
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Money Behind Policy

A friend called this afternoon. He asked  the now very common and worrying set of twin questions 'Bro what is going on? What is going to happen?'  

Meaning things are getting haywire with the Gomen and the Gomen is going to hell in a basket. 

Just two days ago the Minister in charge of Domestic Trade said that if the price of chicken goes up, then dont eat chicken. What kind of a moron answer is this? 

Jadi kalau harga beras naik, tak payah makan nasi lah bro? Kalau harga minyak naik, jangan bawa kereta. Kayuh basikal atau jalan kaki sajalah. Itu pun alternatif kan? This is a Minister talking.

Today lets talk about money. Again the feeling is that come PRU14 we are going to lose. So the next five years is going to be the season of pukul habis for those who think they will not be around for long.   They are going to be busy lining their pockets before they are kicked out. This is what people are saying too.

Recently it was suggested that the refugees be given training so that they can find jobs. Ok. Who pays for their training? You and me lah. The Gomen will use taxpayers money to train the refugees. Who will be paid to train the refugees? The cronies lah. Thats what this is all about.

Say 100,000 Rohingya refugees need to be trained (atas persaudaraan Islam) and it costs RM1000 to train one Rohingya - that will cost RM100 million of taxpayers money.  If only 50,000 Rohingyas are trained that will be RM50 million of our money.  

So folks, guess who came up with this brilliant idea 

i. the Rohiingyas 
ii. you and me or 
iii. the cronies who are waiting for the training contracts?

Then Petronas went ahead and changed their logo most recently. Here are the two logos. 

Can you spot any difference? Here is the soalan cepu mas : can you detect which one is the old logo and which one is the new logo?  Which moron came up with this non idea?

But these almost identical logos are going to cost us millions of Ringgit. Repainting Petronas ships, facilities, printing new stationery, letterheads, business cards, new ad campaigns etc. It is going to cost tens if not hundreds of millions of Ringgit.  Someone is going to make tons of money from this new logo. 

And here is the controversial guy who was behind this change in the Petronas logo. Omar Ong the PM's closest advisor as well as member of the Board of Petronas. Talk is he announced the new Petronas logo even before the Board of Petronas. Power betul kawan ni. When Omar Ong is around the PM is reported to go into sleep mode. Ong takes over.

This is the same dud who was behind the failed 1 Malaysia and a few other fiascos.  The guy is also believed to be very wealthy. (Boleh declare assets tak?)

There are also people who have made money from the AES traffic camera systems. By the way I have a silly question - have the accident rates gone down since the AES has come into operation? Has the number of road accident deaths gone down? I keep getting these AES summonses from the same spot in Kajang. Has the accident rate gone down near Kajang? 

Is it true that the accident rates have actually increased?  For a certainty they have not decreased. So what exactly is the multi hundred million Ringgit AES system supposed to have achieved? 

What is the total cost of the AES system? What about the maintenance and operations contract? How many hundred millions does that cost?  The taxpayers (that is you and me folks) are paying for all that you know. Satu kamera berapa Ringgit ah taukeh? 

Even the Islamic Civilisation studies being made compulsory in private colleges has a money angle to it. The book publishers are possibly behind this idea as well. They have tons of money to make from the book publishing contracts. 

The same type of book publishers are behind the anti PPSMI lobby. They dont have the expertise to publish English books. So they are lobbying hard to abolish the PPSMI. Its all about money, money, money.

Burn taxpayers money doing really stupid things, sacrifice the country's future who cares. Tis the season of pukul habis.

Latest I heard is that the Bukit Jalil Sports Complex under the Majlis Sukan Negara is undertaking to replace its sports and gym equipment etc.  People say the equipment have rarely been used but they are being replaced.   How many millions is that going to cost? Siapa dapat kontrak? Is it via open tender or is it a 'maintenance replacement'  under the old contract?  

Are there any AES cameras nearby? Maybe we can get some pictures. You know put those cameras to some good use.

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