
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ballot count 'live' telecast idea just a stunt?

Communications and Multimedia Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek felt "saddened” by the Election Commission's (EC) rejection of his suggestion to telecast ‘live’ the counting process of the Kuala Besut by-election on July 24. 

ahmad shabery cheek  041108 02Minister Shabery (left), we know why you want the ‘live’ telecast. You want to show the world how clean Malaysia’s elections are, following the most fraudulent and scandal-ridden election in its history - the 13th general election.

You want to do so because you are sure of winning the by-election in this traditional BN stronghold without having to resort to excessive cheating.
But there is no need to feel sad, as I am going to suggest a much better way for the BN to impress the world, win applause and restore public confidence. 

And that is by doing what ruling parties do in other democracies: allow the election to be conducted on a truly level playing field, free of cheating and political manipulation.

For that to happen in Malaysia, we would need a change of attitude and working style that involves not only the BN, but also the BN-dominated and controlled EC, all government institutions and the BN-controlled mass media. 

Let me outline what this means in seven steps. 

1. Free the media to play its role as purveyor of news in accordance with universal journalistic ethics - through unbiased and independent reporting that is free of political pressure and manipulation.

azlanAnd that means the BN-controlled media must stop their current function as propaganda outfits that routinely disseminate biased news, lies and vilifications; and instead bring in balanced and fair news coverage on both the political protagonists.  

The biased media comprise practically all the televison stations channels and newspapers including Utusan Malaysia, Berita Harian, New Straits Times and Star.

They must also stop their current practice of rejecting election-related advertisements from the BN’s political opponents. 

2. Stop money politics in all forms, whether under or over the table. 

The BN must stop its practice of dishing out cash, gifts and ‘instant noodle’ projects to the electorate during election campaigns. 

An example is that of Deputy Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister Tajuddin Abdul Rahman, who handed out RM150,000 worth of gifts to some 300 farmers and fishermen in Kampung Baharu in Kuala Besut on July 14.  

NONEAnother example is that of Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Minister Hasan Malek(left), who distributed 200 bags of gifts to residents in Pulau Perhentian the same day. 

Both these instances are acts of bribery as defined by Section 10 of the Election Offences Act 1954. The EC, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and police must promptly move in to investigate with a view to prosecuting the culprits under the Criminal Procedure Act. 

In addition to stopping these corrupt practices in the guise of government aid, the BN must also stop the discreet payment of cash and treating of voters to induce votes in its favour. 

Other remedial measures

3. The BN must stop using manpower and logistical resources of ministries, departments and other government-funded bodies, in particular the ministry of communications, to assist in BN’s election campaign, as has always been done.  

NONE4. Law enforcement agencies must remain politically neutral and diligently pursue violators of election laws without political bias.

As it is, the EC, MACC, police and the attorney-general (AG) play blind, deaf and dumb to rampant corrupt practices committed by BN, as exemplified by their silence on the two instances of bribery mentioned earlier.

If Minister Shabery is serious about regaining public confidence in the electoral process, wouldn’t it be more productive for him to see the law enforcers going after such culprits, rather than bank on a showy telecast of ballot counting? 

5. The practice of keeping the ballots of advance voting (cast five days before polling day) in police stations without allowing candidates’ agents to watch over them must be stopped.

In GE13, there were reports of EC officers discreetly removing these ballots from police stations well before polling and counting day, in breach of standing rule.

Extensive fraud in the handling of these advance ballots are now considered the cause of the grotesque lopsidedness favouring BN in these ballot boxes.

azlanA whopping 90 percent of the half million of advance and postal votes were counted in favour of BN, which is in contrast with the lowly 47 percent of votes BN garnered in GE13 (compared unfavourably with the 51 percent obtained by Pakatan Rakyat).

Such massive discrepancy is undoubtedly a major blemish that has totally discredited the integrity of the EC and its political master, the BN. 

Hence, the BN and EC must henceforth allow candidates’ agents to watch over these ballots at all times while these are in the custody of police and EC, if they want to redeem public confidence. 

6. ‘Phantom voters’ must be instructed to stay away from polling stations. The term ‘phantom voters’ refers to illegal voters registered in the electoral roll.  

identity card mykad change of religion or faithThey fall into two categories: foreigners who have illegally been issued a blue IC (meant for citizens only), and Malaysians who have been illegally moved from one constituency to another for the purpose of illegally helping contestants to win elections in specific constituencies.

These ‘phantom voters’ number in the hundreds of thousands, as indicated during the hearings of the royal commission of inquiry on illegal immigrants in Sabah, and as revealed in a house-to-house survey conducted by the Selangor government. 

The BN must give strict instruction to these illegally listed voters not to turn up for voting on polling day. 

NONE7. Use genuine indelible ink, unlike in GE13, when the so-called indelible ink was deliberately faked to allow widespread multiple voting to take place. 

These remedial measures to restore a levelled electoral playing field are steps the BN must take to walk the path of democracy. 

But is it really interested to take these steps that will bring real transformation to Malaysia? 

Or is it only keen in putting up an appearance of democracy and transformation, as perhaps attempted by Minister Shabery in his proposed TV stunt?

KIM QUEK is a retired accountant and author of the banned book ‘The March to Putrajaya’.

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