
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 19, 2013

FREE ALVIVI ! Go after the real bigots! Ridhuan Tee, stand up... Zul Noordin...stand up...Ibrah...

FREE ALVIVI ! Go after the real bigots! Ridhuan Tee, stand up... Zul Noordin...stand up...Ibrah...
I had made it a point to not comment in my writings or even mention in any conversations that I had about the Alvivi bak kut teh puasa incident.
They are obviously cheap attention seekers who deserve not even a single ounce of my time and intellect.
But what the authorities did by charging the idiotic couple in court for sedition and pornography is just the wrong way to handle things.
Hate speech is hate speech and can be very dangerous but it doesn't take a genius to distinguish actual hateful intentions and just plain stupidity.
And Alvilvi is just obviously plain stupidity. And just like the rest of us, I wish we could jail people for stupidity too. But we can't.
Now let's look at the real hate speech makers out there that have actual intentions of hate and are getting away with it scot-free.
First up is Ridhuan Tee Abdullah who, week after week, spews out condemnation on non-Muslims and non-Malays in his newspaper column (although a non-Malay himself).
What happens to him? He gets the backing of the ruling political powers who obligingly launches his books and introduces him at public "ceramahs".
Then there is Datuk Zulkifli Noordin who seems to have a vengeance against Malaysians who are of the Hindu persuasion, and belittles and insults the religion.
He becomes a "friend" of our ruling political powers and is even given a ticket to contest in the general election (thank Ganesha he lost!).
But the one that takes the cake has to be Malaysia's number one chief hate speech maker, Datuk Ibrahim Ali, or who a journalist friend of mine likes to call "Comical Ali".
Here's a person who can actually get away with threatening to burn a holy book, the Bible nonetheless, and continues to be given the media limelight.
"Comical Ali" is whole-heartedly fighting against freedom of religion in Malaysia and constantly pushing his agenda of Malay supremacy. It's like Hitler incarnate.
So, as much as I hate what Alvivi did on their Facebook page, I see it as pure stupidity on their part. They should be punished and learn from what they did.
But by charging them in court, the authorities are just reaffirming how they are practicing double standards in this beautiful country of ours.
Then they should also bring to court people like my nemesis Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, Zulkifli Noordin and "Comical Ali" for their actions, which were definitely premeditated.
Oh, and how could I have forgotten about Alvivi's pornography charge. Yes! And we have our great Chinese leader, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek, who seems to be well-loved by a party that isn't.
So my final words - Free Alvivi!
-Malaysian Insider

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