
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sorry no cure

Alvin Tan’s and Vivian Lee’s ‘Selamat Berbuka Puasa’ message
This Ramadan, Malaysian Muslims were seriously insulted by Non Muslims. First it was the sexebitionist duo Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee with their Bah Kut Teh ‘Selamat Menyambut Ramadan’ wishes. Then Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Joseph Marino’s support of Christian Federation Malaysia’s quest to use ‘kalimah Allah’ in place of God.
Sexebitionist duo Tan and Lee sordid prank deemed with deep malice enraged so many quarters. It was highlighted by mainstream media on top very emotional reactions in the social media network. Hence, it became a national issue and raised by Parliamentarians in the ongoing Dewan Rakyat sitting.
They apologised.
Published: Sunday July 14, 2013 MYT 10:14:00 PM
Updated: Sunday July 14, 2013 MYT 10:18:15 PM

Alvivi apologise for offensive ‘buka puasa’ greeting calling it their “stupidest stunt”

PETALING JAYA: Sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee have issued an apology over their offensive Selamat Berbuka Puasa ‘greeting’, calling it their “stupidest stunt”.
In a 1:22 minute video uploaded on their youtube channel SexcussionsAlvivi, the couple apologised for the insensitive posting, saying it was done in humour.
“We are recording this video to ask for forgiveness for offending Muslims in this holy month of Ramadan,” said Tan in the video.
“We sincerely regret offending religious beliefs and sensitivites in multi-cultural Malaysia,” he added, speaking in Malay.
He said that they had no intent to insult or ridicule the Muslim faith, nor incite racial conflict.
He ended the video by saying “selamat Aidilfitri dan maaf zahir batin (happy Aidilfitri and apologies for all discretions)”.
Though present, Lee did not speak during the video.
In a 9.10pm post on their twitter @AlviviSwingers, the couple tweeted “I think this “halal pork for Ramadhan” stunt was the stupidest one we ever pulled. Even I had to admit it. We, were, wrong.”
On Thursday, the duo uploaded a picture earlier this week depicting them eating bak kut teh and describing it as ‘wangi, enak, menyelerakan’ (fragrant, delicious, appetising).
The picture also had a ‘halal’ logo in the corner.
They were panned online for their insensitivity and receiving a warning from the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission.
They removed their offensive posting shortly after, replacing it with a picture of them eating ketupat, rendang and curry puffs.
However, their Facebook page had since been removed entirely.
According to their twitter, Facebook administrators had done so due to “strong negative feedback”
Then the other bit which should be deemed as more serious compared to the ‘Bah Kut Teh’ prank.
The statement from Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop drew heavy flak from Malay NGOs, which believed that HRH Sultan Selangor and position of Islam are being serious insulted.Apostolic Nuncio Marino’s statement is deemed politicaland the Foreign Minister Dato’ Seri regarded it as a “Foreign interference”.
Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Marino being summoned to meet Foreign Minister Anifah Aman
Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Marino being summoned to meet Foreign Minister Anifah Aman
Archbishop Marino was summoned to Wisma Putra to meet with Foreign Minister Anifah this morning. The former was reminded that his mission in this country is the name of peace and outrageous statement like the support for the ‘kalimah Allah’ issue with certainly cause disharmony and disability.
So, Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Marino quickly asked Foreign Minister Anifah to convey his apology.


Vatican envoy sorry for misunderstanding over Allah issue

JULY 16, 2013
The Vatican’s envoy to Malaysia today asked Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman to convey his apologies if his comments on the “Allah” issue have caused any misunderstanding and inconvenience.
Archbishop Joseph Marino said he never intended to interfere in the internal affairs of Malaysia.
The archbishop said this in a statement after he was summoned to Wisma Putra this afternoon.
Prior to the meeting today, Anifah had issued a strongly worded statement over the alleged meddling into the “Allah” controversy which he deemed to be Malaysia’s internal affair.
Archbishop Marino, in his first interview last week as the Apostolic Nuncio, the Vatican equivalent to an ambassador, had stirred controversy with his comments on the use of the word “Allah”.
He indicated that the Christian Federation of Malaysia had presented a “logical and acceptable” argument to counter the argument by Muslims that “Allah” was exclusive to Islam.
He stated his support for the stand of the Catholic Church in Malaysia and backed the arguments made by the Christian Federation of Malaysia.
Earlier today Sabah MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin, echoing calls from Malay non-governmental organisations, urged the government to “chase” Archbishop Marino from the country.
He accused the Vatican envoy of disrupting the country’s unity.
Youth and Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin also jumped on the bandwagon, almost repeating what Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman had said about the matter.
Khairy, speaking in his capacity as the BN Youth leader, said Wisma Putra should issue a protest note to the archbishop for purportedly supporting the use of the term “Allah” by Christians.
“It’s a national problem which is still being debated. The archbishop (Joseph Marino) is not helping the situation at all. His statement could complicate the situation.”
Muslim groups, led by Jati and Perkasa, even called for the government to close the Vatican office and “chase” Marino out of the country.
In a Press conference earlier today, leaders of both groups said Muslim groups will submit a protest note on Friday to reprimand the envoy for being “insensitive”.
They hope Archbishop Marino will personally receive the protest note at the embassy in Kuala Lumpur after Friday prayers.
The president of Muslim non-governmental organisation NGO Muafakat, Ismail Mina Ahmad, told a Malay daily over the weekend that the envoy was not a very smart person for discussing a domestic Malaysian subject which was still under the purview of the courts. – July 16, 2013.
So, eventually all the three of them apologised. Including thediplomatically immune Archbishop Marino.
Is that adequate?
Many want to see sexebitionist duo Tan and Lee be charged in court, tried and if found guilty, be punished with the severest penalty. Equal number of Muslims wanted to see Apostolic Nuncio Marino leave the country and the Apostolic Nunciature in Kuala Lumpur be closed.
They firmly believed its a matter of principle, more than sentiments and/or emotions.
The rational is simple; too many Muslims are stuffed with errant persons got away with minimal punitive recourse for insulting Islam as the religion of the Federation, the Malays and/or Muslims and role of HRH Rulers as absolute head of Islam. Its time all these three be made example as a deterent to any more potential insults against Islam, Muslims, HRH Rulers and the tradition and heritage of the Malays.
All these are enshrined the Federal Constitution. That is not withstanding the fact that freedom of expression has limits.
The funny bit to all that is that Youth and Sports Minister Khairy “KJ” Jamaluddin asked Malaysian Muslims to ‘Let bygones be bygones’ on the Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Bishop’s diplomatically outrageous statement in the interview with The Malaysian Insider published on 11 July 2013.

