
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 19, 2013

Denial of rights for the 'nons'?

The Star Online - Sex bloggers denied bail

did their parents give them enough attention when they were kids? 

Why are Alvin Tan Jye Yee and Vivien Lee May Ling being referred to as 'sex bloggers' when they have been charged for their provocative bah-kut-teh antic and not any sex antic or anything to do with sex?

Has this been done with an aim to aggravate their wrong-doings or has it been a mere case of sleazy journalism, with a hope that the referred 'sex' would adds to the flavour of the bah-kut-teh article?

If I'm not incorrect about the law, as an example, a prosecutor cannot argue in court that a man who is charged with murder is likely to have committed the crime because he has a notorious record of stealing.

Thus the Star headlines has not been helpful at all.

Be that as it has been, let's move on to that "sparkling icon of darkness" that Malaysians know as the Attorney General, Abdul Gani Patail. The Star reported him saying the decision to pursue a case against sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee without offering bail is due to the couple’s tendency to incite the public.

How was your last trip to Mecca?
Did you fly 1st Class?
I wonder whether he blushed when he said that, or his skin is so thick that we couldn't detect his face being flushed with embarrassment for his double standards, or he has absolutely no sense of guilt or/and embarrassment?

Okay lah, f* him, let us know read what Vivegavalen Vadi Valu has written as guest columnist for Malaysia-Today in Race and the Ordinary Malaysian - relevant extracts follow:

The problem, contrary to what many think isn't in fact the special rights accorded to one class but the denial of rights of another.

Here we see a form of institutionalised oppression that has led us to not only mistrust but also dislike other races for reasons hitherto known. This should have been evident enough to the politicians then when even within a family, favouritism causes siblings to often be envious among each other, which then naturally leads up to a clash. [...]

The politics of the country is such that we have inadvertently taken the whole divide and rule concept to a whole new level. Malaysia has successfully managed to create literally a class within a class whereby the Malay elite continue to subjugate the rural workers and the Indian and Chinese upper class who benefit directly from government transactions ignore the plight of their community and serve to fool the very people who trusts them to protect their affairs. [...]

... in other words, the already known story of UMNO betraying the Malays.

Coming back to the present day, we are presented almost on monthly subscription, doses of racial bigotry and religious intolerance.

Who can forget the cow-head incident, or the threat to burn bibles and the ‘Apa Lagi Cina Mahu’ farce?

Recently of course is the whole ‘Alvivi’ fiasco which has caused rage among the muslim community. While I absolutely abhor and denounce their actions, I take issue with the reaction generated and subsequent punishments intended to be meted out. There can be no grey areas for where the Law is concerned and equality of standing in the course of justice has to be ensured if we are to attain consistency.

The problem of course isn't the reaction or lack of reaction from the ruling coalition but rather in which selective persecution is often the norm in particular where race is involved.

That a matter of blatant stupidity should be clamped down, denied bail and prosecuted with the full force of that a threat to national security is not only uncalled for but deeply troubling. 

It is even harder to swallow the AG’s reasoning of further provocation from the defendant when a simple silence order would have sufficed. Even as we speak, comparisons are made to the rape incident involving a grandfather who was allowed bail despite the severity of the allegations.

If we are to transcend this path, what then of Ibrahim Ali and Zulkifli Nordin? In what legal spheres are the slanders committed not an act against national security and racist in nature? How is it that the same act, nay a significantly lesser act committed by A is wrong whereas B is allowed full leeway without the fear of prosecution?

And then there was retired Court of Appeal judge Mohd Noor Abdullah who sowed hatred and discord at a forum on the GE13 results in May by warning (or threatening) a backlash from the Malay community after being 'betrayed' by Chinese Malaysians who voted against the BN.

He said: "For the Malays, the pantang larang(taboo) is to be betrayed, because when they are betrayed, they will react and when they react, their dendam kesumat tidak tersudah-sudah (wrath will be endless)."

What about Abdul Rahman Dahlan, the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister, who voiced his racist support for Ibrahim Ali on the latter's Bible-burning remarks.

During this Holy Month UMNO and its apparatus have shown an utter lack of respect for the religion they brazenly claim to embrace and defend.

And thus I had asked in my previous post Siapa yang sebenarnya menghina Islam?

Only UMNO ...

... in the same way as it has insulted the rulers it hypocritically claim to defend, as I wrote in Insulting the Rulers, UMNO-style.

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