
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

If you love me, vote for BN! Come on Najib, we are voters - not Rosmah or your girlfriends!

If you love me, vote for BN! Come on Najib, we are voters - not Rosmah or your girlfriends!
It is amusing and yet confusingly crazy too. At BN rallies, the placards with the words “I Love PM” are a standard and swarming feature. And seeing this tidal wave of placards, the PM, Datuk Seri Najib himself was moved and is reported to have cried out, “If you love me, vote for BN”.
Really, is this the time for fondness and romantic inclinations and feel-good messages? Or should we be examining, analyzing and evaluating performances in order to vote wisely and decisively as is expected of all democratic and responsible citizenry?
Can M'sians love Rosmah?
For the benefit of the doubt, let us say there is nothing wrong in preaching and promoting love (romantic inclinations to be precise) for candidates in the run-up to the ballot box.
Then if we have to vote for a candidate out of fondness, we must equally also love his or her spouse – because behind every successful man or woman is his or her spouse, right?.
So, if Najib appeals “If you love me…”, supporters must also remember to love Rosmah. You must love her for everything – her rumored handbags; her alleged spending-sprees; her alleged diamond-ring interest; her rumored influence on Najib and hand in candidate selections.
Everything about Rosmah must be praised and loved. Why? Because love knows no boundaries.
And if you keep with the tradition of other nations, should a voted candidate be overtaken by ill health or worse, death, then his or her spouse becomes the chosen one – also out of love.
Of course as decent human beings we wish and pray for a candidate's healthy, long and fruitful life - including Datuk Seri Najib. But If God decides otherwise, we will still have his or her spouse as our chosen candidate or leader.
And if we protest to that eventuality, then we are not sincere in saying “We love PM”. We are plain downright frauds in telling our caretaker PM, "We Love our PM".
So you see, GE-13 should be anchored on objectivity. It is a time to assess performance and checkmated against promises.
No room for romantic pledges
There is no reason nor season for BN to peddle on romantic feelings. The fact that BN had 56 years of lead advantage; the fact that BN claims to have delivered on its promises; the fact that BN supporters are proud of BN’s achievements – why get romantic this eleventh hour?
Just showcase what you had promised for the last 12 general elections and state which of these you have delivered as promised. And for those that you have yet to fulfill, give believable reasons why you need the vote for the 13th time around.
And if you are proposing a ‘new’ manifesto, then tell the rakyat why you need a new re-written list of promising deliverables when you had 56 years of running to make good a future for all Malaysians.
And that exactly is what will be in the minds and hearts of all thinking and responsible citizens marching to the polls. It is only when citizens become responsible in thought, word and deed can any transforming change take place. There is no room for romantic pledges at a general election.

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