
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Real Identity of Man in PAS Sex Video - Gian Singh Grewal!

In the spirit of justice and fair play, I have held back in the last post from writing what I really want to. Now that Mustafa Ali, Hadi Awang, Husam Musa and assorted PAS supporters have had their say, including through the social media, the shackles have been taken off me - I'm now free to write.

According to PAS president Hadi Awang, and also its vice-president Husam Musa, the man in the video is not Mustafa. As such, PAS will not convene any special meeting to discuss it. Fullstop. End of story. In fact, Hadi - ulamak that he is, just like Kelantan Menteri Besar Nik Abdul Aziz (and unlike people like Mat Cendana) - has also granted a bonus for Mustafa. He said the video "is a fitnah against Mustafa" and "Mustafa is getting lots and lots ofpahala." Wah, bestnyeeer!
So that's the official stance by PAS - "take our version and what we say of the issue or leave it." Sorry, Hadi - I and many others, including PAS supporters (would you believe it?), aren't taking it. Those who are Taksub PAS will definitely swallow this without further question, as they always do. They are also `relieved' because Hadi has allowed them to put their heads in the sand:"Don't worry about it. Just go to sleep. Trust us, we are orang alim..."

But the rest of us who have a brain, reasonable-enough IQ, conscience plus a bit of religious principle inside us won't. Because we simply can't - not when pertinent questions remain unanswered. One of the best posts, arguments and reasons why we can't let it be is at the MAHAGURU58 blog post of PAS Sec-Gen caught committing adultery on crystal clear hidden cam but Hadi Awang denies it
Hadi is definitely not convincing while Husam is even worse. Hadi said "he believed the man in the video isn't Mustafa". But has he even looked at the video? I doubt it. The fact that he tries very hard to dismiss it as "not being a big matter" is another indicator that it is a big matter. 

Here's another thing to ponder: When asked about the video, Mustafa, instead of vehemently defending himself and denying it, has instead declined to answer. Even a half-wit would be puzzled and would ask WHY??...Why so defensive? Why so secretive?

If this isn't Mustafa, then WHO is this man below? Answer: He is Gian Singh Grewal. "Who is Gian Singh Grewal?", you might ask. I don't know...thought I should give some name because no one claims to know him. Including the PAS president and vice-president. So, until the man in the video finally confesses, he's Gian Singh Grewal to me. 
CAPTION: One is Mustafa Ali and the other is... WHO?
Something rather remarkable was going on at Facebook and the social media like Twitter over this matter which indicate that most people are actually convinced who the person is. The PAS supporters especially have been rather muted. And the more vocal ones - instead of focusing on and insisting that the person is not Mustafa, they are more focused in decrying and preaching readers to not "buka aib orang lain." That's a clear indication of who they think the person is!

By the way, I'm well aware of this buka aib orang warning. So why am I writing this? Because, when it comes to people who are leaders, and who make decisions that will influence the well-being of others, it becomes our right to demand that they adhere to certain basic standards and expectations when it comes to moral. If it is necessary to reveal a leader for what he really is instead of what many think he is, then the usual buka aib warning doesn't apply. Especially when there is no other way to make people know the truth.

There's the Amal Maaruf Nahi Mungkar  hadith which all of us would know; that if you have the ability and resources to fight against something that is mungkar, then you must the best way that you can. Failure to do so means you have consented to the mungkar being done.

Speaking of buka aib orang, this issue is yet another incidence and evidence of PAS' selectiveness and double standards. This is a party which proudly and loudly thumps its chest claiming that "Perlembagaan kami adalah Al-Quran dan Hadith"; of insisting that they are "Islamic fighters striving to implement an Islamic state and Hudud"; that they are "the best of the best" when it comes to Islamic values (unlike people who are not PAS supporters).

But the people who are now imploring and chiding others aboutJangan buka aib orang concerning the person involved in the sex video are also the same people who had spread fitnah and variousbuka aib orang over the past few decades. Remember that fitnahabout Najib and Altantuya? And did these PAS supporters ever admitted they were wrong, much less apologise to Najib? NO! But now, when the shoe is on the other foot, when it now involvestheir leaders, they try to ride their horse yet again!

To PAS and its leaders: we are waiting to see how sincere you are in your claims about all things Islam. So far it is as expected - PAS is just an organization of HYPOCRITES who are using Islam merely as a tool to gain power, status and money. This episode where the leaders attempt to sweep the issue under the carpet is clear proof of that. 

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