
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rakyat perlu memilih antara Najib penzalim dengan Anwar yang dizalimi...

(1) Bila Najib mengistiharkan pembubaran parlimen adakah itu suatu ceramah mini? Pengistiharan yang mudah diucapkan dijadikan 10-15 minit perlancaran ceramah politik.

(2) apalah yang hendak diherankan bila Najib memberitahu seluruh ahli BN mengenai manifesto nya? Manifesto nya pun meniru banyak perkara yang terkandung dalam manifesto Pakatan.

Dia bercakap kepada ahli parti. Yang mengundi bukan ahli parti sahaja, tapi rakyat jelata. Tentulah semua yang hadir akan menyokong paling tidak dalam bentuk jeritan setuju. Jika yang ada dalam stadium itu semua nya mengundi UMNO, tentulah akan kalah juga UMNO.

Boleh jadi UMNO lupa. Ia telah hilang hak untu menjadi jurucakap orang Melayu. Maknya , UMNO memperjuangkan apa yang mereka anggap kepentingan orang Melayu- sedangkan orang Melayu sudah pun memisahkan diri mereka dari format perjuangan UMNO. Format UMNO macam mana?

Menakutkan orang Melayu. 65% dari rakyat di ajar takut kepada 35%. 65% berugama Islam dijar takut kepada 9% yang beragama kristian. Rapuh sangatkah aqidah orang Melayu?

Selagi orang Melayu bodoh, UMNO akan terus berkuasa. Pendidikan yang boleh diperolehi percuma, mahu dibayar oleh orang Melayu. Orang Melayu ini mempunyai pendapatan yang tinggi kah? 8.7 juta berpendapatan RM1500 sebulan. 7.2 juta mempunyai pendapatan RM1200 sebulan. Kayakah sangat orang Melayu yang berdemonstrasi dan tunjuk perasaan hendak bayar PTPTN? Apa yang dimakan oleh orang Melayu sehingga dibodohkan oleh UMNO?

UMNO melaga lagakan orang Melayu dengan bangsa lain. Bagaimana DAP boleh menubuhkan kerajaan persekutuan jika mereka hanya bertanding 50 kerusi parlimen? Bukankah penubuhan kerajaan ganti BN memerlukan setuju dan muafakat dari PAS( majority orang Melayu) dan PKR( majority orang Melayu). Adalah Melayu dalam PAS dan PKR tidak cukup keMelayuan mereka dan akan melihat sahaja jika kepentingan orang Melayu dan Islam di ganggu?

Mana2 parti yang memerintah mesti memperakui fakta bahawa majority penduduk Malaysia Melayu bangsa nya. Maka semua dasar mesti memfaktorkan fakta ini. Jadi berhentilah dari dobodohkan oleh orang Melayu.

UMNO tidak ada mandate untu bercakap bagi pihak orang Melayu. Dalam 2008, calun UMNO hanya mendapat 2.38 juta undi. Jika undi orang Melayu 85% dari jumlah tersebut, UMNO mendapat lebih sedikit dari 2 juta undi orang Melayu. Ahli UMNO , 3.2 juta.

Kemana pergi nya 1.2 juta undi dari ahli UMNO? Jumlah pengundi Melayu ketika itu ialah 5.7 juta. Ertinya, 3.7 juta orang Melayu sudah pun menolak UMNO.

Jika demikian, UMNO jurucakap siapa? UMNO jurucakap Melayu yang terpilih, yang elit. Sebahagian besar ahli UMNO diperkudakan oleh golongan elit dan Melayu terpilih. UMNO parti untuk bin Mahathir, bin Tun Razak, bin Najib, bin Muhyidin, bin Shafie Apdal, bin Hishamudin Hussein. UMNO bukan untuk kita Melayu.

Soalan yang di kemukakan oleh Najib pun sudah salah. Ini PRU bukan isiu memilih sama ada Najib atau Anwar. Kepada orang kampong, jika inilah isiu nya , amat mudah. Anwar Ibrahim yang dianiaya dan diaibkan dengan Najib, wakil penganiaya dan penzalim. Nak pilih siapa?

Jenis Melayu macam mana yang sudah UMNO cipta yang tidak merasa apa apa bila mengaibkan lawan kerana hendak menang? Ini bukan prinsip orang Melayu. Orang Melayu bertarung dengan lawan dalam gelanggang bukan dengan cara kotor dan jijik.

Apakah yang telah dilakukan oleh wan azizah dan anak2 anwar kepada orang melayu lain, sehingga anwar di aibkan demikian rupa? Apa rasa sang isteri dan anak2 yang tidak berdosa. Jenis Melayu apa yang tidak ada perasaan kesian dan perasaan takut kepada fitnah? Ini jenis Melayu yanh dilahirkan oleh UMNO.

Nah- jika soalan nya ialah memilih antara najib penzalim dengan anwar yang dizalimi, rakyat akan memihak kepada yang dizalimi. Maka orang desa dan kampong akan memilih Anwar.

Tapi ini bukan isiu nya.

Janganlah kita nak sombong sangat dengan baka kita. Yang bangga dengan asal usul ialah iblis dan syaitan. Kerana asal iblis dari api, dia enggan sujud kepada Adam kerana Adam dibentuk dari segumpal tanah liat.

Ini masaalah pokok orang Melayu- kerja kita bukan memilih pemimpin kerana baka dia, kerana nama dia, kerana prestij kedudukan mereka. Jangan kita ingat sebab seseorang itu anak kepada Perdan Menteri, maka anak nya secara otomatik mewarisi kebolehan dan kebaikan bapa mereka. Kita pilih pemimpin berdasarkan kepada apa sumbangan dia boleh lakukan. Sumbangan yang dia boleh lakukan bergantung kepada kebolehan dia, kercerdikan dia, kerajinan dia.

