Umno-BN's sense of propriety, civility and morality have declined precipitously. It is resorting to the use of Machiavellian methods, disguised as democratic elections. 

In truth, Umno-BN is applying cunning, manipulating the civil service, armed forces, schools, religious organisations, pressure groups and other highly dubious methods including distribution of sex tapes, threats of civil unrest, fanning racial and religious sentiments to get the votes it desires. 

This Machiavellian approach, while expedient, will eventually backfire and blow up in Umno-BN's face because Malaysians detest antimonial, destructive behaviour and this is revolting and wicked in the eyes of the ordinary voters. They will reject Umno-BN in droves.
Jesse: BN’s latest tactic has all the hallmarks of its chief Najib Razak's hand. He was successful in Perak when he managed to persuade three state assembly members to jump ship, and gloated. This time he may have overplayed his hand by using ROS. 

Citizens are very angry, including those who have been apolitical. It looks like nothing is taboo for Najib to get his way.

Yap CS: BN, especially Umno has very few really talented people left. The sycophantic system ensures that only ‘yes’ men remain and those with any brains are sidelined. Hence the use of such tactics, which showcase their character; money politics, gutter politics and samseng politics.

AngryBird: Umno-BN is the dirtiest and most corrupt party in Malaysia. Malaysians, you have seen for yourselves how dirty Najib and company can be. In light of this and many other abuses, do you still want to support this wretched party on May 5?

Anonymous_4031: Bridget Welsh, you have hit the nail on the head; and have shown how stupid BN leaders are. With mud in their heads, how could they ever lead the nation? Their brains are empty.

They have sex for breakfast, sex for lunch, sex for teatime, sex for dinner, sex for supper; and perhaps even sex in their dreams.

With a sex obsession, how could they lead the nation? They think smut will influence kampong Malays, not knowing that they are disgusted with such propaganda. The backlash will knock out BN candidates. 

Having failed to debate with Anwar and to attend last night's Bersih debate on manifestos, Najib has forfeited his chance to air his views. Anwar has the whole stage.

Using taxpayers' money to bribe the Sikhs, giving RM500 and RM100 as giving sweets to cheat children, and now, using ROS to disqualify DAP is the last straw that breaks BN's back.

And giving 10 minutes radio time to the opposition with editing, which fool wants it? Amen to BN's end

Mahashitla: Umno-BN is still arrogant and dirty and on the eve of a GE they are continuing with their old ways of pulling the wool over the voters’ eyes. 

Indeed they have underestimated the intelligence of today's voters, who want to see fair play and decency. The latest move not to recognise DAP's central committee has prompted many fence-sitters to make up their minds to support the opposition.
Gotcha: Today's lunch at a mamak restaurant was interesting. A group of 11 middle-aged people were having lunch after Friday prayers.

I heard them say, “Damn ROS wants to suspend DAP; Never mind, even if they use the moon logo (PAS) we will still vote the moon.” From their conversation I feel DAP will get more Malay support by using PAS’ logo.

Thetruth: Pakatan needs to thank the Registrar of Societies (ROS) for such a wonderful gift. If DAP wanted to use PAS or PKR’s logo without any justification, it would be suicidal. Now, DAP has gotten what they want.

DAP and Pakatan will gain more now as Malay voter will be less reluctant to vote for DAP using PAS or PKR’s logo, and at the same time the Chinese and Indian votes will increase due to the anger caused by ROS.
Appum: Bridget, you have given a fair write up on the situation. But the people behind this ROS deed has miscalculated their move and I am sure are in damage control mode now. 

Many a time we have seen BN-Umno miscalculate their policies and implementation because of ulterior motives in all of them. They don't seem to be able to fathom ramifications of their actions in the short and long term. 

They would just allow their cronies or apple polishing ‘servants’ to propose an action, and voila, it's accepted without much thought resulting in flip flop actions to correct the situations later. 
Jiminy Qrikert: BN politicians are just so full of themselves they have completely lost touch with the rakyat. Umno no longer understands nor represents the Malays. MCA is totally bankrupt of ideas. MIC is just as clueless about the Indians. The latest miscalculation by Najib is the pact with Hindraf. Now, Hindraf too has proven to be out of touch with the majority of the Indians in Malaysia as well. It is definitely BN's complete collapse come GE13. 
SteveK: You should know what PM's ‘by hook or by crook’ means. He can stab you and say "so what". See the way money is being thrown about these days. You just can't trust these people.

Hold Awam Accountable: Are we really surprised that this bungling fool of a PM is hastening his party's plunge into oblivion? In his five years as PM, Najib has never shown he understood the responsibilities of his position nor has he cared to learn. 

He simply ignored calls for real reform, lied to get out of tough spots, and tried to buy support instead of earning it. I'm really looking forward to books written about ‘The Rise and Fall of the BN Empire’.
Lie Detector: Everyone please tell your family, especially the seniors, to vote to ‘Send the Rocket to the Moon’.- Malaysiakini

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