
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 1, 2013

When retired Generals come marching in, Umno should stop trying to create CHAOS!

When retired Generals come marching in, Umno should stop trying to create CHAOS!
Indeed the fact that retired top guns and professionals are beginning to step forward, it says a lot about the BN political party's 55 years of governing the nation.
Foremost, to these personalities who served the nation without compromises and now see the need to right what went wrong, a salute to you Sirs!
Pray that the day will dawn upon us soon that even institutions and professionals of all kinds will have the nerve and sense of duty, accountability and principles to say, "Yes I do" and step out of the shadows to stand up for this nation and its King.
Kudos to the nation's ex-Number One Army General whose right-minded action has ignited yet another beacon of hope for the people in their quest for a better Malaysia tomorrow. Here is a leader and citizen who upon retiring could have opted to enjoy the rewards of blind patronage that establishments are known to offer in this country.
But no, he did the right thing by putting nation and King before personal comforts.
This is what loyalty and patriotism is all about. Not threats, drawing a keris or screaming "upon our dead bodies and crushed bones" or appearing in designer handbags and silken robes or even admonishing all the time that Malaysians "are ungrateful".
Citizens who can't stand the filth anymore
The General and all the several other top guns who are coming out of retirement and now championing the nation's aspirations to clean up the many wrong-doings in this young, rich and vibrant country is an answer to the numerous prayers from all congregations of the various faiths; it is an attestation of the sacrifices and aspirations of all those who joined the unprecedented waves of Bersih rallies; above all, it is an indication that there are people out there who truly love this country and its King and have God in their hearts.
Syabas to all the ex-Generals and professionals who will form the nation's first advisory council on public security (Majlis Penasihat Keselamatan Rakyat), spearheaded by Pakatan Rakyat.
Indeed, without preempting too much, this signals the dawn of yet another truth. It says volumes about the rakyat's determination to clean up this nation and return to society what rightly belongs to humanity.
The season for unending threats and the often touted mantra of "we know what's best for you, so shut up or face the wrath" is slowly fading into oblivion.
In place, the flickering flames of hope for a more transparent and accountable governance that embraces the rakyat's dreams and hopes for a nation for all Malaysians without discriminating along misplaced racial and misguided religious divisiveness is increasing.
With the right leadership, support and galvanising of strengths from all quarters that cherish Malaysia and uphold the patriotic hope for a defining legacy, we can return to every Malaysian what rightly belongs to all citizens - justice, honour, opportunities, wealth and respect.
To the ex-Generals and professionals who leave personal interest in the backseat and stand up against the forces that be with integrity and honor, God bless you, and Malaysians sing "Ribuan Thank you".

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