
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Kuala Besut - Wakil Rakyat didahulukan,Rakyat jelata diketepikan...

MB T'ganu: Wakil rakyat UMNO berhak dapat tanah, jadi apa masalahnya...

Menteri Besar Terengganu Datuk Seri Ahmad Said berkata, kerajaan negeri tidak akan menarik balik tanah yang dianugerahkan kepada empat orang pemimpin Umno Besut untuk menghargai jasa individu berkenaan sebagai wakil rakyat.

Katanya, wakil rakyat berkenaan, seperti juga anak negeri tersebut yang lain, berhak memohon dan memiliki tanah tersebut.

Beliau mengakui bahawa setiap orang daripada empat pemimpin Umno Besut tersebut memiliki satu hektar tanah setiap seorang di kawasan Bukit Dendong, Mukim Tembila dalam daerah Besut.

"Dasar kita semua rakyat Terengganu, berhak mendapat lot tanah. Jadi dia wakil rakyat dia berhak minta. Apa salahnya, dia dapat secara (yang betul).


"Buat apa nak serah (balik kepada kerajaan negeri). Hak dia," katanya dalam sidang media selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat Exco di Pejabat Daerah Besut hari ini.

Beliau berkata demikian bagi menjawab desakan PAS yang meminta kerajaan negeri menarik balik tanah berkenaan.

Ahli jawatankuasa PAS Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad dalam satu sidang media di Kuala Besut pagi ini mencabar timbalan Perdana Menteri Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin untuk mengarahkan beliau memulangkan semula tanah berkenaan.

Dzulkefly berkata tindakan itu bagi membuktikan bahawa kerajaan BN benar-benar menepati slogan 'Rakyat didahulukan', dan bukannya "dimangsai".


Dzulkefly mendakwa, tanah berkenaan diberikan ketika Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh(PT6902) menjadi ADUN Jerteh. 

Selain Idris, tiga lagi pemimpin Umno yang didakwa menerima tanah berkenaan ialah MP Besut pada masa itu, Datuk Abdullah Muhamad Zain(PT6964), ADUN Kota Putera Muhammad Pehimi Yusof(PT6903), dan ADUN Hulu Besut Nawi Mohamad(PT 6904).

Nawi yang juga ADUN Hulu Besut pada hari Isnin lalu telahpun mengakui bahawa beliau mendapat tanah berkenaan dan menjelaskan bahawa rakyat lain juga layak menerima tanah daripada kerajaan negeri.-malaysiakini

Rumah MB Trengganu

Duduk 'ceruk' dinding

MB: Yes, land given, what's wrong...

Terengganu Menteri Besar Ahmad Said today admitted that four Umno leaders received one hectare of beach-front land each in the Besut district.

He said the plots, located in Bukit Dendong, Mukim Tembila, were given in appreciation for their work as elected representatives.

Ahmad, who is also the state Umno liasion committee chairperson, stressed that the state government would not revoke the land titles.

"Our policy is that all citizens of Terengganu are entitled to land. So if the person is an elected representative, he has the right to ask. What is wrong? He got it the proper way.

 ADUN Kota PuteraMuhammad Pehimi Yusof-(PT6903)

"What is the point of returning (the land back to the state government)," he told a press conference after chairing an exco meeting.

Ahmad Said was responding to PAS who demanded that the state government revoke the land given to former Besut MP Abdullah Muhamad Zain, former Kota Putera assemblyperson Muhammad Pehimi Yusof, Hulu Besut assemblyperson Nawi Mohamad and incumbent Besut MP Idris Jusoh.

Nawi had previously admitted to owning the plot of land but explained that the people of Terengganu also received land from the state government.

ADUN Hulu Besut Nawi Mohamad-(PT 6904)

In a related development, PAS challenged Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to instruct Ahmad Said to reclaim the land.

PAS central committee member Dzulkefly Ahmad said the land should revert to the state government as it is a "high-value asset".

By doing so, he said, the BN-led state government would prove that it is delivering on the coalition's "people first" slogan and not "victimising people".-malaysiakini

Baiyuensheng  - They just dont understand the concept of 'conflict of interest'.... tsk tsk... thats why dont put stupid people to run the country. Just imagine they retired and head a GLC...... country bleed to death standing.

PS - Oh! people of Trengganu, do you buy that "there is nothing wrong in giving land (the best pieces) to the elected representatives, kononnya in appreciation for their services?? Did not the people of Trengganu already contributed to the big fat allowances and perks to the elected representatives?? Apa lagi mahu?. Looks like it's another s.o.p for the state government. Bayangkan lah beberapa kali ganda MB akan terima. 

CiViC - Thieves steals, in UMNO's case, they do it in broad daylight and proud to admit it. They are worse than robbers.

Tenggiling Landak - Itulah YB Kinabinatangan Bung Mokhtar dah beri penjelasan kalau dalam UMNO tidak minta kontrak adalah "DAYUS"..so..samalah ceritanya UMNO di Kuala Besut . . kalau tak dapat Tanah, mereka-mereka adalah DAYUS

Tok AyahLi -
Rakyat yg Bodo kena lebong...
Bertahun-tahun mohon tanah...
Belum tentu dapat geran. 


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