
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shower room 'canteen' not in Ramadan spirit

YOURSAY 'Fast if you must but why deny the non-Muslim students the use of the canteen which is the proper place to have their food.'

Non-Muslim students forced to eat in shower room

your sayAnonymous #708871335: The school should provide a more proper place for the non-Muslim students to eat rather than the changing room next to the toilet.

Since Muslim students would not be going to the canteen during fasting month, the students should be allowed to take their food there and eat in the canteen, away from Muslim students who won't be in the canteen during that period.

Anonymous #22065633: I hope this is an isolated case due to decision of an apparently unqualified educator, who needs to be taught what it means to be morally responsible.

Malaysia888: You send young impressionable minds into an environment which goes to extra trouble to highlight the differences among us and not celebrate our common humanity, that teaches "we are superior to them" and "our religion is better than theirs" and you wonder why these children grow up as adults who have a very race-centric view of the world.

Our education system is an abject failure, as is our government.

Adhu3: This matter has already happened and the authority should resolve this issue as soon as possible before it become another racial issue. There should be mutual respect for all races and religions.

CiViC: All these extremes are fuelled by extreme leaders who are allowed and encouraged in extreme acts in the name of Islam by the BN government. Period.

Muak: Just because you are fasting does not mean you can treat those who are not of your faith like dirt. The school canteen is for all to use.

Muslim students who are fasting can stay in their classes if they wish to during recess and the rest can go to the canteen as usual. Now, what is wrong with that?

Why is there is need for the school administrator put out an order like this? This person should be made to apologise to all the students and their parents and also charged under the Sedition Act for a brainless act like this.

This person should be sacked without pension with immediate effect. This type of people are the ones that have contributed significantly to the deterioration of the Malaysian public school system.

Malaysia888: This because the national education system has been politicised and hijacked in the name of race and religion and this is why our schools will never ever be world-class.

Cendol Bean: As a Muslim, I apologise to all of you. Trust me this is certainly not what Islam asked us to do. A bunch of idiots, our ruling regime included, have hijacked the faith and bastardised it.

N H Gong: It's actually, truly and honestly better for your children to stay at home and listen to their grandparents in order to have any decent learning and education since the so-called government schools are indoctrination camps and idiots-production factories.

EvenSteven: Dog in the manger. Fast if you must but why deny the non-Muslim students the use of the canteen which is the proper place to have their food.

To whoever gave the order, if you think Allah will look on this as a good deed, you better think again.

Vijay47: This rubbish that it is disrespectful for non-Muslims to eat within sight of Muslims must stop. The obligation for Muslims to fast is exactly that, an obligation on Muslims and not something to be embellished, supported or assisted by non-Muslims.

If you are unable to fast because someone is eating in front of you, then the failure of your commitment to your faith is your own shortcoming and not the fault of others.

When will this eternal blaming of others end, this faulting others, this "akan dikelirukan dan melemahkan iman" (will be confused and weakened the faith) thing stop?

Just for the record, I am Roman Catholic and I fast during Lent and my fast is much stricter than the Muslim one - I fast 24 hours, from 7pm to 7pm the following day without even drinking water in between.

Occasionally I accompany friends during their lunch and my sitting with them while they eat does not cause my Christian world or faith to collapse. So please, if you want to fast, fast. If you do not, do not blame me.

MyTaxMyMoney: I just could not believe this is happening. I am a Muslim and I have been sitting together with my non-Muslim friends while they are having their lunch during Ramadan.

This principal's action have tarnished the blessed month. Poor kids. What was their fault?

Adsertor: Why is it necessary to hide? I am sure Muslim students knew that their non-Muslim friends are not fasting and would be eating during recess and lunch break.

Telestai: As a non-Muslim, I think it is discourteous to eat in front of a Muslim during Ramadan. However, non-Muslims must not be denied of their right to buy and eat food as they normally do.

If it makes one hungry, then that is one of the challenges of fasting. It is about character building and a personal challenge to abstain from food despite the temptations.

What good is fasting if it can only be achieved by removing every possible temptation so that one can fulfil his or her obligation. The principal in this case is clearly deficient in common sense and needs to be given a strong dose.

Mikey!: I am a Muslim. Its only disrespectful for a Muslim who is not fasting to eat in front of another Muslim who is fasting.

There is nothing wrong for a non-Muslim to do so. If it makes you hungry when you see others eat, it is part of the challenge of fasting.

Just an ordinary Malaysian: This is shocking incompetence by those who we place our trust to care and educate our children. A sad result of politicising our public education system. Enough is enough. All Malaysians suffer because of racial politicking.

Fairperson: It's again time for non-Malays to think wisely whether to send their children to Malay school instead of vernacular schools. With Malay hegemony and feeling of "ketuanan" (supremacy) piling on, worst times are yet to come.

There are too many mediocre teachers and headmasters who still maintain the attitude of "mine is the best, the rest are worst" when it comes to language and religion. It is a sorry state of affairs, the product of National Civics Bureau (BTN). - Malaysiakini

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