
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, July 29, 2013

Palanivel versus the titans

The MIC presidential election has created lot of excitement and suspense with MIC members eagerly waiting for the next move by the aspiring candidates G Palanivel and Dr S Subramaniam.

NONEAs for now, Palanivel seems to be a lone-ranger besieged by a formidable team of thoroughbred and well-experienced political leaders led by Subramaniam and M Saravanan. 

Saravanan, who is leading the campaign to oust Palanivel, has declared that he would contest for the deputy president post and by virtue of that has become the running mate of Subramaniam.

Subramaniam's team also comprises vice-president SK Devamany, Youth leader T Mohan, former Youth leader SA Vigneswaran, former CWC member SVell Paari and Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan.

In short, out of the four elected Parliament members of MIC holding government positions three are aligned to Subramniam. This indicates the strength of Subramaniam's team as MIC delegates are generally known to support candidates holding government positions.

Samy Vellu behind doctor's team

Above all, the person behind Subramaniam’s team is none other than former party president S Samy Vellu, who is orchestrating and spearheading the campaign to oust his former protégé. 

It is no secret that Samy Vellu still commands considerable support and influence in the party. 

NONEMIC sources said that Samy Vellu has been talking to his supporters in the party convincing them of the need to remove Palanivel. The main theme of his campaign is that now he realises he has chosen a wrong leader for the party and that Palanivel has betrayed him politically.
Samy Vellu is out to politically destroy Palanivel, a former Bernama journalist, whom he molded as his anointed successor over a period of 20 years.

However, there is also some resentment to Samy Vellu's entry in the presidential fight as some segments of the party’s grassroots strongly feel that his re-emergence would invoke bad memories of his leadership era where branch leaders against him were sidelined and some branches and divisions were even closed for not supporting him.
Some also feel that since both Palanivel and Subramaniam were nurtured by Samy Vellu himself, the former president should take a neutral stand and leave it to the delegates to decide for themselves.

Despite such sentiments, there is no doubt that Samy Vellu's backing has given a boost to     
Subramaniam’s camp as many branch leaders still owe their allegiance to Samy Vellu. 

As chairperson of MIED, the educational arm of MIC, the former president also wields considerable influence among MIC branch leaders by approving educational loans for their children studying in universities. 

In addition to Samy Vellu and other party stalwarts, several state leaders have also aligned themselves with Subramaniam.  M Asojhan, a state assemblyman from Johor, VS Mohan, the former exco member of Negeri Sembilan, S Veerasingam, the former deputy minister from Perak, S Ananthan, the former state chairperson of Kedah, are some of the leaders who have taken an open stand in favour of Dr Subramaniam

Several division leaders from KL and Selangor have also openly declared their support in favour of Subramaniam.

Palanivel's strategy backfiring?

On the other hand, Palanivel is going around the country meeting the branch leaders alone, without identifying a team for himself, which party sources noted, was a sign of weakness.

However, Palanivel’s close supporters are of the view that by going alone, the president would be able to impress the branch leaders of his credentials without having to carry the political baggage of his team.

But MIC sources pointed out that it would be a mammoth task for Palanivel to meet the 4,000- odd branch chairpersons over the next 50 days and convince them to elect him as president. Furthermore, the political ground is said to be not conducive for him.

Palanivel is going division by division, urging the branch leaders to give him one more term of three years as president. 

Party sources said that this approach, which was designed as a strategy to get party delegates to sympathise with Palanivel to give him one last term, is working against him.

NONEOne MIC division leader, not willing to identify himself, pointed out: "This approach by Palanivel has forced branch leaders not to take a strong political stand against Subramaniam (right) as they feel that in three years time they have to go back to him again as president.” 

“Furthermore, Palanivel has not impressed the branch leaders much in the last two years as president to convince them to give him one more chance. During the last two years, he kept away from branch and divisional leaders by not engaging with them. 

“That approach is coming back to haunt him... he is being seen as the outgoing president and not as the incoming president. He needs a strong team but it is too late for him to create one,” he added. 

The only person who goes around the country meeting branch leaders to campaign for Palanivel is the party's treasurer-general Senator Jaspal Singh. But he is new and not familiar with the MIC ground which comprises 95 percent of branch chairmen who are Tamils and other South Indians. 

In fact, Jaspal going around the country is said to be working against Palanivel with some senior leaders questioning "after having been in MIC for so many years, why do we need a briefing from a newcomer to convince us whom to vote for president?" 

MIC sources opined that Palanivel inherited a weak party but by his own actions have made the party weaker.

Subramaniam hits the campaign trail
Meanwhile, Subramaniam is going around the country meeting branch chairmen over dinner amidst resistance from some state leaders aligned to Palanivel. 

In Perak, due to resistance from state leaders newly appointed by Palanivel, Subramaniam was forced to cancel his meeting with the branch leaders recently
Today (July 29), Subramaniam would be heading to Penang to meet the branch chairpersons over dinner and the state leadership has sent word to the branch chairpersons not to attend the meeting. 

MIC 65th AGM pwtc crowd 2 piccHowever, the meeting is scheduled to proceed with several divisions and branches openly declaring support for Subramaniam.

Apart from gauging the support from the branch chairpersons he has met nationwide, Subramaniam is also said to be analysing the outcome of ongoing branch elections which would come end on Aug 4.

Sources close to Subra said he would only announce his intention to contest after Aug 4 as he wants the branches to finish their respective AGMs. 

Some predicted that the announcement, which is almost certain to be a contest against Palanivel, would come on Aug 15.

Thereafter, the battle for MIC's presidency would intensify as some divisional leaders are waiting for the announcement before making a decision.

J Jay Raj is a long serving MIC member with a keen interest in Malaysian politics.

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