
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 8, 2013

Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan (NUTP) suruh Idris Jusoh pergi minum todi...

Jangan ugut kami untuk undi kamu, kata NUTP...

Guru-guru tidak seharusnya “diintimidasi atau diperas ugut" untuk mengundi mana-mana parti politik kata Kesatuan Perkhidmatan Perguruan Kebangsaan (NUTP) mengingatkan parti-parti politik.

Presidennya Hashim Adnan mengatakan ini sebagai respon kepada Menteri Pendidikan II Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh yang menggesa guru-guru untuk mengundi Barisan Nasional (BN) dalam pilihan raya kecil (PRK) akan datang sebagai melahirkan rasa terima kasih kepada kerajaan.

“Guru-guru boleh mengundi sesiapa yang mereka mahu. Saya tidak akan menuntut atau memaksa guru-guru untuk mengundi Barisan Nasional,” kata Hashim kepada The Malaysian Insider hari ini.

Beliau menambah: “Jika mereka gembira dengan apa yang diterima dan jika mahu mereka (BN) terus berkhidmat kerana telah melaksanakan tanggungjawab dengan baik, mereka boleh mengundi BN.

“Semuanya terpulang kepada mereka. Mereka tidak seharusnya diintimidasi atau diperas ugut.”

Hashim mengatakan kerajaan tidak seharusnya mengambil mudah terhadap guru-guru.

“Apabila anda terlalu lama berkuasa, adalah normal untuk membuat gesaan seperti itu... sudah menjadi kebiasaan orang dijawatan seperti itu akan lakukan,” tambah beliau, akan tetapi memberi amaran kedua-dua pihak agar tidak membuli guru-guru untuk mengundi mereka.

Semalam Idris berkata undi kepada BN adalah bagi melahirkan rasa terima kasih kepada kerajaan yang banyak memperjuangkan kebajikan mereka.

"Tidak ada sebab guru membiarkan kerajaan bersendirian dan kini sampai masanya mereka membantu kerajaan untuk memastikan BN mengekalkan kerusi di Kuala Besut sebagai ucapan terima kasih mereka kepada kerajaan," katanya kepada pemberita semasa beramah mesra dengan penduduk Kampung Kemunting dekat Kuala Besut semalam.

Gesaan Idris mengingatkan kembali mengenai pilihan raya kecil Tenang dahulu apabila pengarah pendidikan negeri Markom Giran dikatakan menyalahgunakan kuasa apabila mengarah guru-guru untuk memastikan kemenangan BN.

Pengarah Pilihan Raya PAS bagi kerusi Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Tenang Dzulkefly Ahmad membuat laporan terhadap Makom kerana melawat sekolah di Labis dan Tenang menyuruh guru-guru memastikan kemenangan BN.

Dzulkefly turut menyerahkan klip video empat minit yang dimuat naik ke Youtube menunjukkan Markom memberikan ucapan kepada guru-guru. – 7 Julai, 2013.-malaysian insider

  Don’t blackmail us to vote for you, says NUTP...

Teachers should not be "intimidated or blackmailed" into voting for any party, the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) reminded political parties.

Its president Hashim Adnan said this in response to Second Education Minister Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh's call to teachers to vote for Barisan Nasional in the upcoming by-election as a “payback” to the ruling coalition.

"Teachers can vote for anyone they want. I would not demand or force teachers to vote for Barisan Nasional," Hashim told The Malaysian Insider today.

He added: "If they are happy with what they have been receiving and if they want them (BN) to serve as they feel they have done a good job, then they can vote for BN.

“It is entirely up to them. They should not be intimidated or blackmailed."

He said the government should not be taking teachers for granted.

"When you are in power for a very long time, it is normal to make such call... it is the same thing anyone in such a position would do," he added but warned both sides not to bully teachers into voting for them.

Yesterday, Idris said that there was no reason as to why teachers should turn their back on the government at a time when their help was needed most.

"And the time has come for them to help ensure that the BN retains the seat, as gratitude to the government," Idris was quoted saying to reporters during a meet-the-people session in Kampung Kamunting near Kuala Besut in Terengganu yesterday.

Idris' call harks back to the Tenang by-election, where the-then state education department director Markom Giran was also thrust under the limelight for allegations of power abuse for purportedly directing teachers to work to ensure BN's victory.

Dzulkefli Ahmad, the PAS election director for Tenang, lodged a report against Markom that the latter had been visiting schools in Labis and Tenang to ask teachers to ensure BN's victory.

Dzulkefli had also handed over a four-minute video clip, which had been uploaded on YouTube, showing Markom giving such a speech to teachers. - malaysian insider.

You owe BN, teachers told...

In the nail biting battle for Kuala Besut, Barisan Nasional is throwing its weight and demanding payback from teachers.

Teachers, who’ve come under attack in the recent past, for their alleged support of the opposition are being told that they “owe” the Barisan Nasional ruling government their loyalty.

Reminding them that it is “payback” time, Second Education Minister Idris Jusoh said teachers should support the BN coalition in the upcoming Kuala Besut state by-election. He said the government was constantly looking after the welfare of teachers.

“Teachers should show their gratitude to the government by supporting the BN.

“There is no reason why teachers should turn their back on the government at the time when we ned their help most,“ he told reporters here. Idris, a strongman in Besut, has been tasked with ensuring BN retains the seat after it fell vacant following the death of assemblyman Dr A Rahman Mokthar last month. Rahman won the seat by a 2,434 vote majority. He beat Napsiah Ismail.

BN went on win 17 state seats against PAS 15. However Rahman’s death on June 26 has let the BN state government hanging by the thread.

Idris, who is reportedly responsible for rolling back PAS’ influence in Besut after he took over as Menteri Besar in 2004, is leaving no stones unturned and is bent on upping the BN majority to at least 4,000 in the upcoming by-election.

“The time has come for them (teachers) to help ensure that the BN retain the seat as a gratitude to the government, “ he said alluding to commonly held view  that majority teachers in Terengganu and Besut in particular were PAS supporters.

Besut, not an easy run 

Besut was once considered the epicenter of PAS activism in the 1980s and 1990s. Idris, who is also Kuala Besut deputy election director, is not expecting an easy run. Besut borders PAS-led Kelantan and the party is expected to make its presence felt in Besut.

“Our strategy is to get closer to the people through house to house campaigns and reminding Kuala Besut voters that  the opposition cannot not bring them prosperity,” Idris said.

The Election Commission yesterday announced that the Kuala Besut by-election will be on July 24 and nomination was set for July 12. Advanced voting will be on July 20. There are 17,683 voters in the Kuala Besut constituency . -fmt


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