
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 15, 2013

Another 'no action' minister!

On July 1st, I posted about a few people at RTM newsroom who used the station to help the opposition during the 13th general election.

Titled DAP agents at RTM Newsroom, I zoomed in at the Mandarin News section of the TV station which was (is actually) being managed by people who show no appreciation to the government, ungrateful and disloyal to their paymaster.

On Friday, after appearing 'live' on RTM1 talk show 'Landskap', I was informed that no action was taken against those few.

Some said they are 'untouchable'. Are they, really? Worse still, I was told that even minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek was reluctant to take action.

Why? No guts?
'So far so good' for the Bahasa Malaysia and English news. Tamil news too. However, it was brought to my attention that the Mandarin News section has not been delivering the aspiration of Barisan Nasional, let alone feeding viewers with more pro-BN contents.
During the 13th general election, the team in charge of the Mandarin News did not carry out orders and instructions from the top. They had a 'free hand', instead.
During the 15-day campaigning period, not many info reached the audience about the progress of BN 'war machinery'. The Mandarin New section instead gave too much publicity on foreign and other news, like what happened in Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Europe.
I don't want to name who are the people in control of the section but he did not follow order. He distant Mandarin News from info on general election, its campaigns and progress. A bigger space was given to the opposition, especially DAP.
I was told he received instruction to cover BN campaigns in Johore for his news section. However, he skipped the assignment and followed Lim Kit Siang's campaign. As his sister was also contesting for a state seat, he helped her and the DAP by providing the assistance and publicity. Yes, her sister won... and so did Lim Kit Siang.
It puzzles me how this guy and his team were allowed 'to campaign' for DAP from his studio, and the director-general of broadcasting was not aware of it!
"Menteri pun taknak siasat benda ni, tuan!", said a senior RTM officer.

You don't want to 'siasat', its okay la. However, PM Najib must be informed! And what are you scared of, Mr Minister?

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