
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 22, 2013

BOMBED INTO NOTHINGNESS, yet Altantuya refuses to go away

BOMBED INTO NOTHINGNESS, yet Altantuya refuses to go away
Dear Altantuya Shaariibuu, soon it will come to pass seven years since you were forced to leave this world and yet with no sign of owing-up by the perpetrators, plotters and those who have blood on their hands.
As caring Malaysians weep for you, so many questions remain unanswered by the powers-that-be here in this foreign land where you were mercilessly bombed away into nothingness on the 18th of October 2006.
As Americk Sidhu soldiered on, giving a narration at the Suaram Fund Raising Dinner recently, of the circumstances, episodes and tragic end that met you in the stillness of the eerie night so far away from your loved ones and nation, we Malaysians who still believe in God, His mercy and love are paralyzed with hopelessness, horror of horrors, and deep sorrow.
No sense of shame
We keep asking, “Where is the sense of shame of the rest of Malaysians and the powers-that-be around this world who seem not to care anymore and any much?”
What will your growing-up son, your next-of-kin, your heart broken father, all Mongolians, record in their history pages about this brutal of all brutal murders committed in Malaysia by Malaysians?
Where in the world do we have similar cruelty that even ravaging animals are not known to display?
Animals kill but leave the victim or at least the carcass as solid trail behind. We not only killed you but had to ensure there were no traces of you – both physically and on the record books of immigration.
Not only were you pumped with bullets to your head – twice, but you were strapped with explosives and bombed away until your body still remains scattered and lost forever on this land that we proudly proclaim to be a great and promising nation.
Even in war times where enemies are killed, the dead get a decent burial.
Even when the Sulu intruders who attacked our sovereign nation’s defenders were killed, we could give the intruders a burial and also account for their dead bodies.
But in your case, a lone, helpless woman, mother, daughter and citizen of a foreign land who committed no crime against our nation was mercilessly bombed away with the deadly plastic explosives C4 so that we cannot even find a single body part or ounce of flesh to return to your motherland, Mongolia for burial and prayers.
C4 cruelty
Americk Sidhu the lawyer with a conscience, still militantly plods on seven years down the road with that fleeting hope to see justice for you, your surviving son, parents, next of kin and above all the citizens of Mongolia. And as narrarted by him, when you urinated at the very scene where you would be devastated so inhumanly, only God knows what fears gripped you before you were forced to meet death.
You - just a fragile female and not a rambo-styled mean machine, were wrestled to the ground by fighting fit bodyguards, shot in the left side of your head. And even that was not enough. As your finger moved – your spirit fighting against the dastardly cruelty of murderers, they pumped another bullet.
The C4-ing act that followed clearly tells us that the intention was to remove all traces of a lone, murdered helpless female human on this earth. What then was the motive behind this act?
We not only killed you but even took away the life of that unborn child in your womb you were said to have pleaded for. Oh, how inhuman can we be?
We weep with that question, “Why do we have to be done away with you in such manner?”
Twisted justice
After all you did not come here to attack our sovereign nation. You were not a security threat to our King and nation. You were not armed to the teeth with snipers and bombs. You were a lone, helpless, fragile woman who came here to demand for your share of the assignment accomplished - fees for providing translation services.
And we had to kill you for asking for a few thousand dollars when someone scooted away with loads of millions?
But for Malaysia, our two Scorpene submarine purchases have cost us taxpayers more than our money.
Our dignity, pride and honor have all been sunk. Even if the perpetrators and those who had blood on their hands are one day brought to book, history will still record this heinous mother-of-all-murders as the world’s first known brutality committed against a civilian – a fragile, lone and helpless woman in peace times.
As much as we caring and concerned Malaysians are ashamed, our heart shatters when we witness others carrying on with life with a business-as-usual gait. Seemingly there is no urgency to return justice to your slain and destroyed life either.
Thoughtful and principle-centered Malaysians have asked all the logical, justified and meaningful questions in every nook and corner of the nation – from cafes (warongs) to corporate corridors to waterholes. But the Malaysian Palace of Justice did not see the need to unearth the motive for killing you and killing you in such world-unprecedented manner.
7 years and still no justice
In matters of faith and religion, we throttle at amazingly high speeds to act against those who are alleged to fray sensitivities. Justice is dispensed without delays.
We act against people who are deemed to be a threat to national peace and harmony with such speed. We arrest them; charge them; and imprison them even before half the nation gets to know about it.
But in your case not only do we owe your surviving family the remains of your body but the world too awaits justice to be dispensed, almost seven years since and still counting. How disgraceful.
Yes dearest Altantuya, we weep for you. Our tears will never stop till universally honored justice is dispensed. Till then, you soul will haunt the conscience of all Malaysians for generations to come.
The truth is, for as long as no one within the corridors of power lifts an express finger to return speedy justice on earth and for heaven’s sake, the honor and dignity of this nation where you met your brutal death remains pawned.

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