
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, July 19, 2013

Sent to prison - summary justice meted out

YOURSAY ‘All said and done, they are unarmed, do not cause violence and injure, kill or maim people and should not be treated like terrorists.'

Alvivi charged over sex and religion, denied bail

your sayAnonyxyz: For those who believe in God of any religion, say a few prayers for these two stupid, irresponsible and mentally disturbed individuals.

No sane person will do what they have done in a highly racialised and politicised society of ours. Prayers for them to come out of jail safely to be tried in a court where the verdict is definitely predictable.

All said and done, they are unarmed, do not cause violence and injure, kill or maim people and should not be treated like hunted terrorists.

The laws should be equally applied and if all those previous cases of hate speech have been acted upon like this case and punished severely, this incident may not have happen.

SelangorKu: It looks like all men are born equal and some are more equal than others. In the eyes of God, all religions are equally good but in Malaysia one religion is more good than others.

Anyone insulting any religion should be charged and the BN government should not selectively prosecute offenders.

Indeed, why not prosecute MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek who had admitted he was the person in the porn video. Malaysia is becoming a Taliban country.

Hplooi: Denied bail. Others with the right connections are untouchable even when serious and unambiguous cases of race-baiting are clearly proven and seen.

In fact, the privileged get to have tea with the minister immediately after publicly humiliating a whole community.

What happen if the ‘bak kut teh' they ate was really ‘halal' (for your information ‘halal' bak kut teh is available, same as ‘halal' dim-sum). Can they then sue the government for wrongful remand?

Dont Just Talk: The three youths who were charged in the Session Court with for raping a 19-year-old girl were granted bail but bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee who were charged with sedition were denied bail.

Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali who urged the burning of the Bible was not charged while the former Court of Appeal judge Mohd Noor Abdullah who also allegedly made seditious statements was also not charged. Why the double standard?

Argonist: This is Malaysian justice. Guilty before even being tried. Those who did worse crimes are given bail.

Is sending them to a prison full of criminals who wouldn't think twice of harming these kind of prisoners wise? Let's wait and see how they will be treated while waiting for the trial to be heard.

TehTarik: What the duo did was wrong and is insensitive to the feelings of Muslims. But what about thoroughbred racists like Ibrahim Ali, Zulkifli Noordin, Ridhuan Tee Abdullah?

How about the neo-Nazi newspaper Utusan Malaysia? These racists are immune to persecution. They have disparaged Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.

This country is going to the dogs. I shudder to imagine what will happen to the non-Muslims in 20 years' time when their population shrinks to 20 percent or so.

I envisage that the brain and capital drain will continue and may even accelerate as the country is in danger of being run by religious and racist fascists, who are ever willing to trample over the sensitivities and feelings of the minorities.

And the law has been deafeningly silent on these bigots. One country, two classes of citizens.

Pemerhati: If anyone had any doubt that Malaysia under Umno rule is a false democracy, this action of sending Alvivi to prison even before the trial has begun, should confirm that Malaysia is indeed a 100 percent dictatorship.

Only in a dictatorship can persons who are strongly suspected of being involved in murder by using C4, are ‘kaki pukul' and blatantly insult other religions can enjoy complete immunity from the law, while a person disliked by the dictator is punished by being speedily sent to prison for an offence similar to the one repeatedly committed by many of the dictator's lackeys (i.e. insulting another religion).

By carrying out this selective prosecution and farcical trial, PM Najib Razak hopes to fool the world and the people into thinking that Malaysia is a democracy where there is rule of law.

The only difference between Najib and say, Saddam Hussein, is that Najib uses the courts to do his dirty work while Saddam would have used his secret police.

MockingYou: I don't condone what was done by this couple but the more I read between the lines, the more I suspect they chose to wade into the thick of it to expose what many commentators already commented, i.e. the other wrongdoers.

Alvin Tan could pull another big stunt by making a mockery of our judiciary; no bail for a start.
Swipenter: Maybe Alvivi are making themselves as "martyrs" unintentionally with their prank in this Bolehland of double standards and selective prosecution. Just look at the firestorm kicked up by the speed they were arrested, the charges thrown at them and the magistrate denying them bail.

Much more serious criminal offences committed are not denied bail but why not Alvivi? Added to that those insulting religions of non-Muslims are let off the hook to continue their insults for another day.

We are not saying what the couple did was right but the way they are being pursued by the authorities seems to give them unintentionally a "marytr" status, spotlighting brightly the double standards and selective prosecution by the authorities.

Now all eyes are on this case and if he or she was to so much as to lose a hair in prison, expect a huge backlash from the fair-minded rakyat.

Odin: To all foreigners reading this, here's the reality in Malaysia - if you are Muslim and are aligned to Umno Baru, you may break any law.

If you are Muslim and are not aligned to the party, or if you are not Muslim and not aligned to the party, the full force of the law and some will be brought to bear on you faster than you can scream "help!" even for the slightest, most mundane infraction.

If you are of the latter group and you are Indian, you'll be hammered to death in the police lock-up, your ears stapled and testicles mangled. If you are of the latter group and you are Chinese, you'll get what this couple has got. Now I'm off to enjoy my ‘halal' beef bak kut teh.

Newdawn4pg: Charging these two idiots is a right thing to do. However denying them bail is definitely an error when more serious offenders are allowed bail. Two wrongs don't make a right.

CQ Muar: The judiciary in Malaysia is one of a kind. It is obvious this country no longer practices justice, but judgment decided upon by the those in Umno.

Are those learned officers of the court so constricted by authorities as to render themselves so helpless to enable them to discharge their duties independently with dignity, honour and conscience?

Tuah: For blogging and probably, a foolish youthful prank on the Internet, this young couple is facing the full weight of the law.

Charge them but is there a necessity to put them in prison when they are not even proven guilty in a court of law yet? Laws must be applied fairly and tempered with wisdom.

Wira: Alvivi (n., vt.)- [a new word for the English dictionary] meaning selective punishment. Eg. Poor Steven was alvivied with a demotion and a salary cut because his group messed up the project. - Malaysiakini

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