
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, June 28, 2013

Tabung Haji gets new Chairman?

Azeez "Gaza"
Azeez Rahim. Azeez with a doule E, his name is being bandied about as the next Chairman ofTabung Haji, the billion-ringgit co-op formed by the government to send Malaysian Muslims to Mekah for their haj. If it's true, it would be an amazing feat for the 46-year old who won back Baling for Najib Razak in the recent general election. 
Azeez has come a long way from his Rempit era of the Pak Lah's bygones. Due to some sleek rebranding exercises, some people have taken to calling him Azeez Gaza these days, not Azeez Rempit or Azeez Putra or Azeez Baling. Not easy to organize all those humanitarian missions to Gaza and Somalia and all those jin-bertendang boondocks of the world. 
But question is, will he have what it takes to re-organize Tabung Haji? Will he, for instance, replace long-time CEO Ismee Ismail? Or will it be, you know, business as usual? - rocky's bru

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