After Vatican envoy’s contrition, Umno Youth urges end to rumpus

By Boo Su-Lyn
July 16, 2013
PUTRAJAYA, July 16 – Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin called today for an end to the uproar surrounding Archbishop Joseph Marino’s remarks on the “Allah” controversy after the papal ambassador issued an apology this evening.
According to the Vatican embassy here, Marino told Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman in a meeting earlier today that he did not mean to intrude into Malaysia’s internal affairs and apologised for the “misunderstandings” that ensued.
“Let that be the end of the matter,” Khairy told reporters at a buka puasa (breaking of fast) function here today.
“On behalf of Umno Youth, we welcome the move and I believe that we can close the case,” he added.
Khairy, who is also the youth and sports minister, expressed hope that everyone would allow the Court of Appeal to decide on the tussle between Christians and Muslims over the word “Allah”.
“We hope that this will be a lesson to all representatives and ambassadors that on sensitive issues, or on all national matters, we hope they will not issue any statement that can be perceived as an attempt of interference,” he said.
Earlier today, Sabah MP Datuk Bung Mokhtar Radin urged the government to expel Marino from the country, claiming that the Vatican’s first ambassador to Malaysia had interfered in the “Allah” dispute here.
Last week, Minister in charge of Islamic affairs Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom accused the Apostolic Nuncio of causing anxiety and threatening national unity.
Before his meeting with Marino today, Anifah had issued a strongly-worded statement last Sunday over the alleged meddling into the “Allah” controversy, which he deemed to be Malaysia’s internal affairs.
In his first media interview here last Thursday, Marino observed that the “Allah” storm that has been raging here for the past five years was unique to this Southeast Asian nation due to the widespread use of the Malay language, the lingua franca of Malaysia’s Bumiputera Christians.
Yesterday, he urged sexebitionist duo Tan and Lee be dealt with quickly.
Published: Monday July 15, 2013 MYT 7:06:00 PM
Updated: Monday July 15, 2013 MYT 8:03:30 PM

Khairy Jamaluddin: Act now on sex bloggers

Khairy: Act now, why wait
Khairy: Act now, why wait
KUALA LUMPUR: Umno Youth has called for stern action to be taken now against sex bloggers Alvin Tan and Vivian Lee over their posting associating Ramadan with bak kut teh.Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin (pix) said if no action was taken on the two individuals, then others could later say anything and then apologise as a settlement.
“I want to see action being taken on them and this is not the time to take statements. Why wait any longer?”Anyone who had offended the sensitivity of any religion, not only that of Islam but also the other religions should face action,” he told reporters.
The BN Youth Head gave the impression that the maximum penalty  be invoked even though the sexebitionist duo apologised. Today, he completely went on a different tone and was very quick to allow Apostolic Nuncio Archbishop Marino go scott free, even though this was far serious and deeper sinister agenda.
Isn’t that inconsistent and peculiar?
Probably it is because The Malaysian Insider editorial team which started the whole ruckus by institgating the ‘kalimah Allah’ issue this round is headed by his ‘Level Four’ anti-natonalist partner-in-crime  Kalimullah “Riong Kali” Hassan’s minion. The agenda to dismantle the Malay-power is still very much active in play.
The evidence is very clear. KJ failed to hit out The Malaysian Insider for the 11 July interview, which should be deemed as a sinister agenda to inflame inter religious sentiments in a very sensitive issue, ‘kalimah Allah’. Of which, it is an on going matter in the Courts of Appeal now. KJ was also completely silent when The Malaysian Insider instigated Chirstian Cabinet Ministersto “Stand up and protect the flock”.
Just an annual UMNO assembly expression drama?
Just an annual UMNO assembly expression drama?
The fact is that KJ has never openly supported the Malay NGOs such as PERKASA, JATI, PPIM, MUAFAKAT, ISMA etc. on anything at all. Even when they were defending what have been provided and enshrined in the Federal Constitution. Particularly on matters pertaining to Islam, Muslims, HRH Rulers role as absolute head of Islam and syariah court rulings on cases like apostasy.
The Malays must be clear and reminded that KJ is UMNO Youth Head first before he is BN Youth Head and Cabinet Minister. Therefore his obligation to stand up for these issues is paramount, even though the matter is being boldly championed by Malay NGOs instead of UMNO’s supposed to be ‘aggressive wing’.
KJ has a lot of serious explanation to do. And a just mere apology is far from suffice. -bigdogdotcom

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