
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, April 29, 2013

Najib pilih tukang sembur mata Mahathir jadi calon BN...

Bayangkan apa akan jadi jika Tun Mahathir Mohamad tahu Najib Razak meletakkan individu yang pernah menyembur matanya 7 tahun lalu sebagai calon BN untuk Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Guchil di Kelantan pada PRU 13 ini. 

Peristiwa itu yang terjadi pada 28 Julai 2006 diungkap semula Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim pada Ceramah Pakatan Harapan Rakyat di Keramat Wangsa malam tadi. 

Katanya, individu berkenaan adalah Datuk Nik Sapeia Nik Yusof bersama Datuk Ibrahim Ali dan dua ahli Umno BN yang lain menyembur bahan pemedih mata ke arah Mahathir di Lapangan Terbang Sultan Ismail Petra, Pengkalan Chepa.

“Siapa calon BN DUN Guchil di Kuala Krai, Kelantan? Nama dia Nik Sapeia. Dia inilah yang sembur mata Mahathir masa datang Kelantan dulu, sekarang jadi calon BN. Apa yang Najib buat ni? Kalau Mahathir tahu habislah kamu Najib.

Apakah pengalamannya? Seorang yang terkenal kerana pernah menyembur pemedih mata dekat muka Mahathir,” katanya disambut ketawa lebih 5,000 hadirin yang berhujan. 

“Mahathir pula sekarang tengah sibuk ceramah. Dia kata Anwar ini suruh orang mati, Anwar kaki jantan, Anwar kaki seleweng. Hei Mahathir, orang sembur mata awak dulu jadi calon BN, awak tahu ke tak?” kata Anwar. 

Ketua Umum KEADILAN berkata, tindakan Najib menyenaraikan calon BN yang menghina agama dan kaum lain membuktikan ketidakmampuan beliau mentadbir negara. 

Beliau berkata, penyenaraian tersebut memperlihatkan kepada rakyat betapa kredibiliti Najib sebagai pemimpin semakin terhakis dan hilang arah.

“Mahathir! Kamu ni penakut, Ibrahim Ali pun kamu takut. Ugut orang Melayu, hina orang Melayu, ugut nak bakar Bible, kemudian lantik, sokong dia sebagai calon BN (Pasir Mas), tarik balik calon yang sepatutnya bertanding.

“(Di) Shah Alam, Zulkifli Nordin, seorang lagi ‘katak’ yang hina agama lain. Lalang pun tak teruk macam dia, kata-kata kesat, tidak ada akhlak, maki hamun dalam politik, hina orang agama Hindu. Yang ini pun boleh jadi calon. 

“Sebab apa dia jadi calon BN? Yang saya tahu cuma dia pernah jadi peguam pertama dalam kes Altantuya Shaariibuu (sebelum beliau dipecat dari KEADILAN),” kata Anwar. 

Dalam pada itu, beliau sekali lagi mengulangi cabaran debat kepada Najib sebelum PRU 13. 

“Sebelum 4 Mei, saya minta Datuk Seri Najib Razak mewakili BN siap untuk berdebat dengan Anwar soal manifesto. Tak payah perbodohkan rakyat,” tegasnya.- keadilandaily 

 PAS candidates with 'Babi' posters...

PAS candidate for the Kepala Batas parliamentary Afnan Hamimi Taib Azamudden is unfazed about posters of him being defaced with the word ‘babi’ (pig), saying it might even help him gain some sympathy votes.

For Muslims, it is haram (illegal) to eat or touch pork, and labelling them as such is deemed insulting.

NONEHowever, Afnan (right), who is state PAS Youth secretary, did not express any anger when he found out about the matter.

“This kind of politics is outdated. It may even increase my popularity. These are tactics people can no longer accept,’ said Afnan when met after a ceramah by PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang in Penaga last night.

The large poster of Afnan with the derogatory word splashed in red paint had been put up near the Bertam exit toll booth.

His comrade, Penaga candidate Roshidi Hussein, said such acts by certain quarters were indeed counter-productive.

“A man stopped me while I was in my car and told me how mad he was at the poster defacement. 

He told me he used to be an Umno man but now wants to shows his dissatisfaction by voting for PAS,” said the Penang PAS deputy commissioner.

“In fact it had been a bonus for us. We will be able to get some sympathy votes out of this.”
Roshidi, a lawyer by profession, will be contesting against Umno’s Mohd Zain Ahmad, who replaces outgoing state opposition leader Azhar Ibrahim.

Both candidates were rather satisfied with their party’s campaining thus far and said they stood a better chance at winning their seats from their Umno opponents.

NONEAfnan is facing a tough battle in Kepala Batas against BN Youth information chief Reezal Merican Naina Merican (right), who replaces incumbent and former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

Abdullah, or better known as Pak Lah, has been campaigning alongside Reezal but it is uncertain how the Kepala Batas electorate would respond to an outsider as they have thrown their support behind  the former since 1978.

Umno’s infighting may influence polls outcome in several constituencies due to preferred candidates being dropped from the BN list like Tasek GelugorSungai Dua and Seberang Jaya may have an influence on the outcome of the election in the Malay heartland on polling day, May 5.

“The Kepala Batas voters have always voted for a religious person,” said Afnan, without running down his opponent, but adding that based on their voting pattern, he stands a good chance at achieving victory.

“In 2008, there were areas we were not able to enter to campaign where the sentiment towards Umno was very strong, and sometimes we were scolded or asked to leave,” he said.

“But now, the situation has changed. Even though they may still express or indicate support for Umno, we are welcomed,” he added.

Roshidi explained that the situation may have changed due to the increase in young voters in the constituency.

There are 51,743 votes in Kepala Batas and 43 percent of that are youths below 40 years, with 76 percent Malays, Chinese 19 percent and Indians 4 percent.

“We know the tide is changing because many have approached us to be our election workers and polling agents. BN pay their workers and we do not. So we know their support for us is genuine.”

On Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s visit to Penaga on Tuesday, Roshidi said, “We welcomed him. He would help us win some support.”

Najib became prime minister in 2009, taking over from Abdullah who had to step down when the BN lost its two-thirds majority in Parliament in 2008.-malaysiakini

Jelajah Pakatan Harapan Rakyat Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim Ke Pulau Pinang
29 April 2013 (Isnin)

1) 5.00 ptg – Sepetang Bersama Anwar Ibrahim
Lokasi: Bangsal Rawai, Teluk Bahang, Balik Pulau

2) 7.15 mlm – Solat & Tazkirah Maghrib
Lokasi: Masjid Teluk Bahang, Balik Pulau

3) 8.30 mlm – Ceramah Pakatan Harapan Rakyat
Lokasi: Dewan Tinggi Sek Han Chiang, Georgetown

4) 10.00 mlm– Ceramah Perdana Pakatan Harapan Rakyat
Lokasi: Pasar Malam Ampang Jajar, Permatang Pauh

5) 11.15 mlm – Ceramah Perdana Pakatan Harapan Rakyat
Lokasi: Batu 4, Sg Bakau, Sungai Aceh, Nibong Tebal


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