
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

House erupts, Bung blames DAP for sex bloggers' post

PARLIAMENT A commotion erupted in the Dewan Rakyat after BN MP Bung Moktar Radin accused DAP of being behind sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee's Facebook posting that was deemed insulting to Islam.

The BN-Kinabatangan MP, who is no stranger to controversy, called for the immediate arrests of the bloggers, but riled up DAP MPs when he blamed them for the incident.

NONE"They should be immediately arrested and charged, don't allow them to walk free.

"I realise this trend happening after the 13th general election, perhaps this is all being sponsored by DAP," he charged.

This drew an immediate rebuke from V Sivakumar (DAP-Batu Gajah), Anthony Loke (DAP-Seremban) and Nga Kor Ming (DAP-Taiping).

"This is slander, take it back, take the statement back," Nga shouted from across the hall.

Bung Moktar then replied that he was suggesting a possibility and not making an accusation.
NONETeresa Kok (DAP-Seputeh, left) then stood up to cite standing order 36(6), stating: “A member cannot make statements in bad faith against another member of the House”.

“I did not mention any MPs, I said DAP in general, maybe DAP, just maybe,” rebutted Bung Moktar, who was debating the Supplementary Supply (2012) Bill.

Finally, deputy speaker Ismail Mohamed intervened, advising MPs to be polite in their language.

However, the chaos did not end there as Bung Moktar continued to taunt other DAP MPs while he elaborated on the sex bloggers.

“This couple used to make sex videos in Singapore and now they are doing this (insulting Islam) in Malaysia. Maybe Bandar Kuching is also involved,” he said.

Chong Chien Jien (DAP-Bandar Kuching) then stood up citing the same standing order and demanded the statement to be withdrawn.

‘Don’t delay action’

Following this, Ismail again attempted to rein in Bung Moktar, who then backtracked slightly, saying: “I was just worried maybe Bandar Kuching had watched (their sex video).”

The deputy speaker finally told the him to move on to another topic, which calmed down the angry DAP MPs. 

Later, Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim stood up to intervene and concurred that immediate action should be taken against the sex bloggers.

“We cannot allow anyone to insult Islam in this country or anyone to insult any religions. Our stance is clear, there is no need to delay any more, insulting religion cannot be allowed,” he said.

The sex bloggers had uploaded an image themselves purportedly eating pork on Facebook, with a greeting to Muslims to break fast with Bak Kut Teh.


  1. Sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee must face the full brunt of the law despite them apologising over their Facebook post which has incurred the wrath of Muslims, said BN Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin.

    Speaking to reporters after the BN Youth job fair soft launch, Khairy said that although they had apologised through Youtube, punishment must be meted to set an example.

    Khairy said it would be unfair to the people if the case was closed and the offenders got off scot-free just because they had said sorry.

  2. "Let this be a lesson to everyone (not to ridicule and mock other religions). This case is very serious - a stunt which, I believe, is sufficient to rouse the anger of many Muslims," said Khairy, who is also the youth and sports ministry.

    He said that the same approach should be applied not just for insults against Islam, but to all religions.

    "We don't want people to accuse us of selective prosecution when we mete out the punishment," he said.

    The couple - better known by their online moniker "Alvivi" - had posted a photograph of themselves dining on a bak kut teh pork dish while wishing their Muslim friends a happy Ramadan.

    1. Mereka harus saling menghormati walaupun berlainan bangsa dan agama.

  3. Upon heavy netizen backlash, the post was deleted and their Facebook page eventually removed by the social networking website's administrators.

    Following this, the couple uploaded a 1:22 minute video on their Youtube channel to apologise and seek forgiveness, adding that the post was an attempt at humour.

    They said that they had no intent to insult or ridicule the Muslim faith, nor incite racial conflict.

    Earlier today, the couple were spotted at the Kuala Lumpur branch of the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) to have their statement recorded.

  4. tindakan pasangan tersebut yang menghina ramadan dikecam semua pihak.

  5. Mereka harus berhati-hati tingkah lakunya. Mereka harus memainkan peranan untuk menjadi teladan kepada generasi muda.

  6. Agama memang satu isu sensitif dan ia boleh mendatangkan impak yang amat negatif.

  7. Saling hormat menghormati. Sama ada agama islam kepada agama buddha atau hindu dan sebaliknya. Keharmonian antaranya harus dipeliharakan.

  8. Malaysians united in slamming 'stupid' antics of sex blogger duo

    PETALING JAYA: Malaysians have come together to condemn sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee for posting a racially sensitive picture on their joint Facebook page, describing their latest antic as "stupid".

  9. They also called for the couple to take down the picture immediately and apologise to all Muslims.

    MCA Youth central committee member Chong Sin Woon said the act was a "serious insult" to Muslims and he did not know whether the couple was doing it deliberately or were simply naive about Muslim community sensitivities.

  10. "If their purpose is to draw attention, then they have chosen the wrong platform, occasion and reason to do so," he said and called for them to remove the picture as it was nothing to be proud about.

  11. The picture, which was uploaded on Thursday night, depicted the couple eating bak kut teh and describing it as 'wangi, enak, menyelerakan' (fragrant, delicious, appetising).

    However, the post has earned over 1,000 comments, mostly chiding the couple for their insensitivity.

  12. In expressing his shock, MCA Public Complaints Bureau chief Datuk Seri Michael Chong said their act was "shameful".

  13. "They uploaded the picture despite knowing the sensitivities involved. What are they trying to prove? It gives the Chinese community a bad name," he said.

  14. United Youth Movement of Malaysia president Low Eng Tack speculated that this might be the couple's way of generating publicity for themselves. He said the actions of the two set a bad example to youths.

  15. "Matters related to race and religion are sensitive and they should know their limits," he said.

    He called on the public not to share the picture.

  16. MCMC Strategic Communications advisor Sheikh Raffie Abd Rahman said they had received complaints about the offensive picture and was currently investigating the matter under Section 211 and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998, which deals with offensive content and improper use of network facilities respectively.

  17. "Those who feel offended by the content can also report it to Facebook," he said.

    When contacted, Tan confirmed they posted the greeting for "no reason. Just a joke, I guess".

  18. When asked if he regretted the posting, Tan said "not yet... Yeah, in a way. I don't know. I was just curious to see how people will perceive it. It seems not everybody is on the same page as us. It is dark humour. It is just our attempt to see how it will be perceived. It is just trying to be humorous on the matter," he said.

  19. To him, the unfavourable response showed that "people don't see the humour, people are mostly angry and upset".

    Tan added he would probably take the picture down, but "by now, many have shared the picture."


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