Maka kita tidak perlu jawab soalan yang dikemukakan oleh Najib. Soalan yang salah tidak mungkin mengundang jawapan yang tepat.- Mohd.Arif  Sabri Abd.Aziz@sakmongkol AK47

Is Najib the target...

The nuclear fallout from the confession of Saiful's father Azlan Mohd Lazim continues to reveberate up and down the country. Already cracks are beginning to appear in UMNO over how to respond to these allegations, with some ranting that this was a disaster long in the making whilst  others saying its a blessing in disguise because it brings back the Sodomy issue into the national discourse. Others still are caught in a cognitive dissonance, agreeing that both views hold some truth but unable to decide whether Azlan's confession is overall good or overall bad.

 Let me set their minds at ease. This is an unmitigated disaster. You can look at this issue from any one of many angles and still come to the same conclusion - that UMNO is going down the drain.

This issue is bad for one and only one reason - because how it works on the minds of the undecided Malay voters and the PAS faithful. The UMNO die-hards and those who have judged Anwar are irrelevant, after all they only form a small fraction of the voting public and count for nothing really. 

Dato Dr Haron Din has already given the green light claiming that this now divine retribution against UMNO! Saiful's father has just united PAS and PKR crucially just before the elections and reversed the bomb back on UMNO's doorstep.

But the journey had not been easy one. It was a case of a  fighting against the weight of the entire Government machinery. Many good men were lost in the process, but those who stayed the course are beginning to see the prize.

From the moment Saiful Bukhari met up Najib in his private residence till the morning of 8th of March 2013, Anwar Ibrahim had the unenviable task of trying to convince the Malay mas ses that Sodomy 2, Sodomy 1 and China Doll were all political conspiracies.

This was because the Government engaged in the most brutal carpet bombing in trying to "dehumanize" Anwar Ibrahim. Consider this: if we bloggers were to write 2 to 3 pieces about the same piece news, we will be considered boring and people won't even bother to read it. But the Government's media, especially TV3 and Utusan Melayu, aided by hundreds of pro Government blogs were not restricted by such considerations. 

They regurgitated the issue ad naseaum - you could not turn even 10 m without having to come into contact with their allegations. You could not sit down at the warong and sip a cuppa without hearing the words "Liwat" uttered a million times from the idiot box.

But such carpet bombing strategy is inherently risky. You may destroy Anwar Ibrahim, but you destroy yourself in the process as well. As the Government, the people begin to "menyampah" with you because you are monopolizing the media to attack your political opponent. 

At the same time, other issues begin to crop up, issues on affordability, crime , social crisis, corruption, abuse of power, cows in condo, 24 million cincins and the perception that the Government is being run on auto-pilot mode. 

The only way UMNO was going to appear victorious if they could demonize  Anwar more. It will always boil down to a question of relatives degree of mud that will stick.

It is against this backdrop that Saiful's father finally tells the truth that the entire allegations were a political conspiracy of the highest order. The motives are totally irrelevant, whether Saiful's father did it because his conscience was pricked, or whether he was bitter UMNO or whether he, being a trained BTN operator could see the signs were clear that UMNO was going to fall, and should bear no consequence.

So now Saiful's comes out and says this has all been pure political conspiracy. He names Khairul Annas, a Special Officer who works directly for Najib and Zamri Idrus as the two people who prepared all the press statements for them.


These are specific allegations that names the people behind the political conspiracy. And Khairul Annas, a person I personally do not like, was the same person who was pictured with Saiful. His involvement is crucial - because he is the key that ties the entire political conspiracy together.

And right now Najib is in hiding as usual. Scared stiff and unable to know what to say. Perhaps he realized what I had told him all along - his advisers are bumbling idiots who cannot even nail a plank let alone nail Anwar Ibrahim.

I can tell you that right now Muhyiddin Yasin(TSMY) is no longer interested n bringing Mahathir into his camp. Tun and Najib are considered one group, a group that is beginning to look cancerous and jeopardizing UMNO's very existence.

The calculation goes like this. Anwar is a Malay, TSMY  is a Malay, Mahathir is an Indian, and Najib is just out of his mind.  This entire schism plaguing UMNO and the Malays arose after Dr Mahathir sacked Anwar Ibrahim in order to save his own children.

UMNO is right now a car crash. Its wheels are turning but UMNO is upside down. Anwar has already declared that Pakatan will win with a minimum 10 seat majority. This is achievable as there are many seats which will flip, Bukit Katil in Melaka is a prime example. In Johor, at least 12 parliament seats can be won back. In Sarawak, the number is 8. In Sabah , this will be a devastating blow to UMNO as the numbers are beginning to look 20 or more.

Add these numbers and we are looking at 44 new parliament seats from Melaka, Johor, Sarawak and Sabah. All Pakatan will need to do is to hold on to its seats in the rest of Malaysia, or if not net-net the changes to 0. 82+44 = 126 - that's a 2 seat majority!

This is the scenario that is being accepted within UMNO. They already know BN will lose the next election, the question is how to strategize today so that they can still not lose too much power.

Thus, UMNO is now sending a signal to Anwar Ibrahim. This entire sodomy nonsense is a Najib - Mahathir mess. Actually we are not involved, and we don't really care what you do to them. So maybe after election, we can talk. - 


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