
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 5, 2013

Ibrahim realises he's just an errand boy for Umno

YOURSAY 'Ibrahim, why do you think you would qualify as a petrol pump attendant or a waiter? Please don't insult people who work in both industries.'

Ibrahim slams Umno and BN for 'not listening to Perkasa'

your sayJoker: Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali, you are wrong - BN and Umno did listen to Perkasa. They put you and your deputy (both whom benefitted from Pakatan Rakyat in GE12 but later betrayed them) as election candidates.

The trouble was that Umno thought they could have their cake and eat it too by pandering to ultra-Malay racism and expecting non-Malays to toe the line after feeding them with handouts and free dinners.

But as had happened in the past when one party tried to be everything to everyone, BN became nothing to no one.

Newday: Ibrahim is feeling scorned and abandoned - no senatorship, no deputy minister's post, especially after all the ‘help' given to Umno by keeping his mouth shut during the GE13 campaign.

His mentor's son got an MB's position, Khairy Jamaluddin got a minister's post, even P Waythamoorthy has got a deputy minister's post. Indeed, it's just too much to bear for him.

Hang Babeuf: Umno leaders do not have to visit Perkasa or deal personally with its leaders close-up. They grovel to Perkasa from afar, from a polite distance, constantly.

Umno's own (and owned) Utusan Malaysia is delegated, commissioned and sub-contracted by the Umno leadership to do exactly that - full-time, as a way of life, as an existential "raison d'etre".

And that dullard/rogue Ibrahim complains of Umno neglect? Yes, he must be either a dullard or a rogue.

He is either a fool who cannot see what is happening in front of him or a knave who does, but unscrupulously pretends otherwise. Either way, it's not pretty, not encouraging. And certainly not good for Malaysia.

Bumiasli: Let's hope that PM Najib Razak and the few other sensible ministers are hearing this. It proves again and again that people change when it comes to their own success.

Ibrahim was the main man for BN and Umno and they allowed him to fan racial hatred. Today he is turning against them. Let this be a good lesson to BN and Umno not to use anyone to do dirty work for them as it will backfire.

Headhunter: Ibrahim Ali and his ragtag gang should join MCA. He though he had found a gold mine when he formed Perkasa and probably get a generous financing from Najib.
Now that he outlived his usefulness and money no longer flowing freely, he's a disappointed man. Serves him right.

Kanasai: It is not new that Umno is not taking care of the poor, especially those in the kampong. So what is Ibrahim shouting about?

Or has he just woke up and realised that he was after all an errand boy, doing the dirty job for Umno, for nothing.

Geronimo: "Other pressure groups can threaten and the government accorded them special attention," said Ibrahim.

God forbid, who are the Hindus, Chinese educationalist groups and Christians to threaten Umno? It has always been the other way round because of the 'ketuanan' mentality.

Ibrahim Ali must come to accept the fact that he is now a persona non grata in the local political scene. He can throw all the tantrum he wants and I wonder how many will pay attention to him.

Giudice: Ibrahim, why do you think you would qualify as a petrol pump attendant or a waiter? Please don't insult people who work in both industries.

Malaysian Born: The voters have put him in his place. He has no national following and without at least the assumption of support, Perkasa is doomed.

Clearly, you can only go so far when your entire support is based on parasites trying to get political mileage.

Anonymous #21828131: I see that a few other of his staunch supporters have also abandoned him. Suddenly they are beginning to realise what they were doing has all gone awry.

Whether they are intelligent enough to understand the extent of their failure, we don't know. They could go on and on making mountains out of molehills forever, until more and more abandon him.

Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is nowhere in sight - quiet as a church mouse after his son succeeded in Kedah. He would start prattling again before the next party AGM, and we all can guess his agenda.

By sitting next to this bigot, he realised he would be doing much disservice to his clan. Sneaky, sly fellow.

Quigonbond: Ibrahim Ali, are you a retard? Which part of losing don't you understand? You have been defeated, crushed and relegated to obscurity in Malaysian politics.

Even with the almost superhuman omnipresence of Mahathir, and endorsed by Najib, Perkasa has been routed in GE13.

Just like Australia's Pauline Hanson, it's time for you and your hate-mongering band to ride into the sunset before you're pelted with eggs, even by the Malays.

Anonymous #40538199: Will Utusan ask Ibrahim Ali to migrate as well? - Malaysiakini

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